Falling To Deep. .

That was just great!!!

Vaughn calling Lauren a nusiance!!

Ha Ha!!!! Thanks for the pm!!!

I hope Syd can tell Vaughn the truth soon!! No more lies!! It never works out!!
oh no! :hide:

poor michael i'm sure he is innocent :angelic:

i totaly agree with him lauren is definitley a nusence!

thanks for the pm

Feeling almost like a traitor she closed the case and turned around.
Micheal had just reentered the dining hall.
"Sydney. Whats going on?" he asked and she froze.
NOOOOO!!! you have to update again NOW! i command it.just kidding
- laura 👍
Before she became an agent, did Lauren turn tricks as a profession?

And speaking of profession. I'm pretty sure Sydney was quick enough that Michael didn't see her. He probably thinks something's wrong.

Thanks for the PM.

Hey a update! I hope you like and thanks again for the great reviews!
Falling To Deep Part Five
The New Suspects.

Sydney froze hearing Micheal's voice.
Her hand surreptiously left the 'thankfully closed' briefcase and moved to an exquisite vase which sat on the same side table.
She turned around and Smiled at Micheal.
"I was just admiring this vase. Im sure it must have cost a fortune."
A brief almost cold smile touched Micheal's lips.
"It was Rowena's personal favourite." he said then his brow furrowed.
"Lauren Reed always seemed to enjoy meddling with it to annoy Rowena. They never did seem to get along."
Lauren and Rowena? Sydney's mind whirled.
Lauren wasnt supposed to have known Rowena.
After all she had been sent in to investigate her death.
Or had she?
Then Sydney vaguely remembered Arvin Sloane telling her they suspected Micheal was dealing in illegal weapons and arms.
Perhaps Lauren had been sent in before Rowena's death.
'Which of course makes her a perfect suspect.' Sydney thought as she walked back to the table with Micheal.
Micheal handed her a glass of red wine with a smile.
She smiled back and took it thinking. 'That was close. . . '
"I want a candy bar" Weiss complained.
Nadia grinned.
"There's a vending machine for us 'Lowly staff' situated close to the second wing of the Manor. I could pick us up some candy" She offered.
Just at that moment they saw a car drive up the long driveway.
"What the heck. . . We didnt let anyone in. . . So that means this car has his own remote control gate access" Nadia frowned and She and Weiss peered out into the rain watching as the car drove up to the second wing of the house and a man got out.
"I cant see anything because of this stupid rain." Weiss complained.
Nadia grabbed the binoculars and peered out.
"Damn. I just saw his back as he entered the house."
She locked eyes with Weiss.
"But if this guy lives here you know what that makes him. . . "
"Our second Suspect!" Weiss completed her train of thought.
He walked over to the computer monitors.
"Well lookie here who's having a nice warm dinner of roast beef and wine!" Weiss said sarcastically.
Nadia hurried over and looked over his shoulder to the monitor displaying the dining hall.
Nadia smirked
"Syd. Syd. Syd. I wonder where she got that dress from. It looks designer."
Nadia mused.
Micheal handed Sydney her coat and Sydney couldnt help but notice how reluctant he seemed to say goodbye.
"I really enjoyed your company Sydney." he said almost shyly his head lowered.
Sydney smiled "Me to." then she remembered. "The dress! I should change." She exclaimed.
"No. Please keep it. It looks really beautiful on you." he said honestly.
She hesitated unsure.
"Please. . . I really want you to keep it." He pleaded and she couldnt refuse.
He fumbled around in his pockets. He pulled out car keys and handed it to her.
"I forgot to tell you that part of the package of working here is a car to travel to work." Micheal explained seeing her baffled look.
He took her hand and led her outside to a fancy silver sports BMW very similar to the car he drove.
Sydney stared at it awed. She had driven in very fancy cars before on missions but never had she owned such a elegant. . Car before.
It took all of her self restraint not to stand on her tiptoes and embrace him.
"I know youre new To New York. . . If you want i can drive you to your place. . . " Micheal said a yearning look in his eyes.
Sydney shivered. In a verry good way.
"Thanks but i think i can find my way." she told him
"Think about it! Lauren Reed gets tired of Rowena kills her and frames poor Micheal so that the CIA will let her spend more time around him to investigate! We all know how possessive she is of him. She makes the perfect suspect!"
Sydney said excitedly.
She was talking on her cell phone to Nadia while weaving in and out of traffic on the road.
"I know Lauren's a Total Bitch. . But murderess? Nah i think it was that Vaughn Guy."
Nadia said.
"Why are you so against him!" Sydney said exasperated.
"And why do you defend him so much?" Nadia countered.
"He confessed to me today about how bad he feels . . . " Sydney began.
"What! You got him to confess to the murder? Thats great! Have you got it on tape!" Nadia said excitedly flashing Weiss the thumbs up sign.
"No! I meant that we had a soulful chat! I kinda felt bad for him. Thats all." Sydney nearly shouted.
"Syd you shouldnt trust that guy further than you can throw him." Nadia advised.
'Now. . Why would i want to throw Micheal anywhere. . Except maybe onto a bed where i would start to. . . Whoa Syd stop thats a Very bad thought Waay Bad.' she muttered horrified at her bold feelings.
"Hey Sis you still there?" Nadia asked.
"Yeah im here." Sydney replied distractedly.
"That Psycho Micheal Guy is just trying to get in your pants." Nadia said breezily.
Sydney's hands involuntarily tightened on the steering wheel.
"If i were you i would watch myself. Dont let him get under your skin with some sad sob story about his dead wife." Nadia said warningly.
"Hey Sis i need to go. Speak to you later." Sydney said hurriedly as she hung up hearing Nadia mutter:
"Yeah go ahead and let me freeze my ass of here while you go to a warm bed!'
Sydney parked and entered the rather run down apartment because the CIA insisted she live somewhere lowkey.
Nadia's words had unnerved her.
Was she really that taken in By Micheal's handsome charm?
She dropped her keys on the side table and immediately noticed something strange.
The vase was lying in a different position to how she had left it that morning.
Someone had broken into her apartment.
Sydney pulled out her gun and stealthily crept around the apartment.
The intruder had obviously left.
She walked into the bathroom and. . Gasped.
There written on the mirror in lipstick in crude big letters was: 'STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!'
Sydney's fear quickly turned to anger.
"Lauren Reed. . . . That little. . " she seethed.
It had to have been Lauren. She was the only one who had known where Sydney had just come from.
Sydney glared at the mirror for a while deep in thought and then sighing decided she would clean it up in the morning. She was exhausted and she just wanted to sleep and dream.
Preferably of Micheal.
She changed into her drawstring pajama pants and pink camisole and wearily walked up to her bed.
She pulled back the covers. . .And stepped back appalled.
Sydney Bristow was one of the bravest strongest agents working at the CIA. . . But the sight that met her her eyes was horrific and sickening that she couldnt help herself.
Sydney Screamed. . . .

Please Review!
Let me guess, Sydney found a horse's head in her bed...Oh, wait. That was The Godfather!

I'm wondering if she found Lauren's dead body in her bed. Now that wouldn't be so bad!

whats in her bed????
i hate lauren
she needs to just give up
and realize michael does not like her
awesome update
thanx for the pm
cant wait for more
Great update. I am totally loving this story. Lauren is a psycho!! What's she gone and left in Syd's bed.

Can't wait for more

Thanks for the PM