favorite quotes

My favorite quotes from the Simpson’s…

1.Marge it takes 2 to lie, 1 to lie and 1 to listen :woot:
2.Marge weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animal…except the weasel. :cool:
There are more, but I can’t think of them now!
What about

Homer: Thats the first time someone has ever called me sir... with out adding you are making a scene
CBG: Yes, finally. I would like to return your quote
unquote, Ultimate Belt.
Storekeeper: I see, do you have a receipt, quote unquote,
CBG: I do not have a receipt, I won it as a door
prize at the Star Trek convention, although
I find their choice of prize highly illogical
as the average Trekker has no use for a
medium-sized belt.
Storekeeper: Whoa, whoa. A fat, sarcastic Star Trek fan. You
must be a devil with the ladies.
CBG: Hey, I... Huh... Tha... Oh...
Storekeeper: Gee, I hate to let you down Casanova, but uh, no
receipt, no return.
Bart: I'll give you four bucks for it.
CBG: Very well. I must hurry back to my comic book
store, where I dispense the insults rather than
absorb them.
CBG: Ahem, your attention please.
I&S fan: Er, in the episode...
CBG: Er, your attention please. Mr. Simpson will now be
autographing 8 by 10 glossies of Poochie. Please
form a line, there will be no cutting. I'm talking
to you Mr. Cutter.
(CBG cuts to the front of the line)
CBG: Pardon me. Look out. Pardon me. Excuse me. Hot soup.
Hi, can you make one out to me and three out to my
friend of the same name.
Home speaking to NASA:

Homer: I'll be fine.......since they don't send me to that "Planet of the Apes"
Hold on! Staue of liberty............THAT WAS OUR PLANET! You monsters, you BLEW it up!

Moe: Say, Barn. Uh, remember when I said I'd have to send away to NASA to calculate your bar tab?
Barney: Oh ho, oh yeah. We all had a good laugh, Moe.
Moe: The results came back today

Mr. Burns: Nonsense! Dogs are idiots! Think about it, Smithers. If I came into your house and started sniffing at your crotch and slobbering all over you, what would you say?
Smithers: If YOU did it, sir?
from the episode were Homer becomes a teacher

Lisa: "So dad, do you use the Socrates method when you teach ?"

Homer thinks for a minute and replyes

Homer: "Yes honey, daddy's a teacher now"
SpongeBobSquarePants said:
*Homer going to the post office to try to get back a letter Bart accidently mailed to Mr. Burns. Homer is inpersonating Mr. Burns to get the letter*

*To post office teller*

Homer: "Hello, my names Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me"

Teller: "O.K Mr. Burns, what's your first name?"

Homer: "I don't know" :lol:

:lol: Messege from a Toronto Cracker :lol:
that is the best. hahahahhaa.
"Quick, you dial 9 1, then when I give the signal dial 1 again"

I forget the start of this one, but its when the nursing home gets sunk when burns is slant drilling in who shot mr burns part 1:

Grandpa:"....and I lost my buddies collection of old sunbathing magazines"
old man:"you bastard!"
there's this one where Homer's protesting at a baseball game and he tries to go without food for days.

Homer *staring at his breasts*: I'm down to B cups now!

Bart: Does this vent suck or blow?

A recent one...

LIsa's crying in the garage

Homer: Oh, I can't stand to see my kids like this. *He walks over and closes the garage door*
SpongeBobSquarePants said:
*Homer going to the post office to try to get back a letter Bart accidently mailed to Mr. Burns. Homer is inpersonating Mr. Burns to get the letter*

*To post office teller*

Homer: "Hello, my names Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me"

Teller: "O.K Mr. Burns, what's your first name?"

Homer: "I don't know" :lol:

:lol: Messege from a Toronto Cracker :lol:
hahaha.....we just saw this episode in my global studies class :lol:

Not sure if this has been said: Save me JEBUS!!

and everything Ralph says cracks me up :lol: