Expose Me *Author's Note*

amy lynn

The Polish Pirate
Author’s Note: Sequel to No Rest for the Wicked

Rated R, just to be on the safe side, because things could either get ugly, or steamy…depending on my mood

Eventually, this will be a Sarkney, because I just love writing that ship, I really do. And while I did just finish up a memory-loss story, believe me, this will be a very different fic. First, the memory loss and answers will be resolved very soon. This will almost be like a season 3 re-write…and that may just segway into a season 4 speculation (if I keep some aspects of season 3 in my story…I’m not sure about that yet). So, here it is, I hope you enjoy. It’s called Expose Me.

Expose Me

I have so many talents
I'm afraid to show them
People may not like them

so they're hidden
Hidden within
Where no one can hate them
-Counting Crows, “Expose Me”


As soon as I hear the operator say ‘dispatch’ the next words come tumbling out of my mouth, I don’t think, just speak. “This is officer 2300844, calling for connection. Confirmation: looking glass.”

Those must have been the right words because the voice on the other line says, “Stand by.”

There is a pause and a ringing sound. Then I hear another voice. A voice I recognize. “This is Kendall.”

Kendall. He must know what happened to me. I must have been kidnapped. Or been on a mission and have slight amnesia. He’ll know. “I just woke up in Hong Kong. I don't know how long I've been here or how I got here.”

There is a long pause, like he is surprised to hear from me, or angry at me. I can’t tell. So I try again. “Hello?”

He speaks, quickly and efficiently. “Get to our safehouse at Tsimshatsui as quickly as possible. You remember how to get there?”

I wrack my brain for the information, it’s still a little fuzzy, but I remember. “Of course I do.”

His last words are, “I'll make sure they're expecting you.”

I answer quickly, “Okay.”

He hangs up the phone, as do I.

I make my way to the safehouse. I remember everything about the area, and about the house – but still cannot remember why I am in Hong Kong. It’s like a part of my brain is missing.

I start to feel lost again, even though I know exactly where I am.

And I’m waiting. Just waiting.

I’m waiting for somebody. I’m waiting for answers. I’m waiting for my life to make sense again.

- - -


CIA safehouse at Tsimshatsui

She had been waiting for at least 12 hours, if not more, before she started to get frustrated. She was pacing the room, tracing the scar on her abdomen lightly, desperately trying to remember where it came from. Her mind kept wandering – and spouting off questions…

Was there nobody in close proximity to Hong Kong that could get to her? What the hell was going on? Why wasn’t anyone coming sooner? Was she not on a mission when this happened?

All these questions were running through her head when she heard the door open slowly. She turned to face in that direction and was surprised to see a familiar face, one that she had not seen in a while. She took in the dark hair, the deep set brown eyes, and the familiar way he walked – Agent Jim Lennox.

She looked at him with confusion clearly written on her face. That same confusion seeped through her voice as she asked, tentatively, “Lennox?”

He grinned at her. “Yeah, it’s me. I’d ask you how the hell you are, but it seems that you have some problems.”

She laughed – she couldn’t believe that she was actually laughing at a time like this, but she was. “You know, that’s why I liked you. You’re a straight shooter, Lennox.”

“It’s the best I can do after you were so straightforward with me about Emma.” His tone sobered both of them up instantly.

Sydney knew then that it must be bad news, or else he would not have brought up Emma. “Lennox, what is going on? I need to you to be completely honest with me.”

He sighed and started pacing around the room. “Sydney, I can’t tell you everything right away. The first thing is going to be a shock enough.”

She looked at him, her brown eyes half fearful and half confused. “What does that mean?”

“You’re probably wondering why I’m here. I stayed in Fiji longer than I expected, and even left the CIA briefly, but I missed the work. The thing is, a year after Emma’s death, I came back to the CIA and have been working in the LA office where you worked.”

Sydney’s eyes scrunched together in confusion. Her tone, when she spoke, had the same confused air to it. “I don’t understand. I just saw you a few months ago.”

His eyes were sad for her, as he relayed the biggest shock of all. “Sydney, you’ve been missing for two years. You were declared dead through dental records and your ‘ashes’ were spread out at sea.”

Sydney sank into the couch – speechless, completely and utterly speechless. Two years. Declared dead. Waking up in Hong Kong. Lennox meeting her here. She couldn’t even muster the strength or will to cry. It was as if she were stuck in a nightmare, or the Twilight Zone.

Lennox just watched her. He was hesitant about how to treat her, for he had only known her briefly. They had connected on a certain level, through the deaths of their fiancées, however she had been long gone before he went back to the CIA and now here he was, facing a woman he hardly knew, giving her some of the worst news of her life. It was disconcerting.

The CIA had almost called Vaughn in specially, to come meet her. But what would the point in that have been? To torture both of them with the way they were callously ripped apart the past two years? It seemed needlessly cruel to Jim Lennox, who remembered an honest, caring, and special person in Sydney Bristow. So instead, he offered to go, because she needed a friend through this most of all – not a former lover.

He was silent as he watched her digest the information. She was extremely quiet and appeared calm – to an untrained eye. But he could see the questions in her eyes, the shaking of her hands, the tears that threatened to gather.

Finally she spoke. “Does everybody think I’m dead?”

Seeing her so vulnerable made him suddenly thank the powers that be for allowing him to come instead of Vaughn. That certainly would have broken her down so completely. This was already bad enough for her to deal with.

He answered her question slowly, carefully. “They did and most still do. Nobody will be told until you are cleared of all suspicion. But a lot has changed over the past two years. There are things that I can’t tell you yet – you must be checked out by a doctor and debriefed.”

“Lennox, don’t coddle me. The CIA better not keep details of my own life from me. Or details about those I love.”

“Sydney – “

She shook her head. Sydney Bristow would not be treated like a criminal; Sydney Bristow would not need clearance to learn about her own life. Her opinion on this was strong, and she voiced it. “Oh no, I will not stand for this. This sort of treatment is entirely unacceptable.”

While Lennox completely understood her sentiment, “I know this is hard for you – “

She snorted in annoyance, “Hard for me? This is more than just hard for me. My whole life has shattered, changed completely, and in ways that I’m told that I don’t have clearance to yet. How am I supposed to react to that?”

Lennox just shook his head. “I don’t know. But running away isn’t the answer.”

She looked at him and understood. Sydney realized that this was the best that he could give her at the moment. And so she took it, not without reservations and a bit of anger, but she took it just the same. “I know that, I really do. So what do we do now?”

“You come with me to LA.”

She nodded – and slept fitfully the whole ride home.

- - -

The next day – CIA medical services

She was sick of the testing. All the machines, the poking, the prodding, it made her feel non-human. Sydney felt like a guinea pig – or a slab of meat. It really was not pleasant at all.

She still had no answers about what the CIA knew. It was slowly killing her on the inside, all of this waiting.

There was a knock on her door – not asking permission, just a warning – and it opened, revealing her first visitor. Not surprisingly it was Kendall, with Lennox in tow. They were the only two people from her former life who knew she was alive, and apparently her only allies at the moment. The lack of choice grated at her nerves.

Lennox spoke first. He could read something in Kendall’s demeanor that he didn’t quite understand – and he could tell it was making Sydney uncomfortable because she didn’t either.

“Sydney, how are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve had needles poked into me all day.”

“We had to run tests, Sydney, to make sure that you were not programmed in any way. You had to be cleared from suspicion.”

“I shouldn’t be under suspicion at all. I don’t have any memory of the past two years. I’m not guilty here – as much as I hate it, I’m the victim of something.”

“We don’t know that. You were declared dead just about two years ago. I was at your funeral. I, for one, have no idea where you have been. You can understand protocol – I had to go through the same thing myself with the whole Project: Helix mess.”

Sydney sighed. He did understand – somewhat. It was nice to have an ally. But now it was time for the still-reigning authority to speak. She looked pointedly at Kendall, clearly awaiting something, anything to come from him

“None of what I’m going to say to you is pleasant. Many lives were affected by your death.”

“I need to know it all – the good, and especially the bad.”

“I’m afraid there is not much good, besides the addition of Agent Lennox.”

“Well, I’m prepared.”

Kendall just looked at her, as if unsure about her statement. “First of all – we found no traces of conditioning on you; we did examine the new scar however, we are unsure as to how it came about.”

“Okay, fine. Tell me about Vaughn, my dad, Will, everybody.”

Kendall made a brief sound, but said nothing for a few moments. Lennox sat on a chair next to her bed and took her hand in his.

As Kendall talked, Lennox could feel her shaking – first in fear, then in anger, then in sorrow. All he could do was hold on to her.

- - -

Four days ago – Namibia, the Fish River Gorge

Simon awoke first, having been shot a full three minutes before Sark. He took in the scene that faced him with eyes filled red in anger.

The cave had crumbled – leaving all evidence of Rambaldi’s presence in a pile of dust. The cube was gone, and Julia was gone with it.

Simon wondered who she was, how she had been able to cheat the Covenant out of a cube. He wanted to know what her real name was. When he figured all of that out – he would kill her for the position she had put him in.

He saw Sark lying on the ground, stirring slightly as the effect of the tranquilizer wore off. Somehow, he did not believe that Sark was completely innocent in the whole affair – but he had no proof.

That did not mean he was about to trust Sark, but it meant that they were stuck with each other until further notice; which probably would not be too long, as they had very bad news to give to the Covenant.

It was up to them to inform the Covenant that they had failed.

- -

Back in CIA Medical Services – one hour later

Will was alive. But he was deeply immersed in the Witness Protection Program. It was where he belonged, where he was safe, and Sydney respected that.

Her father was in jail. No, it wasn’t just jail; it was the tightest security prison a person could be in. His own daughter was not even allowed to see him. And it was all because he had contacted her mother.

Sloane had received a pardon – a pardon from the US government, forgiving him of his treachery. It was almost too much to bear, thinking of that man as free.

Weiss was still an agent, as was Dixon. Marshall was still the tech guy.

But Vaughn was not an agent anymore. He had not resigned either. He had been let go. And he was drunk. He had been fired for being a drunk, and he still was one.

As she lay in bed thinking, her mood became even more depressed. In the haze of her sorrow and loneliness, she heard a faint noise, like the sound of footsteps. They were so close to her door and it was opening – that before she could pretend to be asleep, in hopes that the person would go away – the thoughtful face of Jim Lennox shone through her dark mood.

“I know you must be going stir crazy in here,” his voice stated, conspiratorially.

“Actually, I would have been, but I’m still trying to process everything that Kendall told me.”

“I know it is a lot to take in, but you’re tough Sydney, you’re strong. If anybody can pull herself together to do her job, it’s you.”

“What do you mean: to do my job?”

“Well, you do want to find out what happened to you, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do. But – “

“But nothing. First, I want to bring a couple of visitors in to see you. As soon as Kendall informed the rest of the office of your, well, being alive, they begged to see you. Of course, that was after the shock wore off, but shock is to be expected in this situation.”

“Of course,” she said slowly, knowing who would be coming through the door shortly.

Five minutes later, she was enveloped into the arms of Eric Weiss – in the form of the friendliest bear hug she’d ever experienced. Dixon stood back a moment, not touching her, but showing her with his expressive face how shocked – yet glad – he was that she was, in fact, alive.

When he did speak, after all of the surprised expressions and glad-tidings were out of the way, it was very business-like. “In the two years that you were gone, a new organization began to slowly gain prominence. They are called The Covenant. I believe, as Weiss and Lennox do, that they are the ones who took you.”

She shuddered at the thought of what might have been done to her, but was skeptical. So she asked, “What makes you think that they would have taken me?”

“They have a very strong connection to the hunt for –“

“Don’t say it. We all know who you are talking about.”

Weiss snorted, “Doesn’t the world have more important things to deal with than some dead guy from centuries ago?”

While they all agreed, they knew that it was a real possibility that this group was responsible for her missing two years.

Lennox started talking again, his voice lowered, “Now, Kendall did not want to hear anything about you going on a mission – not so soon. But we have a lead that if you wanted to check out quietly, we would back you up on it.”

“And go against the big man’s orders?”

Dixon spoke for the group – as he had known her the longest – and said in a caring voice, “You are more important to us than the job right now. And if what you find out can benefit the CIA, than Kendall might turn a blind eye to these actions.”

Sydney wanted to laugh at Dixon’s assessment. The Kendall she knew didn’t turn a blind eye to anything, it had seemed. “He won’t do that. You know how he – “

“These are special circumstances,” Lennox interrupted. “Now, there is a Covenant front company in France that we have some specs on, based on a recent mission that Dixon went on. The only thing we need to work out is how we are sneaking you out of this hospital.”

Sydney smiled for perhaps the second time since she had woken up in Hong Kong. She had friends who still loved her, even after an unexplained missing two years.

- - -

At the same time – LA, a shady bar in an even shadier neighborhood

The weary man, who looked years older than he was, slammed back another shot of cheap whiskey.

As he slid the empty shot glass down the bar, it hit a splinter of wood sticking up and was thrown off balance. The sound of the glass breaking barely registered with any of the other clientele. It was just another drunk, breaking another shot glass.

The stools were shaky, their legs uneven, and the padding torn and flattened with too much use. The walls were brown and dirty, with too much graffiti to read the words.

He looked around the room and was momentarily disgusted. At least he had started out in high class joints, with expensive alcohol. But the bars and the liquor cheapened with every month that went by.

So here he was, two years later, and if he stepped down another notch, he would be no better than the homeless drunk that sat on the street corner where the bar was located.

But he would keep coming back; he knew he would, even as he was disgusted with himself for doing so. There was nothing he could do. He had to drown out her voice in his head: the voice that would never go away, the voice of a ghost.

- - -

36 hours later – Rouen, France

She stood in front of the monitor, staring at the words. It was her name, Sydney Bristow, followed by the words ‘Operation: Thorne’.

That was all the confirmation she needed. A shudder passed through her body, but still she was unable to tear hear eyes away from the screen.

As she read the limited information on the screen, she found part of the answers she was looking for. She had been kidnapped by the Covenant. They had done something to her for the past two years – and she desperately wanted to remember it. No, she desperately needed to remember it. She was rooted to the spot as she stared at her name, and the other name.

Author’s Note 2: Okay – here’s a small explanation for my choices in this chapter. I’m sure some people are like…Lennox? :blink: So here goes:

Personally, I never understood why they actually brought Vaughn back in to get Sydney (I mean, I do understand why they did it, but there are also valid reasons why it would have been a bit better if they hadn’t). Seeing Vaughn and having him tell her that he’s married and that she’s been missing for two years could cause undue stress on somebody suffering for amnesia of the past two years and in their mind, was just planning a trip with her boyfriend to Santa Barbara last she remembered. I dunno…that just always seemed like a bad choice to me…

So…enter Lennox: Lennox, because they had a slight connection through losing their fiancés, Lennox, because I love Ethan Hawke, and Lennox, because they seemed to work well together in that episode. Lennox might seem a random choice (and he is, really) but I plan on giving him a pretty big role in this story…so bear with me! :smiley:
Ooo - a new fic from Amy! I love the idea of a season 3 rewrite because, honestly, season 3 needed a facelift that it never managed to get. I'm happy to see you wrote a sequel to your great fic - when everyone was saying how you should continue and you replied it was for a challenge ... I wanted to be like :::whisper::: Amy... as long as it has some kind of an ending, it will be all good to continue ;) So I am glad you did!

I’m waiting for somebody. I’m waiting for answers. I’m waiting for my life to make sense again.
Thanks for not going into the Vaughn confrontation. While I loved that scene at the start of this year (back in the dreaded S/V era of mine - I like to call it The Dark Age), I think we got it that Syd was stunned about Vaughn. I really liked using Lennox as the bearer of bad news instead.

She stood in front of the monitor, staring at the words. It was her name, Sydney Bristow, followed by the words ‘Operation: Thorne’.
Ah! Why couldn't they have done it this way? Instead of all the meandering clues, Kendall coming back for an hour and having to hide the stuff about Lazarey - bam! She knows right away what happened, she just doesn't remember it and know all the specifics.

This fic has so much potential, I cannot wait to see where you take this next Amy! PM next time please?
Wow, Amy! I'm so glad you did a sequel to this fic... I love the addition of Lennox, instead of Vaughn (oh, THANK YOU!). And I'm glad about the future Sarkney on the horizon... :smiley:

Actually, I'm on a library computer and have about thirty seconds before they kick me off, so I'll be back (hopefully soon) with a detailed review. ;)

Thanks for the PM. :flowers:
I ADORE you, Amy for writing the sequel to NRftW. Made my weekend. ;) I very much wish S3 on the actual show had panned out like it did in your fic. I'm loving Lennox--why they sent Vaughnathan, who knows?--and so happy you included him (Ethan Hawke 🤤).

I start to feel lost again, even though I know exactly where I am.

And I’m waiting. Just waiting.

I’m waiting for somebody. I’m waiting for answers. I’m waiting for my life to make sense again.

I love the angst of these statements. It's more than that, it's so...perfect, writing wise. Form, balance, composition. Just great. (y) (y)

She looked at him with confusion clearly written on her face. That same confusion seeped through her voice as she asked, tentatively, “Lennox?”

He grinned at her. “Yeah, it’s me. I’d ask you how the hell you are, but it seems that you have some problems.”

Thank you. I was a little worried that you were going to bring in Vaughn, but no...Lenoox! Ah, I missed him--he was a cool, yet unexplored character that I wish had come back. Good choice!

That did not mean he was about to trust Sark, but it meant that they were stuck with each other until further notice; which probably would not be too long, as they had very bad news to give to the Covenant.

It was up to them to inform the Covenant that they had failed.

uh oh. This doesn't sound particuarly good for my favorite bad boys! I hope Simon isn't planning to pin the blame all on Sark. Naughty Simon...

Sydney smiled for perhaps the second time since she had woken up in Hong Kong. She had friends who still loved her, even after an unexplained missing two years.

Thank you! Seriously. I love that you included the fact that she still has some people to lean on. Because who wants to watch Syd cry into a half-empty bottle of Jose Cuervo? Like we all did during S3?

But he would keep coming back; he knew he would, even as he was disgusted with himself for doing so. There was nothing he could do. He had to drown out her voice in his head: the voice that would never go away, the voice of a ghost.

Oh, jeez, Vaughn. Have a shave and a lie down and put that bottle back in the liquor cabinet. Writing style wise, I love the use of the semi-colon in the last sentence. :smiley:

As she read the limited information on the screen, she found part of the answers she was looking for. She had been kidnapped by the Covenant. They had done something to her for the past two years – and she desperately wanted to remember it. No, she desperately needed to remember it. She was rooted to the spot as she stared at her name, and the other name.

Hmm... So she found out right away some of the details. Again, thank you for that. Interesting ending, as well... I was actually sad to see it end there. I want MORE!!!!!

Thanks for the PM, am anxiously looking forward to seeing more of this fabulous fic!
amy you know how much i love all your fics! i saw this one and i was like "yay!"

I’m sure some people are like…Lennox?
i don't think any of us are like that. it's more like "thank god she sent lennox instead of agent yawn!" :smiley: plus, ethan hawke is yummy.

Five minutes later, she was enveloped into the arms of Eric Weiss – in the form of the friendliest bear hug she’d ever experienced
aww! our buddy weiss! v. good job, it's so weiss.

But he would keep coming back; he knew he would, even as he was disgusted with himself for doing so. There was nothing he could do. He had to drown out her voice in his head: the voice that would never go away, the voice of a ghost.
i almost feel bad for him. almost. :smiley:

i love the chance of sarkney in the future. and i am v. excited that simon is in this. my two fave bad boys.
great job

Y'all don't know how excited I am that you love the inclusion of Lennox! There is only one other fic that I have read him in, and I absolutely loved it. He's such an interesting untapped character, and a great agent...so anyway, glad you all liked that!

Vaughn being a drunk is definitely more plausible to me then marrying...and it is kind of tragic and sad, but it will become important later...

This whole memory/missing 2 years will be cleared up relatively quickly as well as Rambaldi stuff, and then it will be off to exciting twists and turns :smiley:

Simon and Sark are going to have to play nice...for a little while...but our two favorite bad boys don't really know how to play too nice ;)

Thanks for the reviews! I've been planning this fic forever (well, since I finished the first one) so I'm glad you're interested in it so far :smiley:
Wow!!! :eek: I just read 'No rest for the Wicked' and I think it is, as the french say, magnific! And this fic, is fantastic already! I cant wait for a Syd and Sark encounter! Hope you update soon! :blush: Also could I please get a PM for this?
This was SO good! Put or keep me on the update list! I can't wait to see where this goes, and I fully agree with using Lennox not Vaughn to bring Syd back in. I always hated that he had to do it...
Great start of a new fan fic!!! Please keep PMing with updates! I really liked your last fic and this one sounds very promising! Poor Syd and poor Vaughn....poor everyone. Is Sark okay? lol. :blush:

At the same time – LA, a shady bar in an even shadier neighborhood
The weary man, who looked years older than he was, slammed back another shot of cheap whiskey.
As he slid the empty shot glass down the bar, it hit a splinter of wood sticking up and was thrown off balance. The sound of the glass breaking barely registered with any of the other clientele. It was just another drunk, breaking another shot glass.
The stools were shaky, their legs uneven, and the padding torn and flattened with too much use. The walls were brown and dirty, with too much graffiti to read the words.
He looked around the room and was momentarily disgusted. At least he had started out in high class joints, with expensive alcohol. But the bars and the liquor cheapened with every month that went by.
So here he was, two years later, and if he stepped down another notch, he would be no better than the homeless drunk that sat on the street corner where the bar was located.
But he would keep coming back; he knew he would, even as he was disgusted with himself for doing so. There was nothing he could do. He had to drown out her voice in his head: the voice that would never go away, the voice of a ghost.
This is really sad here but excellent writing. i love the part about cheap whiskey. very graphic very realistic. (y)

Thanks for the reviews - you are all on the list :smiley:

I'm glad you thought the Vaughn part was realistic, Lissa...it is very tragic...but I think a lot more realistic than getting married...but hey, thats why this is fanfic, right :smiley:

more to come very soon...
Author’s Note: I promise there is a reason the story is posted here…there will be some R-ish parts…and probably some smut…eventually…

Previously on Alias…

She stood in front of the monitor, staring at the words. It was her name, Sydney Bristow, followed by the words ‘Operation: Thorne’.

That was all the confirmation she needed. A shudder passed through her body, but still she was unable to tear hear eyes away from the screen.

As she read the limited information on the screen, she found part of the answers she was looking for. She had been kidnapped by the Covenant. They had done something to her for the past two years – and she desperately wanted to remember it. No, she desperately needed to remember it. She was rooted to the spot as she stared at her name, and the other name.


5 minutes later – Rouen, France…Covenant Facility

Julia Thorne.

Who was Julia Thorne? And why was that name linked with hers?

All Sydney could do was look intently at the computer screen, searching for clues, hoping that they would be in the hard drive somewhere.

She could hear Lennox screaming at her – warning her to get out of the building before the guards started swarming in her direction, but she was rooted in her spot.

Suddenly, Lennox grabbed her arm. She then heard what he had moments earlier, the sound of heavy footsteps running down the hallway. Her hands were shaking as she tried to finish copying the hard drive.

The sound of gunfire sparked her back to life. She grabbed the copy of the hard drive and slid it into her bag.

She looked up, ready to pull out her own gun and start shooting, when she realized that it was Lennox, firing a warning at her. He could hear the guards coming, already alerted to their presence, and figured that it was worth taking the risk in order to jump her out of the trance.

As aware as she was ever going to be – still reeling from the shock – she jumped back from the computer and started running in the direction the Lennox was leading them.

Just then four guards turned the corner and into the room. Their guns were already blazing – shooting out bullets randomly in hopes that one of them would stick.

Sydney and Lennox exchanged a glance and pulled out their guns. With a couple of well placed bullets the guards were down.

But they were the least of the agent’s worries.

There were a dozen more guards behind the first four and they were running after Sydney and Lennox.

But the guards weren’t counting on the use of explosives. Sydney had gotten all she needed from the compound. As soon as she and Lennox cleared the building he pulled out the remote trigger and tossed it at her.

He grinned as she caught it easily, “You do the honors.”

She smiled back, “Three…two…one…”

The explosion was huge and loud – a fiery blaze in the night sky. And the covenant facility burned for hours afterwards.

Once they were away from the blast, speeding in the black BMW that had been waiting, Lennox turned to Sydney – driving furiously – and asked point blank, “What the hell did you find that made you freeze?”

Three days ago – Rome, Italy

McKenas Cole paced the floor of his ‘office’ restlessly. It was twenty-four hours since he had spoken with Julia. She was supposed to have contacted him by now, with Simon, Sark, and the Cube.

He sighed as he thought about the Cube – the beautiful, precious cube – that would bring him honor and prestige among the Covenant.

Prestige was one thing McKenas Cole wanted above all others. Power and Prestige – they went hand in hand – and were something that kept evading him.

He had almost had it years ago. He had been in the SD-6 chamber, sticking the glorious needles of fire into the bastard, Sloane. And his team had been so close to gaining the vial of Rambaldi’s special formula.

That would have given him higher standing with The Man than her precious boy wonder, Sark.

But he had failed, and it was all because of one person. Sydney Bristow. Pigtails, all grown up – and still trying to break his kneecaps.

Well, he’d shown her, hadn’t he? He had controlled her life, her actions, and her personality as Julia Thorne. It had all been his idea, his pet project, and his responsibility.

The first two he had gotten glory for. The last, he could get killed for if it all went wrong.

Or if it all went according to plan, he would be crowned.

His fate lay hinged upon the ability of Julia and her men to come through with the cube.

The pacing which had paused momentarily, resumed as he thought about the many possibilities. Sweat was dripping down his face, and he attempted to mop it up with a handkerchief. But the droplets were forming too fast. As soon as he put it away, there was more moisture threatening to cloud his vision.

He heard a faint ringing noise, and his first thought was that he was finally going truly insane. He stopped pacing and stood for a moment, being utterly still and quiet.

Then it dawned on him. It was the sound he had been waiting for. It was his phone – the phone reserved for Julia and her team, alone.

His hand shook as he picked it up, but he steadied his voice as he flipped open the cell phone, “You’re about twenty-four f***ing hours late in calling, Jules. What the hell is going on?”

Four days ago – Namibia Fish River Gorge

He saw bright yellow light. He felt grainy texture through his clothes. His head was foggy, his mind not fully alert.

Sark woke up only to be faced with another gun. This one was real – with bullets that would kill him. He was awake and standing up quickly, his reflexes going into survival mode as Simon Walker threatened him.

"Tell me what you know about Julia."

Sark played the other man carefully, having first weighed his options. "I know about as much as you do."

Simon’s dark eyes glittered with both amusement and anger. "Somehow, I find that hard to believe. You worked too well together, anticipating the other’s moves too easily. I worked with her for months before you showed up and we still had not hit that level of comfort and ease on the job. And I was f***ing her."

"f***ing doesn’t mean intimacy or knowledge," Sark threw back at Walker, no expression on his face – which infuriated the other man.

"Our bodies were in tune in bed, why not out?"

Sark inwardly rolled his eyes, but remained cold on the outside. His response to Simon was filled with arrogance, "Because our work is not about bodies being in tune, it is about minds being in tune. You and I worked well together, and had no previous experience. Let’s just say, my mind is excellent at adapting to other people’s skills. That is what makes me the best."

Those comments made Simon snap up even straighter, and get a feral glint in his eyes. The two men faced each other, resembling two wild cats ready to pounce on the other. They circled each other carefully, planning their moves.

Sark was not afraid to fight Simon, but he knew that the only way the two of them would escape the Covenant’s wrath with their lives still intact was to work together. So as Simon planned his physical assault, Sark planned a mental one.

It was only a matter of time before one struck. Sark was patient, so very patient, that it drew on Simons nerves.

He couldn’t wait any longer.

His left arm lunged forward, only to be blocked by Sark.

Simon grunted in annoyance, “You son of a b****. You always have to be the best, don’t you?”

Sark faced him coolly, “I don’t have to be. I just am.”

At that Simon took a hint from Sark and played cool, barely containing the fire of temper in his dark eyes, “We’ll just see about that.”

Sark laughed, the bastard actually laughed, at Simon – his thoughts raging while his outsides strove to be calm.

But he did maintain the calm enough to propose a deal. Much to Sark’s pleasure – as that was his plan all along.

Simon faced Sark, “We have to go back to the Covenant.”

Sark watched Simon with sardonic eyes as he replied, “Yes, we do.”

Simon ignored the look and continued, “There is no way either of us can do this alone. We need to work together to save our asses from execution.”

Sark almost laughed at Simon’s insistent, know-it-all tone, “Yes, I know.”

Simon caught on to this and his eyes held thinly veiled violence in them, “Well then, we need to come up with a plan.”

Present day – Los Angeles

The apartment smelled of stale alcohol. The scent transferred itself from the dirty clothes lying around the apartment to the furniture – until it became a permanent fixture in the air.

Vaughn pulled himself up out of his bed and rubbed at his bleary eyes. Nothing came into focus, so he stumbled across the room to take a shower.

Afterwards, getting ready, he took a long look at his face in the mirror.

His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was shaggy, and his face was gaunt and marred with deep dark circles under his eyes.

As he did every morning, he looked at his reflection and saw a pathetic drunk. And he vowed that he would stop drinking.

A few hours later, as he did every afternoon, he opened up his flask in the teacher’s lounge and poured some whiskey into his coke.

Later that evening he returned to his apartment after a round…or two…or four…at the bar – he couldn’t remember how many drinks he had consumed. Waiting for him on the small welcome mat was Eric Weiss.

Present day – England

It was a dark night in London. The moon slipped in and out of view – hiding at times behind clouds that held the promise of rain. But there was no fulfillment that night.

A masked figure walked the streets stealthily, weaving in and out of alleys to avoid detection. They were on a mission, they were determined, and nothing was going to stop them.

The figure stopped in front of a townhouse at the end of the street. All the lights were out, save one.

They crept into the house through a downstairs window that had been left open.

Moments passed by – then the lights flickered off, then on again. It looked to anybody who might have seen like a small power surge.

A car pulled out front and the figure slipped back out the window, carrying a medium-sized package. The car pulled away quickly and quietly – efficiently navigating the streets.

The next day a wealthy widow proclaimed a missing miniature portrait and some jewels. But nobody from the rest of the neighborhood could remember anything unusual that occurred the night before.

Back in Rouen…

Sydney kept her eyes on the road as she answered Lennox honestly, “My name for two years was Julia Thorne. The Covenant oversaw a project – Operation: Thorne – to brainwash me into an assassin and thief.”

Lennox nodded, having feared something of that nature, but was still skeptical. “But the testing done on you at Medical Services showed no indication of such a procedure.”

That thought had crossed her mind as well, “I know. Once we get on the plane, I will download the rest of the information. Maybe it will give me another lead.”

Lennox was silent as he digested that information.

Sydney continued speaking, this time more emphatically, “I need extra time and resources to do some more extensive research into this.”

Lennox nodded, “I agree that there is more here than meets the eye. But if you go straight from here, you run the risk of becoming a fugitive from the government. Dixon was able to convince Kendall to take away your security detail and allow you some freedom, but if you aren’t visible for over 48 hours, you will be named on the wanted list for those not loyal to the United States.”

Sydney blanched at first, but accepted the situation, “I understand. But I will need to search more on this. And I don’t want it lost in red tape.”

Later, while on the plane, Sydney downloaded the information from the Covenant hard drive. The information detailed a brainwashing procedure led by McKenas Cole that had been executed on her, with apparent success.

As she and Lennox looked over the information she found names of people she had killed, partners she had worked with, and a hint of a very important long-term mission she had been on. It also named the team she had been working with.

Javier Flores – found to be working for Arvin Sloane.

Simon Walker – freelancer for The Covenant.

Julian Lazarey, alias Mr. Sark – heir to $800 million upon the death of Andrian Lazarey, by the hand of Julia Thorne, and bartered his money in escape of torture and death.

As Lennox read over her shoulder he knew that what she was thinking about doing.

Once she got back to LA she was going to resign from the CIA and go hunting.

- - -

A little later – the JTF Buliding

Director Kendall walked calmly out of the Medical Services area, masking his anger.

Dixon saw Kendall coming in his direction. s***. Sydney and Lennox were not expected back for another couple of hours. He looked around for Weiss – and then remembered that Eric was with Vaughn, on his daily attempt to clean his friend up.

Kendall stalked over to Dixon’s desk in typical fashion. "Where the hell is Agent Bristow? Not to mention Agent Lennox."

Dixon answered him pointedly, "A few months ago, you gave me operational authority, sir. That means that I have the power to send agents on small reconnaissance missions of my own design, without asking your permission."

"I know what the hell it means."

"Well then, sir, if we gain any intelligence from this mission I will be sure to pass it along in the proper manner."

Kendall snorted. "What you will do, Agent Dixon, is tell Bristow to come see me the moment she returns."

Dixon nodded, "Yes, sir. As soon as I debrief Agent’s Bristow and Lennox, I will inform Sydney that you wish to speak with her."

Kendall nodded, and walked off.

- - -

Two hours later, Sydney was facing Kendall – whose attitude was filled with the sort of cold anger that came so naturally to him.

As soon as she finished explaining what she had been up to, Kendall responded, "I know all of that, Agent Bristow. If you will accompany me into the briefing room, I will finish filling you in as I was going to when I discovered your room empty earlier."

Sydney paced around the briefing room, waiting for Kendall to come in. As soon as he opened the door, she turned on him and asked in an accusatory tone, "What the hell is going on, Kendall?"

Kendall responded in an even tone, "You couldn’t just leave it up to me to tell you after I had gone through all the proper measures, could you?"

She rolled her eyes at the excuse of protocol, "Okay then, why didn’t you tell me right away, and go through the charade afterwards?"

Kendall’s eyes narrowed as he spoke authoritatively, "Because you have no memory and you show up that way the day after you were supposed meet me with a very important piece of information. I had to be sure the intelligence was not compromised. I still don’t know whether or not that is the case."

Sydney’s eyes still shot fire, but she remained silent as she digested the information.

Kendall took that as a sign to continue, "In fact, your return could be a whole elaborate charade, just like your double agent status for the past two years. The Covenant could be playing me right now. You could really be Julia. So I will not be lectured by you on this topic."

Sydney’s laugh was hollow as she responded, "Do you really think that I’m Julia, that I could be Julia?"

Kendall looked her square in the eye, "No, I don’t. I said that to get it through your thick skull that I am putting my trust in you. I expect you to do the same with me. You once said these words to me, ‘We’re on the same side. It’s time you started treating me that way’. Now I’m asking the same of you."

Sydney looked away for a moment, not speaking. When she turned back, her face was calm as she returned Kendall’s stare. “Tell me what is going on, and we’ll see about trust."

Kendall nodded, but first instructed that she sit. The story he had to tell was long. When she had done so, he began.

"It starts off with Jack Bristow. The night before you re-appeared – "

"Hold on a minute. My father? I thought you said he was in jail."

Kendall paused, forgetting that lie he had told her. "That’s right, I did. Officially, Jack Bristow is imprisoned as a traitor to the United States – for contacting Irina Derevko."

Sydney understood what he was implying, "And unofficially?"

Kendall leaned back in his chair, "Unofficially, he was your CIA contact for the past two years."

- - -

Yes I know…I’m feeling very cliffy lately :lol:
Hope you enjoy :smiley:
wow great cliffhangar and wow i'm the first to reply? yeah! great job!!! now to quotes... :D

hoping that they would be in the hard drive somewhere
i like this!

precious boy wonder, Sark
cute. lol i love sark :love:

The apartment smelled of stale alcohol. The scent transferred itself from the dirty clothes lying around the apartment to the furniture – until it became a permanent fixture in the air.
Vaughn pulled himself up out of his bed and rubbed at his bleary eyes. Nothing came into focus, so he stumbled across the room to take a shower.
Afterwards, getting ready, he took a long look at his face in the mirror.
His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was shaggy, and his face was gaunt and marred with deep dark circles under his eyes.
As he did every morning, he looked at his reflection and saw a pathetic drunk. And he vowed that he would stop drinking.
A few hours later, as he did every afternoon, he opened up his flask in the teacher’s lounge and poured some whiskey into his coke.
Later that evening he returned to his apartment after a round…or two…or four…at the bar – he couldn’t remember how many drinks he had consumed. Waiting for him on the small welcome mat was Eric Weiss.
again very realistic. as you're reading the story you're submerged in all this CIA stuff then vaughn's situation really hits home, to me anyways. :Playmusic: it is sad to see what vaughn's become...

Eric was with Vaughn, on his daily attempt to clean his friend up
i like this because i was beginning to wonder did they all just give up on vaughn, and that awww...weiss is such a good friend to keep trying. :blush:

will weiss tell vaughn the news? what's next for syd? for sark? till next post....
faithfully waiting!!!

Aah! Bad cliffy! Bad cliffy! Damn! Oh well its still an update so im happy about that :smiley:

"Unofficially, he was your CIA contact for the past two years."

Whoa! I so didnt see that one comin! Its very good though! I wonder how Syd takes it?

Simon grunted in annoyance, “You son of a b****. You always have to be the best, don’t you?”

Sark faced him coolly, “I don’t have to be. I just am.”

Damn straight your da best Sarkie! Stupid Simon. Doesnt he realise that his head could of been bashed in? :rolleyes:

he could get killed for if it all went wrong.

Well youre about to aint chu? Ha! Sucked in!- Yeah i know, its a bit mean, but oh well... :smiley:

A few hours later, as he did every afternoon, he opened up his flask in the teacher’s lounge and poured some whiskey into his coke.

Later that evening he returned to his apartment after a round…or two…or four…at the bar – he couldn’t remember how many drinks he had consumed. Waiting for him on the small welcome mat was Eric Weiss.

Hes a teacher? I think I need to reread the first chappie again? And how nice of Weiss to comfort his best friend!! ^_^

Good Chappie! I will try and wait patiently for the next one... but that doesnt mean im not gonna say: UPDATE SOON! (hehehe!)
Cliffhangers, Amy. First Red and now Expose Me... :depressed:, but in a good way!

:lol: Anyways, I loved this update--Sark and Simon having their boyfight moment; Sydney starting to piece together odd bits from her past with Lennox by her side; Weiss's dedication (seriously, the man deserves a medal).

I end with huge cliffhangers and my next update might not be for a month. I have no idea when I'll get internet and have time to write with moving, setting up for school, finding a job, etc.

Ha, ha, ha. :hmm: I know you're kidding me with this, Amy. I just know it. :depressed: :depressed: :depressed:

Anyway (and good luck with the move and job-finding and generally adjusting to life in D.C. ...) :P

Who was Julia Thorne? And why was that name linked with hers?

Ah, the ever eternal question and not even entirely answered to my satisfaction in the hell rubble that was S3. I can't wait to see where you go with this...and since we really already know what happened, it should be oh-so wonderful to see Sydney figure it all out.

Once they were away from the blast, speeding in the black BMW that had been waiting, Lennox turned to Sydney – driving furiously – and asked point blank, “What the hell did you find that made you freeze?”

I'm actually wondering this myself at this particular point. Why oh why...? And it just occured to me that all that scar-tracing fun with Sark and Julia (in No Rest For The Wicked) is completely forgotten. Damn; that and the tentative kiss thing was the best part of their non-relationship. :(

He sighed as he thought about the Cube – the beautiful, precious cube – that would bring him honor and prestige among the Covenant.

Prestige was one thing McKenas Cole wanted above all others. Power and Prestige – they went hand in hand – and were something that kept evading him.

That's so totally Cole, right there. What a crazy one. He is just a few twitches away from drooling on his lapel in Bedlam. :lol: But it's always entertaining to watch (or, really, read).

His hand shook as he picked it up, but he steadied his voice as he flipped open the cell phone, “You’re about twenty-four f***ing hours late in calling, Jules. What the hell is going on?”

That would be the ever resourceful duo of Simon and Sark, I'm guessing. Ohhh... Just writing their names in the same sentence together makes me all giddy.

His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was shaggy, and his face was gaunt and marred with deep dark circles under his eyes.

As he did every morning, he looked at his reflection and saw a pathetic drunk. And he vowed that he would stop drinking.

A few hours later, as he did every afternoon, he opened up his flask in the teacher’s lounge and poured some whiskey into his coke.

How pathetic. I really don't even feel sorry for him. I mean, yes, life has the extreme potential to suck but why does he have to make Sydney's death all about him? So self-absorbed. Move ON, boy, and deal. Get a Porshe, move to Portugal and/or get some serious therapy. But get over yourself. :rolleyes:

It was a dark night in London. The moon slipped in and out of view – hiding at times behind clouds that held the promise of rain. But there was no fulfillment that night.
The next day a wealthy widow proclaimed a missing miniature portrait and some jewels. But nobody from the rest of the neighborhood could remember anything unusual that occurred the night before.

When I first read this, I did have an idea about it, but now I've completely forgotten it. :( Anyway, this is all quite intriguing. I wonder, I wonder... I also love the description about the rain. "No fufillment"; nice imagery!

At that Simon took a hint from Sark and played cool, barely containing the fire of temper in his dark eyes, “We’ll just see about that.”

Sark laughed, the bastard actually laughed, at Simon – his thoughts raging while his outsides strove to be calm.

But he did maintain the calm enough to propose a deal. Much to Sark’s pleasure – as that was his plan all along.

This is out of order with the rest of the quotes, but I just remembered how much I loved this exchange between them. Sark is so polished and sophisticated; Simon is edgy and unrefined. It's an interesting combination. And HOT. 🤤

Dixon nodded, "Yes, sir. As soon as I debrief Agent’s Bristow and Lennox, I will inform Sydney that you wish to speak with her."

Kendall nodded, and walked off.

I like how you didn't make Dixon all Mr. Roboto-like. He's cool here and still connected to Syd in a way, which is a nice change of pace from the slab of stone he was during S3.

Javier Flores – found to be working for Arvin Sloane.

Simon Walker – freelancer for The Covenant.

Julian Lazarey, alias Mr. Sark – heir to $800 million upon the death of Andrian Lazarey, by the hand of Julia Thorne, and bartered his money in escape of torture and death.

As Lennox read over her shoulder he knew that what she was thinking about doing.

Once she got back to LA she was going to resign from the CIA and go hunting.

That sounds slightly nefarious. I'm all for the hurting and the hunting of Javier, but not so much as Sark. He's too pretty to hurt, truly. :lol:

Sydney understood what he was implying, "And unofficially?"

Kendall leaned back in his chair, "Unofficially, he was your CIA contact for the past two years."

Wait-what? NO WAY. Just...what a cliffy twist.

And you're not updating for a month. Amy, Amy, Amy... :(

Thanks for the PM!! Can't wait for more! :smiley:
^ You're all going to hate me.

I end with huge cliffhangers and my next update might not be for a month. I have no idea when I'll get internet and have time to write with moving, setting up for school, finding a job, etc.

I'm trying to get another chapter of Red done, at least....and then work on EM during the drive. But that probably won't happen...

I can't wait for some fun quotage :D
Amy, Amy, Amy..what can I say......how about this..

Offically, I love your story

and Unoffically, I think this may be one of the best things you've written that I have had the pleasure of reading. I can not wait until the new chapter....let's hope for internet connection soon!! :smiley:
Am I one of those in your PM list? :confused: If not, add me to it. ^_^ Come to think of it, just add me to your PM list for all your fics coz I thorougly enjoyed reading your fics that I don't wanna miss any of them! Will that be ok? :thinking:
^You're supposed to be. I thought I had sent you one... :thinking: Oh well, I'll make sure you are for next time :smiley:

Thanks all for the great reviews. I'd do individual thanks if I had time -- but unfortunately the Real World calls.

I am (for those that don't already know) moving from Texas to Washington, DC tomorrow. I will try and get internet as soon as possible so I can post more soon -- but I don't know when that will be. So this is official notice that I'll be MIA for a little while.

Sorry to leave you with such a cliffy ending...I promise more will be revealed ASAP...shouldn't be more than a month... :smiley: