
ugh...i have three more exams: politics, statistics, and german. i utterly loathe them, especially german where i'm on the fence between an A and a B.

I'm adamantly against any kind of multiple choice engineering exams, for classes like math or physics, or computer science, etc. The problem with them is that they don't allow the student to really show the teacher the thought process and what they've learned I can guarantee you that all the problems you are doing has already been solved generations before you were born. So it's not really the answer that's important, it's more of how you arrive at those answers. And unfortunately multiple choice questions tend to really obscure the process of problem solving. Bad idea for physics, chem, etc.

Xin Li
I hate exams, and I'm sure everyone else does too. I hate how long it takes to prep for them. Studying for them is hell. And if you don't have notes you're screwed. I just hate them. Sucks I have them in 2 weeks.
i HATE them. just too much stress, especially when you dont manage your time properly, and you're cramming the night before.. <_<
Exams are okay, I just don't really like them. I really hate when they are over stuff you learned like two or three months ago, it's kind of like why should you test us now, when you know we have forgotten everything that we learned. It's like they are purposelly trying to fail us.
I don't really mind. No homework when you have exams and if you pay attention in class you don't really need to spend more than the night before to study for it. ;)
--mandy :angelic:
Exams should bite the big one.
Its stupid how a students ENTIRE EYAR OF LEARNING can be judged in one exam! its insane! If you get straight A's the intire year, but then fail your exam because maybe you dont handle stress well, your results are severely altered, sometimes up to over 50%!!

DIE exams. Die.
I don't like them, they bring a lot of stress but they're not the biggest thing I hate about school.. If you do your homework you should be fine.
ms.katejones said:
In general exams suck, but this year I was glad for them because I was able to make up for my slacking off at the beginning of the semester.
Yea indeed. The only good thing about exams is they count for a huge portion of your grade and if you do good on them, and your grades on other stuff aren't that great, or you were lazy throughout an entire semester and didn't do very much, you can still end up with a decent grade in the end.

I hate exams though, and it's nearly impossible for me to pass them :Ph34r:
I perform better at exams than assignments mainly because I'm a big procrastinator. I actually don't mind studying for exams, I just don't do it as consistently throughout the year as I should and that's never good when my exams account up to 80% of my final grade :thud:
I have exams the first week of January, and I'll be studying my ass off next weekend. Totally not looking forward to it, but at least if I pass with a decent grade it won't matter how many assignments I didn't do or how many I turned in extremely late.