Favourite Jack quote

What I like better than what he says is his stare after someone says something and he has no response, just the stare. To me that's classic Jack.
alterego said:
So,whats everyones favourite Jack quotes?
I love his opening in Truth be told...
JACK: Danny, let me ask you a question.
DANNY: Sure.
JACK: How well do you know my daughter?
DANNY: Um, we've been dating for two years...
JACK: Because if you feel the need to ask me about this scenario, I have a sense you don't know Sydney at all.
DANNY: Sir, I love your daughter and I want to marry her. That's why I'm calling.
JACK: First of all, Danny, the truth is this is just a courtesy call. Like when you say to your neighbor, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night if that's all right with you." What you really mean is, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night."
DANNY: Mr. Bristow--
JACK: Sydney doesn't give a damn what my opinion is. What interests me is that you do.
DANNY: It's just a custom to call the father, that's all this is--
JACK: Well, then, I'll tell you what. I may become your father-in-law, that's just fine. But I will not be used as part of a charming little anecdote you tell your friends at cocktail parties so they can see what a quaint, old-fashioned guy Danny really is. Are we clear?
DANNY: Yes, sir...
JACK: Good. Then welcome to the family.
BAHAHA! too funny:D and such a great introduction to a character.
So,whats your favs?

:D Thank you for typing that for me, because that is my all time favorite Jack moment too, ever! That rocks! that post is definitely print-worthy!
My favorite quote was when Kendal was asking Jack and Sydney if Derevko should go on a mission and Sydney was trying to convince him to let her go. Kendall asked Jack what he thinks:
Jack: I think my judgement with regard to Arena Derevko has proved to be impared.
Kendall: Well, I want to hear it anyway.
Jack: Perhaps losing Arena as an asset would be worth satisfying our curiosity.
Kendall: When you put it that way the answer is definately no. (Kendall leaves)
Sydney: Thanks! You just told him your opinion wasn't to be trusted then agreed with us, to confirm his suspisions.
Jack: Kendall's ego gives a natural disposition towards disagreeing with other's opinions. You argue your way, I'll argue mine.
(Don't know if that's exactly what was said)

Another favorite was when that woman was investigating Emily's death and was digging up dirt on Jack. She interogated him and implied he may have given up information during pillow talk or in his sleep (insulting him becasue of what happend with Derevko)
Female Agent: Sometimes, more information is obtained through pillow talk than by torture.
Jack: There's only one way for you to get an idea about my nocturnal habits, but I think we would both prefer the torture.
I just re-watched Athorized personel only, and found this great quote.


Jack to Sydney: This is the best conversation we had in weeks.

I love his dry humor and irony.
ok well mine was for the previews for the next episode!!!! Jack to Sloane:give me one good reason why I shouldn't do to you what I did to my wife.
I love this cuz he calls Irina his wife and that makes me happy!
Quotes from season 4
From episode 3
Jack is interrogating Nadia, for a long long time.
Nadia: This is the longest time I have ever done anything (or something like that)
Jack: How sad for you.

From episode 4
Vaughn talks with Jack about his sleeping trouble and that he thinks he sees Lauren all the time.
Vaughn: Does that ever happen to you?
Jack: Do I have visions of Lauren?

Jack is always right on the spot, fantastic!!! And VGs expressions... Great!
One of my favorites is when Marshall is showing everyone pictures of Mitchel.

Jack: "Cute."

The way he said and the look on his face was priceless!

I also really like the conversation between Marshall and Jack, when Jack has to instruct Marshall on how to remove that guy's eye.
"Aproach the second one gently, like a soft boiled egg."-- Classic!!

"Whats a spork?" I just love how satisfied he looks when marshall tells him what it is. Its like hes like "Half spoon half fork? Huh. Who knew??"
I do love when, in Truth be told, Danny asks Jack to marry his daughter. It's just to clap :coolthumb: and laugh !!! 😆 😆 😆 That's strong personality!!! :P
Here are some of my favorites -- but Jack does have way too many great lines and VG is just perfect in his delivery of them! :lol:

"Just so we're clear: you report this conversation, you'll never wear a hat again."- Jack to Haladki - Q&A 1.17

"...despite my limited abilities as a father, I love her more than I could ever say..."- Jack - Salvation 2.6

"There is one way for you to verify if my nocturnal acitvities are a security risk, Ms. Kane, but somehow, I think we'd both prefer the torture." - Jack - The Abduction 2.10

"So we can assume the secondary objective was to make Arvin suffer, someone haboring an acute hatred. Meaning it could be anyone."- Jack - The Getaway 2.12

"Legally he's right, ethically he's an a$$." - Jack (referring to Kendall) - A Free Agent 2.15

"Because every morally questionable thing I've done has been to protect Sydney. You don't have the same excuse." - Jack to Sloane - Succession 3.2

"Perhaps you believe my recent illness rendered me less coherent than before, or that my cognitive faculties have been somehow dulled or diminished. Allow me to clarify the facts for you, Agent Vaughn. While I've come to believe you're not as useless as I first imagined..." - Jack - The Descent 4.20 (Oh gosh this nearly matches what he said to Danny in hilariousness!)

"I'm trying to have more fun these days." - Jack to Elena - Before the Flood 4.22

aaahhh! I loved that quote, victor garber is one great actor at delivering lines, especially one word ones. :lol: i say it so often too, when it fits the purpose of course, though many people don't know why I'm acting cold all of a sudden! ha!
It's been a while since I saw this episode but in season three Jack is talking to Sloane about his apparant repentance and the whole "Peace" thing. He has a great line about t fortune cookie. Gods, can't remember what it is exactly though.
It's been a while since I saw this episode but in season three Jack is talking to Sloane about his apparant repentance and the whole "Peace" thing. He has a great line about t fortune cookie. Gods, can't remember what it is exactly though.

"Personally, I would have found it anticlimatic, that after expecting to assemble a weapon of ultimate power, you ended up with a revelation you could have aquired from a fortune cookie."---Jack

i love this one too....i just love jack!!! :love:
My favorite:

3.1 The Two
"Michael Vaughn is just a boy who was never good enough for you."

1.7 Color Blind
"Mr. Vaughn, you're young. And you're eager, and I understand that. But one thing you're not, and this is something only time can provide, really, is wise."

1.10 Spirit
(to Hassan) "I could have popped you in the head like a deer."

1.14 The Coup
(to Sydney) "Believing your mother was a professor may have influenced you some what, but...the decision to go back to school...was yours. And I'd trust that. I think that...uh, if you stick with it...you could become the kind of teacher your students will always remember."

1.17 Q & A
(to Haladki) "Just so we're clear. You report this conversation, and you'll never wear a hat again."

1.22 Almost 30 Years
(to Sark) "You should read Tippin's stuff. It's not so bad."