Find Me

Find Me

Summary: Sydney Bristow was kidnapped when she was 15 years old and traded as a sex slave. On Michael Vaughn's first day as a CIA agent, he finds her. What will happen when he hears her story?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. :(

Length: 15 Chapters + Epilogue

Chapter 1

“Sydney, are you sure you’re going to be alright?” her mother asked.

“Mom,” Sydney sighed, “You’ve asked me that a billion times already. I’m fifteen years old; I can stay home alone for a few hours at night.”

Her mother sighed and hugger her, “Well, if you’re sure.”

“Be sure to keep the doors and windows locked,” Jack Bristow said.

“Daddy,” Sydney said smiling, “I will be fine. You gave me the phone number of the restaurant, and I know the alarm codes, so I can set them the moment you leave. Everything will be fine!” she exclaimed.

“Fine,” they gave up, “We’ll be home at eleven.”

Her mother kissed her cheek and hugged her goodbye before locking the door behind them.

Two hours later, Sydney was sitting on the couch watching the Pride & Prejudice marathon and bawling, while eating chocolate and popcorn. “See?” she said to the screen, “They are meant to be together!”

Then, she heard a squeak in the kitchen, so she grabbed the glass vase on the table next to her and slowly crept into the room, investigating the sound.

She screamed when a hand came up behind her and clasped over her mouth with a cloth soaked in chloroform. The last thing she remembered was thinking about her parents; that she told them everything would be alright.

**Five Years Later**

“It’s my first mission!” Michael exclaimed as he opened his apartment door. He had been working for the CIA as an agent for a few months, and now, he was going on his first mission.

The mission was to find a man named Viktor Moskan; a Russian terrorist with the location of a nuclear weapon. It was suspected that he was going to sell the information to the highest bidder. Right now, it looked like the highest bidder was an up and coming group called the Covenant; a group of former alliance members that went rogue.

He packed his bags and headed back to headquarters, where he proceeded to be briefed for the mission.

“The mission is simple,” Jack Bristow said. “We go in, get Viktor Moskan and get out.”

“What are we going to do with Moskan when we bring him in here?” someone asked.

Jack Bristow gave the man a stern glare, “He’s going to be sent to interrogation, where he’ll be questioned for all he knows about the weapon. Any questions?” he asked. No one dared to ask anything. “Good luck,” he said before packing up the file in front of him and leaving the room.

“Woah,” Michael said when Jack was out of earshot, “What’s wrong with him?” he asked curiously.

“He’s just bitter,” one of the other agents answered.

“No man,” Eric Weiss spoke up. He and Michael were pretty good friends; they had gotten to know each other during their training, “I heard something about his daughter being kidnapped or something!” he exclaimed.

An older agent coughed, notifying the new agents of his presence. “Five years ago, his daughter, Sydney Bristow, was taken from their home. She’s presumed dead. Before that, he had been a great guy.”

Everyone lowered their heads in sadness, it was always sad to hear about something that heartbreaking.

“How old was she?” Michael asked.

“I don’t know,” the agent answered, “Somewhere in her mid teens.”

“Jesus,” he cursed, “I will never understand how someone could kidnap a child,” Michael said.

* * * * * *

“So, Mike,” Weiss said later on the plane, “Are you nervous?”

Michael shook his head, “No. We know what we’re doing. It’s a simple mission, what could go wrong?” he said happily.

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PS: The chapters will be getting longer :smiley:

Michael shook his head, “No. We know what we’re doing. It’s a simple mission, what could go wrong?” he said happily.

This looks really good!!!!!!
please please please PM me!!!!!!!!

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number 47

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