Favourite Sark Quotes

HANNAH!!! You said it yourself before!!!
I know this has been said but i love it to itty bitty pieces.....
**drumroll please**

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>You don't fancy him do you?</span> He was soo *cute* there....

but HE'S SUCH AN IDIOTTTT I CAN'T BELIEVE HE KISSED HER....my baby's been cheating on me!!!!
Off course, I love everything he says but there's this one thing that always makes me laugh and I don't know why.

It's from ses.1;

"My employer will be so pleased."

I don't know why but that always cracks me up.
thats kinda odd. then again everytime I hear the line

'Given my current state of affairs, it doesn't seem as if my affiliation with Mr. Khasinau is long for this earth."

I giggle for like 10 minutes.for no reason. So I guess its kinda the same thing
'tell your daughter she has a lovely singing voice.'

i love it when he says that to jack at the end of series 1

In Firebomb - before testing the neutron bomb:

Sark: "If Mr. Caplan is wrong even by a microtesla, things could go very wrong."
Sloane: "Go for it."
Sark: "That's easy for you to say, you're 8,000 miles away."

To Sydney: You are so good, you know that?