Season 5 Flopping Shots


Has anyone else noticed that in previous episodes certain shots have been flopped?

Notice Tom's scar is naturally on his right eyebrow:

And now this cap from 5.11:

It was flopped:

...and is now on his left eyebrow.

Again, in 5.12... Marshall's keyboard:

...the keys are the wrong way around.

And the one that I flopped back:

...keyboard now reads QWERTY.

Dunno why they're doing it... its funny tho!

Those are the only ones that I've noticed, if you see another, post it! :P
that's really interesting - and very observant of you!

i think they do it because the human eye tends to read from left to right - so sometimes things can be flopped and thus make more of an impact...
Wow, you're really observant. i would have never noticed. well, maybe the ine about the scar, but there's no way I would notice Marshall's keyboards, lol. Interesting... :smiley:

~Andrea :angelic:
Looks like just an editing error. They have the mirror image edited in. Either that or someone in the editing room was bored and decided to see who would notice.