

Title: Exodus
Author: emetib
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rating: Will progress to PG-13.
Spoilers: Goes up in info. to 'The Telling'
Summary: What happened when Sydney went missing.
Disclaimer: These character are not and have never been mine.
Copyright: The words are mine, and if they are used, they are to be used with my consent.

"She's gone."
"What do you mean she's gone?"
"I mean, she's gone. Vanished. We have no idea where she is."
"You're lying."
"Mike, I wouldn't lie about this. She's gone. I--I asked Kendell if I could tell you instead of him. Might--soften the blow, if anything."
"She's gone?"
"She's gone."


"She's gone."
"She's been taken."
"Without my supervision?"
"We're not sure if it was one of ours."
"It had to be an inside job."
"I'm not so sure, Irina."
"She's gone?"
"She's gone."


"She's gone."
"Excuse me?"
"She's gone."
"We don't know."
"That's impossible."
"She's gone, Mr. Tippin."
"I don't understand."
"You've got to understand, Mr. Tippin. She's gone."
"She's gone?"
"She's gone."


"She's gone."
"Good. Proceed with Phase Two."

((I love a good cliffhanger. I know you don't know who half the people who are talking are, but you'll see eventually. Please R/R!! --read and review--))
The words would haunt him for the rest of his life. She's gone. She's gone. Replacing his phone upon its cradle, he leaned back at his desk, emeralds frozen straight ahead of him. She's gone. He swallowed, shaking his head slightly, anxiously running his palm through his earthy tassels. Impossible. She couldn't be gone.

The reality wouldn't sink it.

She wasn't gone. The false words of condolence bounced off the sides of his mind, assuring him that she had not gone missing. But the more you defy the truth, the more painful it is to sink in. He pushes back from his desk, standing up heatedly. Several loitering gazes caught his frame and peered upon him with interest, wondering what had happened to anger the level-headed Michael Vaughn. Ignoring the several sheets of paper that had fallen from his desk, he stormed off to a familiar office. Barging in, he advanced to the front of the desk, hissing,

"I want the location of Irina Derevko."


Irina pressed the flashing scarlet button upon her cell phone, scowling at the machine. Palm enclosed around the handset tighter and tighter, until finally she cast it across the room with a yell. She was on her feet, but quickly succumbed to her sudden weakness in her legs. She fell to her leather seat, placing her head in her hand upon her desk. She was gone, and this time she wasn't responsible.


Will Tippin stared at the receiver long after the conversation had ended in a mixture of disbelief and confusion. Francie was gone. Sydney was gone. What else was there to loose? Flicking off the television, he leant back, torso propped up by pillows. Optics flicker to the window, where he had a fair view of Los Angeles from the hospital windowpane. Emitting a soft sigh, he shook his head and closed his eyes.

"God Sydney…"

((Hehe. I love reactions. ^_^ ))
Kendell looked up from his desk, watching silently as Agent Vaughn approached his desk. So, Weiss had told him. This was not quite the reaction he had expected from such a collected agent. Face ever emotionless, Kendell leant back in his seat, shaking his head slowly.

"Stop being illogical Agent Vaughn. You know I can't…"

"To hell with what you can and cannot do! Agent Bristow is missing!"

"I have a team on…"

"I don't care if you have every CIA agent on it," Vaughn snapped, eyes flaming with anger at Kendell's utter composure on the situation.

"I want the location of Irina Derevko."

It was Kendell's turn to be harsh this time.

"Agent Vaughn, we are doing all we can do at the moment."

"What you're doing is completely irrelevant. Get me the location of Derevko or I will get involved."

"I see its difficult for you to not get involved when Agent Bristow is concerned."

That struck a nerve. Vaughn recoiled slightly, like a child getting a slap on the hand. He shook his head.

"I will not rest until Agent Bristow is back."

Vaughn sneered and turned on his heel, slamming the door behind him.


The phone rang again. Why did she bother keeping a spare? Yanking the handset out of the desk drawer, she snapped,


"Irina, listen to me. There is still a chance that we might be able to recover Sydney."

Irina sneered and retorted sharply,

"Recover? You make it sound like she's something from the lost-and-found."

There was the sound of a sigh from the other end.

"Irina, you can't let your feelings for Sydney get in the way of this. We have been working for this goal for too long to let your petty emotions interfere."

As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. Clenching her teeth, Irina retorted,

"Fine. Find Sydney. And we can proceed with our plans."

"There we go. Chin up, Irina."

The line went dead.


"Mr. Tippin?"

Will swung his head around almost too suddenly, optics softening at the sight of the nurse. Sighing, he responded.


"You have a visitor."

He nodded mutely, lowering his gaze. He heard the sound of footsteps and a breath of 'thanks' as the guest entered. Daring to look up, his brow knitted in confusion.

"Who the hell are you?"
:gasp: WHO IS IT!!! :gasps again:

Em (which I will be calling you, FYI), this fic is INCREDIBLE! Stupendalistic! <--- my new word. But you might want to give us more time between chapters, or post more at once or something... Give us time to panick between chapters!

Luve ya,
Will do! I'm putting off the next Chapter as long as I can... Suspense is the key!! ;)

Thanks for your praise! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
:D I'm just evil aren't I? Chapter 4 should be up sometime tomorrow. Lots of stuff is coming... -hugz all readers and runs off-
this really good i wonder what will happen next i guess i'll have 2 wait till tomarrow these fics r diffenately going 2 hold us till septermber
This chapter's going to be longer than I expected--I might have to chop it up somehow... -thinks- But don't worry, it'll be up tomorrow morning or afternoon! ^_^
hey this is cool, pls don't make us wait too long lol. thx for the pm and feel free to pm me when u have the next chapt up :smiley: (y)
"You want some sandwich?"


"You sure? It's really good. I mean, it's from that new deli down the street and…"



"Shut up."

Eric Weiss fell silent, tearing a huge chunk of turkey sandwich from the sub, eying his friend with concern. Mike hadn't left his desk in hours, muttering to himself as she typed away on his computer. But he couldn't interfere. It was Sydney, after all. And he wasn't sure if he wanted to step in the way of Mike desperately searching for his other half. Taking a swing of his carbonated soda, Weiss pushed his chair away from Mike's, unwillingly starting on some overdue paperwork.

Irina Derevko was no amateur, which was for sure. Any amateur could cover their tracks. But Irina Derevko could completely destroy any evidence that she was ever there. This would be harder than he thought. Punching a few more keys, he leaned closer to the screen, scanning the monitor for any information of use. He was so absorbed in the display that he scarcely noticed that Kendell had come up behind him. Kendell cleared his throat loudly, and Michael spun around, looking up from his perch, meeting his superior's gaze with resentment.

"We've gotten word that Irina has been sighted in Santa Barba, if that helps."

Santa Barba… Santa Barba… He swallowed, giving Kendell a brisk nod. His supervisor returned the nod, meeting his gaze for a moment longer before turning and heading back to his office.

Grabbing his jacket, Vaughn jumped out of his seat and quickly shut everything down.

"Where ar' 'ou goin'?" Weiss asked, still stuffing his with his lunch.

"Santa Barba," Vaughn muttered, shoving his arms into the jacket sleeves as he strode out of the office at a hurried pace


Irina sat back, pressing her fingertips together. This was falling apart at the climax of their plan--But things happened, and they had to get around them. That was the way things worked. That was the way life worked. But why was this obstacle so difficult to overcome? Softly sighing, she shook her head. What went wrong? Who had Sydney? What did they want with her? Well, obviously the same reason she wanted her. Sydney was the Prophecy, after all. And… Wait a minute. Sydney was the Prophecy… Grabbing her cell phone, she punched in several numbers and listened intently for an answer. Two rings. Four rings. Seven. Ten. Why had he shut his cell off? Moaning in frustration, she set down her headset and sighed, making a futile attempt to straighten her unorganized desk.


The man took a seat beside the hospital bed, taking off his onyx hat, revealing a balding head. What was left of his locks was gray, and he brushed them back calmly. He gently rubbed the stubble upon his chin and cleared his throat.

"Mr. Tippin, my name is Arvin Sloane. I understand you are good friend with a woman named Sydney Bristow."

Will could only blink. Stuttering, he responded,

"What do you want?"

"Mr. Tippin, what if I told you that I knew where Sydney Bristow was?"

Will was quite taken aback.

"Then--Then I'd say I'd do whatever you me wanted to."

"Excellent. Now Mr. Tippin, I advice you to remain very still…"

Sloane unearthed a syringe from nowhere and gently injected something into the Will's upper right arm. He remembered no more.

((Love it? Hate it? R/R please!!))


:breaths: :gasp: :breaths: Ok, I'm calm- SLOANE- THanks for the PM! Great chapter, as usual!

Luve ya,