Forever Isn't Enough


Title: Forever Isn’t Enough

Author: DOZ (aka Clea)

Rating: PG --> R (Only once :blush:)

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me, except for a few characters I created.

Chapter 1

It was almost midnight and countless stars had adorned the pitch-black sky. The beautiful city roads of Panama were silent, except for the slight breeze that blew against the trees and the occasional car driving home after a late shift at work.

Panama was similar to any city, buildings everywhere, some were corporate-looking and some plainly obvious that it was used for purposes other than business. Many would say the city was an industrial district, others, a tourist destination, some, a romantic getaway, but to a selected few, a location suitable for headquarters for a secret organization.

Who would have imagined that the wonderful city of Panama housed a base for an organization involved with deadly weapons, extortion, and espionage? This syndicate’s headquarters consisted of a medium-sized building with an exterior that appeared to be in desperate need of refurbishment. The building was created to look like a seedy hotel that had more than its fair share of bad luck and had no choice but to shut down. That was how it seemed to the public eye, nothing more than an excuse for a cheap place to stay, that unfortunately ran out of business too quickly.

But like the saying goes: “Appearances can be deceiving.” And in this instance, it was most certainly the case. When entering the building, it was evident that the hotel had been abandoned for some time. Dust, cobwebs and other unimaginable filth had accumulated in the small lobby. Straight ahead, was the elevators that looked dangerously unstable if boarded. One of the metal doors hung lopsidedly, causing the lift not to close properly, leaving an approximate inch of a gap in between.

Little did the outside world know that the area below the building was being used as an operations centre for a group of people with a cruel and dangerous reputation. Employees used the entrance in the alley beside the hotel and the dodgy-looking elevators to take them underground, where they resumed their work regarding a mysterious man named Milo Rambaldi.

This group had only acquired and deciphered bits and pieces of information concerning the so-called eccentric. But what was of utmost importance, was the prophecy foretold by the man:

“This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks. Signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works. Bind them with fury. A burning anger, unless prevented. At vulgar cost, this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation. This woman, without pretence, will have had her effect, never having seen the beauty of my sky behind Mt. Subasio. Perhaps a single glance would have quelled her fire.”

Many people have died and many would gladly sacrifice their lives to discover the true meaning of Rambaldi’s aspiration and the promised power that would be granted when it ultimately came to pass. Irina Derevko was one of many who found herself caught up in the obsession of Rambaldi, but came to appreciate and understand the more important things in life: her undying love for her family and her unwillingness to give up in making them believe that.

She sat in her bedroom in her villa thousands of miles away from the building of operations of the Rambaldi-crazed organization, staring at her laptop that had a perfect view of the said building, both exterior and interior. Her eyes shone in the darkness; the slightly open window allowing a sliver of moonlight to escape and shine in her room. A still figure sat beside her with one of her legs crossed over the other also staring stoically at the laptop before them.

Without the aid of any light, no one could see the two women sitting unmoving in the darkness. Irina Derevko was by no means considered anything other than beautiful; there was a fine line between good-looking and beautiful, she crossed ‘beautiful’ a long time ago and was as far away from that line as she was from the building she was staring at. She had wavy chestnut hair that always fell gracefully to her elbows, stunning deep brown eyes that could pierce a stone if the occasion called for it and an enviable physique that most women would die for.

After another several minutes, Irina broke the silence, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

The girl softly said, “I’m sure.”

Irina replied, “Alright.” She took hold of the remote detonator that lay beside the laptop and handed it to the girl. “It’s all yours.”

The girl did not hesitate at all in pushing the button on the detonator and before their very eyes; the building on the laptop screen came crashing down. The road seemed to split at the impact, but held as a muffled explosion that appeared to come from below the building was heard.

The two women looked at each other and Irina again broke the silence, “Come on, it’s time to go.” Irina gathered her laptop and they both slipped away into the dark of the night.

Los Angeles, 3 hours later

Jack Bristow was not one would consider a happy or cheerful person. He hardly smiled and a sincere laugh was even rarer. But a person could label him serious, determined, hard working. He took his job very seriously; being a secret agent was not something to be taken lightly, he was definitely determined, especially when it concerned the safety of his daughter Sydney, but most especially, he was hard working. His career was his life, he valued it in a way no one could possibly understand and on some level, allowed it to consume him to fill the void his life became.

However, he was not the type to go into work after being called up by the APO at 2:30 in the morning for a meeting, emergency or not. So naturally, Jack Bristow was not happy when he walked through the bullpen with a glare that would make his colleagues run away in fear. But still, as usual, he was dressed impeccably in a black suit and shiny leather shoes.

As he sat down for the meeting, he tried his best not to fall asleep. Sydney didn’t even attempt to stifle the yawn that escaped her lips and Vaughn’s eyes were slowly drooping. Weiss had his head tilted back and was already snoring softly, whilst Marshall looked like he was on drugs seeing how awake he was. Director Chase briskly walked in and dropped a folder in front of each and every one of them. She especially slammed it extra hard in front of Weiss, to help him out of his now sleep-talking reverie.

“Approximately 1 hour ago at 1:27 am,” Chase began. “There was a bombing in Panama. An entire building was demolished, leaving no trace of whatever was in or below the building or the bomber themselves. We've been notified by CIA sources that The Order had a building based there, but it was never confirmed.”

“Do we have any idea who did it?” asked Vaughn; it was always his role to ask questions in meetings and it seemed to come naturally to him, seeing as he was doing this half-asleep.

“We're not certain but we have a team there now investigating.”

Interrupting Chase was her cell phone that began ringing. She scowled at the disturbance and picked up her phone. “Chase.” Her face quickly changed to that of urgency. “OK, I'll be right there.”

“There's been a development. The CIA had a walk-in who claims to have information regarding the bombing.” Chase said. “I’m going to go there now and I expect everyone to meet at CIA 8:00 tomorrow morning to watch the… interrogation of the witness. Remember that most people at the CIA think you’ve quit so make sure you use the…other entrance to avoid being seen.”

“Walk-in? That's a good thing, isn't it?” Sydney asked. She seemed to have fallen asleep like Weiss before Chase began and was only able to tune in when she mentioned a walk-in.

“It would be if the bombing had been publicised and if the source wasn't a teenager.”

“He's a teenager?!” Vaughn cried, wondering, like everyone in the room, how a teenager would have information on an attack like that, also considering that bombers were not usually that sloppy, that there might be witnesses.

“Actually, she's a teenager.” corrected Chase. “And also looks similar to the person who is currently #6 on the CIA's Most Wanted List.”

Few minutes earlier

It was a cold winter's night in Los Angeles and the streets were deserted. A young woman walked into the CIA building, dressed up in a way that deemed much too formal for the occasion. She wore an expensive suit, much like someone before her, with her head held high, emitting an air of confidence and superiority that was all too familiar. She was completely oblivious to the looks she was receiving from people who should have been at home resting in such an ungodly hour.

She reached the receptionist and stopped for a moment as if to size the elderly woman up. She said in a sweet yet serious tone, “I have valuable information concerning the bombing in Panama.” She paused. “I know who was responsible.”

Chapter 2

She reached the receptionist and stopped for a moment as if to size the elderly woman up. She said in a sweet yet serious tone, “I have valuable information concerning the bombing in Panama.” She paused. “I know who was responsible.”

The teenager just stood there staring blankly at the receptionist who had a confused look on her face. Suddenly, black-clad CIA agents with automatic rifles surrounded her and shouted instructions that she had no choice but to follow, “FREEZE! Put your hands in the air! Knees to the ground!”

She obeyed them willingly and apparently was enjoying, evident from the smile playing on her lips.

After being searched for weapons, she was led away in cuffs and taken to a room that was obviously used for interrogation. The guards removed the handcuffs and quickly exited the room. There were no visible cameras, there was a table in the centre with two chairs facing each other and of course, a one-way window, which most likely had important high-ranking officials looking at the teenager on the other side.

The girl circled the room a few times, absorbing and analysing the details of the room. She showed no fear, no anger, but possibly…boredom. After circling the room once more, she approached the one-way window and just stood there looking intently at what she wanted but could not see.

She tilted her head to the right and asked in the most innocent tone she could muster, “Is this how you normally treat witnesses? I must say, very…accommodating. I could really do with some company or something; I’m just getting a little bored over here.”

She emphasised her point by adding an exaggerated yawn, then sat down on one of the chairs by the table and began examining her nails.

On the other side of the window, Director Chase came strolling into the small room that was filled with recording equipment. “Am I late?”

“No. They just moved her in there.” answered a man.

“Kendall, is it really necessary to interrogate her? She’s just a witness.”

“Just a witness?! She has information on a bombing that she isn’t supposed to know about, not to mention the actual person responsible, and to add to that, she looks just like somebody else who has made a lasting impression on this agency!” Kendall barked.

“What she looks like has nothing to do with it! I just think we should be a bit more…hospitable.”

“She isn’t wearing any cuffs…” Kendall muttered under his breath, fully knowing that what he said was nowhere near a good enough argument.

“I have neither the time nor energy to argue about this, Kendall. Just get the girl a room and then question her tomorrow.”

“Fine.” he replied gruffly.

Unfortunately, for the seventeen year-old girl, Chase and Kendall had different views concerning what kind of room the girl would be given.

In a cell, 7:00 in the morning

Irina had warned her of how ‘charitable’ the CIA could be. “Charitable, indeed.” She thought as she analysed and paced the cell for the eight hundred and twenty-sixth time. It took about six steps from one wall to the other and then there was that cell door that had two burly guards standing in the way of her path to freedom.

She wondered how Irina was able to endure sitting in the same boring cell for six months, with nothing but a basin, a toilet, and a cot that was way too small and way too hard. She felt she was already losing her mind; she was not the kind to be expected to stay in the same place for a long period of time. She was out-going; she loved fresh air and the feel of adrenaline pumping through her body whenever she was in the outside world.

But here she was, stuck in a dank cell, that smelled of so many rotten things she could not even begin to venture. She was aware of the hidden cameras watching her every move and it drove her crazy. She knew she had to calm down; she was there for a reason, for a purpose. Everything was already going according to plan; she couldn’t afford to lose sight of her goal so early.

The girl hadn’t slept at all and she had refused to speak until later on in the morning, and instead paced her cell continuously since she was put there. For what reason, it remained a mystery; she didn’t look the least bit tired, but instead stared at the limited number of items the ‘charitable’ CIA had provided, from the hard cot to the cold basin.

After having examined the items, she walked towards the centre of the cell, sat down, crossed her legs and began to meditate. Irina had taught her auto-circadian meditation and for that, she was eternally grateful, because in about an hour’s time she would be disturbed from her short rest and the game would finally begin.

A few minutes before 8:00 in the morning

“Kendall!” shouted Chase as she came storming into his office. “I made it perfectly clear for you to give the girl a room, NOT a cell!”

“She is withholding information that is impeding our investigation and refused to even give us her name!” Kendall fought back, clearly not impressed by Chase’s entrance into his office.

“I am Director of the CIA, so you do what I say, when I say! If I tell you to give a witness a room, you give them a room, NOT a bl**dy cell! And if you try to supersede my authority again by pulling a stunt like this, I will ensure once Langley is done with you, the only job you will be able to get ever again will be collecting dog s*** at the park!”

Kendall eyed her evilly, his face in the form of scowl as tried to answer her coolly, but failing miserably, “Our ‘witness’ is waiting.”

Both the Director and Assistant Director of the CIA stormed out of the office and headed towards the cell of seventeen year-old walk-in.

In the cell

Her eyes were still closed, but she was only in a half-meditative state so she was half-conscious of the happenings of the world beyond her cell. She remained in this state until she heard the footsteps of several people walking towards her cell. She then heard the rattling of keys as one of the guards opened the cell door, but still her eyes remained closed and her breathing calm.

Someone cleared their throat and at that very moment the teenage girl seemed so small compared to the shadows of the people towering over her. She opened her eyes and stood up and noted that there wasn’t much difference in her height with most of the people facing her. It didn’t matter if there was; the girl had a playful glint in her eyes, an intensity in her stare, and a somewhat mischievous tilt of her head, and so many other qualities that she used to her advantage to influence and manipulate information, among other things, from people, to get what she wanted.

“I really enjoyed staying here.” The girl said in a teasing tone, with what seemed a sincere smile.

Kendall stepped forward from his colleagues and the deep frown on his forehead made it certain to the girl that that was not what they expected her to say.

“We’re going to…question you now.”

The teenager simply lifted her arms and allowed the guards to slap the cold metal handcuffs on her wrists, who then led her away for her interrogation.

Chapter 3

The guards again took her handcuffs off her wrists and hastily left the room. After they left, she took her left wrist into her right hand and gently rubbed away the red marks that served as a reminder of how painful handcuffs can be when tightened to a point that her hands were barely getting any blood flowing into them.

She clenched her fists, in and out, ensuring those excruciatingly tight handcuffs did nothing to her hand’s functioning. She smiled as she did so; thinking about what she was doing, what was happening around her. She was only seventeen years-old, she only told them that she had information regarding a bombing “…that I shouldn’t know about…” she added as an afterthought, and that she would not speak to anyone until she saw fit. All this and they were all treating her as if she was a dangerous terrorist. Well, she did look like…


Director Chase led the six APO Agents through a long corridor to the interrogation room of the still nameless, enigmatic seventeen year-old. The CIA had their best analysts and researchers working around the clock, trying to find information on the female teenager but to no avail. It was as if she wasn’t supposed to exist, they found no name, they could only estimate how old she was and her accent gave nothing of her origins away.

As they walked along, Nadia was concerned about the condition of Arvin Sloane, “Where’s my father?”

Chase looked at her with a tinge of pity in her eyes, “He’s being…detained for the moment. We’re trying to ensure that when he allied himself with Yelena Derevko it was for the reason he’s claimed, so we’re just verifying the authenticity of his statement.”

Nadia looked away and simply nodded her head.

As Chase opened the door to the small room on the other side of the one-way window, one-by-one they scuffled into the room, Sydney and Jack’s eyes immediately setting them on the young girl all alone on the opposite side. Sydney’s jaw dropped and Jack tried to conceal his surprise by faking a cough. Everyone else just simply stared at the two Bristows, whose reputations were renowned for being the CIA’s best, as their defences came crumbling down at the sight of the unknown teenager.

Sydney was stuttering, Vaughn and Nadia was seeing to her, Chase and Kendall were arguing under their breath, whilst Jack could feel his breath catch in his throat, his chest tightened and it took almost all his willpower to not clutch his chest and gasp for air. The girl looked just like Irina Derevko.

She was the spitting image of the woman the CIA deemed one of the most dangerous women alive. She had Irina’s wavy hair, her button nose, her lips, her high cheekbones; she even gave off the same intimidating yet playful air, Irina was known for.

“But those eyes, they’re not hers, they look like…”

“Stop it, Bristow. Just because she’s all you think about—

“She isn’t all I think about.”

“D*mmit, that woman is using you again.”

“No, she’s not.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“It’s complicated. Its…It’s because I…I…I lo—”

“Don’t say it. She’ll only hurt you again. Like she always does.”

“No, she won’t, she had to leave last time because…she had no choice.”

“Just like all those times before.”

“Stop it.”

“That girl is a witness in CIA custody, nothing more. Just because she’s the only thing on your mind now, doesn’t mean you have to project her image on every woman you see. God, Bristow, you’re falling for her all over again.”

“I know…”

“You’ve had forever to learn your lesson, to rid yourself of emotions that make you weak, to change the way you feel about her.”

“Forever isn’t enough…”

Jack was brought back to reality as the girl had approached the window again and had started talking as if someone was actually listening. He almost jumped at seeing how close she was, but he reminded himself of the glass that separated them, much like him and Irina before.

“There you go again. Still thinking about her.”

Jack forced back the little voice in his head and suddenly found the recording equipment interesting. Chase and Kendall were still arguing, but no longer in hushed tones while Sydney seemed to have calmed down from the unexpected surprise.

Jack quickly glanced at his daughter; she looked so innocent, so cheerful, so beautiful, but below that somewhat naïve exterior, lay something even the great Jack Bristow had trouble describing. Sydney could be extremely intimidating if need be, she could compartmentalize her emotions so well that her coldness could almost rival that of her father’s. But when she wasn’t doing her job, when she wasn’t on a mission as ‘Agent Sydney Bristow’, when she would just be ‘normal Sydney’ hanging out with her friends, she was simply able to let go. She would smile, laugh, and cry without worrying about looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was watching.

Jack thought back to a time when he was like that. God, it had been so long. When did it begin? When did it end? It started when she came into his life and continued for the ten happy years they spent together. Ten years filled with smiles, laughter and tears, actions Jack could no longer find himself doing. Had it all been a lie? Was any of it real?

“Of course, it was real. Who could live a life like that for so long if it wasn’t?”

“Don’t entertain the thought, Bristow. You’ll just get burned again. How do you think you’ve become who you are now?”

Jack clenched his fists and squashed the voice again, but the question kept circling in his mind. How did he become who he was? When did he stop knowing how to feel? He chuckled silently to himself, he knows the answer all too well; he knows the very day the transition from the man he used to be to the man he was now, began. The day Laura Bristow drowned in a car accident was the same day that Irina Derevko finally arose, the same day Jack Bristow’s heart and soul died.


Irina Derevko was in her study sitting at her desk, looking through and sorting the mountain of papers she seemed to be hiding behind. She always used her study as a means to escape the stress and anxiety that being a wanted terrorist held, but she also used the time she spent in this room to succumb to the many thoughts that remained trapped in her mind.

“I wonder how she’s doing. I hope she’s alright.”

“Of course, she’s alright. Why wouldn’t she be?”

“What if something unexpected happens and I can’t get her out. It’ll be my fault.”

“‘Unexpected’ is not a word that appears in Irina Derevko’s vocabulary. You’ve planned for every risk, every possible mistake, every contingency. She’ll be fine.”

“She’s not the only thing I’m worried about. What about him? What if my last chance at redemption becomes the last truth, he will ever be willing to believe? What if what I’ve done isn’t enough?”

“Isn’t love always enough?”

“What if it isn’t? I’ve waited too long to watch myself falter before I finish what I began. I don’t want to lose them.”

“You won’t.”

Irina’s view came back into focus and she found herself sitting by the window in her study staring at the early morning sky. She raised her knees to her chest, wrapped her arms around them, and rested her head on the window. This was the position she assumed when she was not doing anything in particular. This began as soon as the young girl had left, her presence gone for too long in Irina’s eyes, when she knew the teenager had only been absent for less than a day.

However, today was somewhat special. Today celebrated the anniversary of Irina finding the girl five years ago, the memory playing out before as vivid as the sky she had been watching for so long.

She had stormed into the abandoned facility and interrupted a seemingly important meeting, leaving behind a room full of dead bodies and vital information in the pocket of her jacket. After exiting the building, she made her way to her car, but not before catching sight of something she had not at all expected: two of her guards trying to subdue a very angry and obviously stubborn twelve year-old girl.

Irina’s eyes lit up and touched her chest where the stolen information remained hidden, then made her eyes meet with that of the child. The young girl looked up at her with a fearless stare, trying her utmost to hide the surprise on her face.

Irina tucked the loose strands of hair that straddled her face, behind her ear and smiled sweetly at the girl, nodding to the two guards to let her go. The large men took several steps backward and watched their boss and young girl simply stare at each other.

After what seemed an eternity of intense staring, Irina leaned forward, took the girl’s hand and led her towards her car. The twelve year-old didn’t say a word, didn’t flinch, didn’t pull away, she just smiled.

All of a sudden, Irina’s mind jumped two and half years and she saw herself looking at an older, more mature version of the twelve-year old.

“It’s not safe for me anymore and I don’t want you to get hurt. So, after this…I don’t know if I’m coming back—”

“You will.” interrupted the girl, who looked as if she was bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders.

“In case I don’t, I just want you to know…that I love you.”

The younger girl leaped to curl Irina into a tight embrace, tears streaming down her face, a thousand emotions bottled up inside of her but at that moment, only showed sincere love.

“I know…I love you too. You’re going to come back. I know you will.” she croaked between her sobs, her grip continually tightening on Irina, never wanting to let her go.

As quickly as the memory came, another came splashing into her mind, her thoughts now wandering to the man she had loved all these years.

It was dawn, the sun had just decided to rise and bathe the room that had two people, obviously in love lying peacefully in it. Jack and Laura barely had enough time with each other now that Sydney was six months old, so last night they both took the chance to ‘reacquaint’ themselves, when a friend of Laura’s had insisted on taking care of Sydney for that night.

Their limbs were entwined, Jack’s arm resting on Laura’s hip while she lay with her head on Jack’s chest, the sheets of the bed lay mangled at the foot of the bed. Jack bent down, kissed the top of Laura’s head softly, and whispered, “I love you.”

An incoherent mumble was what he got in response and he chuckled quietly to himself and kissed her again then said those three words that never lost its meaning when exchanged between Jack and Laura.

This time Laura raised her head and smiled weakly at her husband.

“I said I love you too.”

Jack lay there mesmerised by his beautiful wife, everything about her, it was all he wanted, all he ever needed; she was perfect.

“I’m sure you did, honey.”

They always did this, began the morning by saying I love you then would use a gesture or other words to prove it. This morning it was words.

“Jack, how much do you love me?”

“More than anything, more than life itself.”

“Will you love me forever?”

“No…” this response startled Laura, causing her to sit up straight and was about to open her mouth to argue, before Jack put his hand to her lips and finished what he was saying.

“I can’t love you forever…forever isn’t enough.”

Chapter 4

Meanwhile, back in LA

"Kendall, just go in there and start questioning her, I'm sick of listening to you!" yelled Chase. She had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot loudly on the floor, clearly showing her annoyance and distaste towards the stubborn man who never neglected in infuriating her.


He stormed out of the room and was soon seen entering on the other side of the window.

The sudden opening and slamming of the door did not startle the girl at all; she just smiled at the scowling man and took a seat at the table. As Kendall tried to collect himself and analyze the young girl before him, unbeknownst to him, the teenager was doing the same.

"He must be...oh, yeah, he's that one."

After realizing he could not possibly solve the mystery that was the girl, he took a seat and began the questioning by introducing himself.


"Assistant Director Kendall." interrupted the girl.

Kendall raised his brows in surprise, if the window that separated the two rooms was transparent from both sides, the girl would see the same facial expression on each agent’s face.

"How did you know that?"

"I know a lot about you." she replied with a playful grin. "I know that you were born on the 25th of August 1952 in Manhattan, New York to Marianne Louise and Daniel Hamish Kendall. You weigh 190 lb. You're 6’1”. You have no known siblings. You married Jennifer Kelly Madsen in 1981, separated in 1988, but not before conceiving a child named Sophie May Kendall who was born on the 22nd of February 1984 in Los Angeles, California."

Kendall and the others could do nothing but stare at the seventeen year-old as she recited details of Kendall's life so casually as if it were the back of her hand.

"She was diagnosed with cancer in 1993, which led to the reconciliation between you and your wife. You were former head of Project Blackhole: a project entirely devoted to the deciphering of the works of Milo Rambaldi and has currently been reinstated as Assistant Director of the CIA. Oh, and your full name is…”

She paused long enough to watch Kendall’s eyes widen to the size of saucers while shaking his head abruptly from side to side, begging her not to finish the sentence. Seeing this as a sign of weakness, she decided to exploit it, knowing fully well, what his reaction would be.

“…Christopher Muriel Kendall.” she added emphasis on Kendall’s middle name, achieving the desired effect; Kendall’s cheeks went a bright shade of red and soon he had ears to match. He could feel the agents watching him trying to stifle their laughter and he could only begin to imagine how much Chase would like to rub this in his face.

The girl had a mischievous grin plastered on her face and did not show any sign of attempting to hide it. Kendall shuffled his feet and gripped the folder he was holding even tighter. The guards standing beside the door, normally motionless and stiff-faced, were holding their hands to their mouths to stop the laughter from escaping. Kendall roughly placed the folder on the table in front of the teenager and stood up turning his face into what could only be considered angry or serious, but was clearly just struggling to gain the upper hand, without success.

The seventeen year-old continued to smile at Kendall and opened her mouth once more.

“Tell me when to stop…Mr Kendall.”

Kendall was nearing his limit in containing the fury, shame and humiliation caused by the girl; his face went red again but this time, with fury, and the vein in his forehead appeared as if would burst any moment. The girl was not at all intimidated by the man in front of her, whose color could match that of a tomato, but she did realize that the fun was over.

“You’ve made your point. You’ve done your research. Where did you get that information?”

“I will only talk to Jack Bristow.” she replied with finality in her tone.

She stood up from her chair and retreated to one of the corners in the room and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. She avoided Kendall’s stare and looked away at the door, watching the guards return to their stoic selves. Kendall was not at all impressed by the girl’s answer; he needed something out of the teenager, anything that would make him look like less a fool. She had the advantage earlier, he required some sort of information to keep his pride and dignity in front of his colleagues intact.

Everyone on the other side of the window was suddenly deep in thought as to why this girl would want to speak to Jack Bristow, of all people. Jack frowned when he could not make any connection to the reason of why the seventeen year-old would only speak to him.

“I need to ensure that you have information that could be of use to this agency, as you claim to. Then we might consider granting some of your requests.”

The teenager made her eyes meet with that of Kendall’s, receiving a deadly glare.

“I turned myself in to give you, what I deemed valuable intel, which included the person responsible for the Panama bombing. You may not believe this, Mr Kendall, but I know more than you think and the CIA will be privy to this information if, and only if I speak to Jack Bristow. I thought I made myself clear earlier when I made this request, but evidently, I didn’t so I’ll say it again. I will ensure my full co-operation and offer all information the CIA will need when questions are asked by Jack Bristow. If you have no other comments to make or important things to say, Mr Kendall, we’re through.”

She turned her back to him and Kendall stood as a wage of fury swept over him.

“You are in no position to negotiate!" Kendall yelled, as he could no longer keep his anger at bay.

The girl turned around and glared at him again. “Then you are in no position to get information!”

“We have ways of making you talk!”

This comment made the girl chuckle sarcastically, Irina had also mentioned the numerous methods the CIA knew of to get information out of a person.

“Then use it…” she answered coolly. “…Or you could just send the person I asked for.”

Kendall felt so helpless, so unbelievably angry, but most of all the biggest fool. He wondered how the CIA would treat him after this, what would his peers think of him after discovering that he couldn’t extract any information from a seventeen year-old witness. He was desperate; he needed something to save face, so he tried one more time.

“If you’re not willing to talk to me, will you at least give us your name?”

It was a pathetic attempt; he would have rolled his eyes if only they weren’t trained on the adamant girl in the corner. She had to laugh at his, his last feeble effort still to no avail to acquire any information on her.

“The poor guy. I should probably give him something of use. God knows he’ll probably need it after people know what his middle name is. Muriel, poor child. What parent in their right frame of mind names their child, their only son, nonetheless, Muriel?”


Kendall couldn’t help but roll his eyes this time, it was probably asking too much for a last name, but the CIA hadn’t found any information whatsoever on the girl, so it was worth a last-ditch attempt.

“Would you mind giving us a last name?” he asked hesitantly, he was waiting for her to laugh at him again, but in this occasion, she simply smiled.

“Still haven’t found anything on me?” she took Kendall’s silence as a no. “I would’ve thought the great CIA would’ve found something at least. But trust me, Katherine will be enough…I’ll be waiting for Jack Bristow.”

Kendall stared as the girl turned her back one more time, hoping that she was willing to answer just one more question. After a few minutes of watching the teenager stand motionlessly in the corner, Kendall gave up and headed for the door, but not before hearing a word that sent shock rush up and down his spine, the answer to the question he had in the back of his mind since he laid his eyes on her.


Kendall turned around and tried to mask his surprise with a frown.


The girl too turned around and stood up straight with her head raised in confidence that could only be seen in one other person.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and answered. “Try Katherine Derevko.”

Chapter 5

The girl too turned around and stood up straight with her head raised in confidence that could only be seen in one other person.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and answered. “Try Katherine Derevko.”

Kendall stood there shell-shocked, with his mouth hanging slightly open, and no idea what to say, but even if he did, she would not answer him, so he remained standing there gaping at the girl named Katherine, who in turn was waiting for a reply.

Chase on the other hand, was using this time to order the CIA researchers and analysts around into finding any conclusive information on Katherine Derevko. Everyone else was so engrossed in staring at Katherine, a million thoughts in their minds, none of them, anywhere near being able to comprehend or understand the situation at hand. Then their eyes shifted to the still forms of Jack and Sydney Bristow.

Sydney had to sit down again, her hand covering her mouth in shock, unable to string together a sentence without mumbling or stuttering, but Jack, he was being his typical self. His emotions contained underneath an icy exterior, his arms crossed naturally across his chest whenever he felt defensive, and a piercing gaze that was meant as a sign for everyone, including Sydney, to stay away.

Another Derevko. Another secret remained untold. Another untold secret discovered. How many more of this could Jack Bristow handle? When will the deceit, the lies, the secrets end? Will it ever?

“Bristow, you’re being naïve. It will never end. Those are the three things that comprise Irina Derevko.”

“She must have her reasons.”

“She always has her reasons. Truth takes time, maybe.”

“Stop. Leave me alone.”

“You may still love her, but she doesn’t love you, Bristow. Isn’t it clear to you? She sends her teenage daughter to the CIA to throw in your face how much of a fool you were.”


“Try and guess her age. Seventeen, eighteen, perhaps. Did you and her conceive a child seventeen or eighteen years ago? Did you even know that she was alive? Can you live through another betrayal by the woman you claim to love? Is that woman really worth loving?”

At the last two sentences, Jack immediately snapped out of his trance. It finally dawned on him; Katherine could not possibly be his daughter, he was unaware of Irina’s existence until she turned herself in to the CIA those years ago, and the last time they made love was when they were searching for Sydney, so if Irina had carried a baby, the child would be much younger. He clenched his fists in anger at the realization of another act of infidelity on Irina’s part.

Jack could no longer control himself; he stormed out the room and into the one with Kendall still gawking and Katherine leaning against the wall. The door was slammed open again and then Jack Bristow entered. He, in contrast to Kendall, came across as very intimidating and Katherine could begin to feel her hands slightly shaking.

Her mother had warned her of many things, but above all, to be careful of Jack Bristow. Irina had anticipated that Jack would react angrily to the news and would probably ask a multitude of questions that Katherine would have no idea how to answer and if she didn’t answer, Jack would assume that Katherine was hiding information or worse, lying. Irina feared she might underestimate Jack’s anger again and it would lead him to display his ruthlessness on Katherine. So Irina told her daughter all she needed to know and a few details she thought Jack might want Jack to know, things that might help repair her almost broken relationship with her husband. She had made her move and now it was his.

By the look in Jack’s eyes, Katherine could already see the hate beginning to surface, as well as the anger and fury he had used as a shield for his true emotions for almost thirty years. Jack’s cold stare, his dominant stance, his menacing aura, was enough to make Katherine’s insides churn. Kendall too had tried to be intimidating but he didn’t have the same effect Jack had, Jack made her feel weak, helpless, vulnerable, things that seemed so foreign to her.

But whenever Katherine felt anything remotely negative, Irina was always there to help her, always willing to do anything to make her daughter happy. But not now, this time, she had to face it alone. She had to face Jack Bristow alone.

“I’ll begin the questioning, Kendall.”

Kendall knew that there was no point in arguing, when Jack Bristow has his mind set on something, he would travel to the ends of the earth to attain it, nothing could distract him, stop him, except…Irina Derevko. His vision and judgment was always impaired when Irina was concerned, every time she came back into his life, for whatever reasons, no one knew, but Jack would always take her back, his supposed impenetrable defenses would come crashing down. She was his downfall, the one thing he needed, the one thing he learnt he couldn’t live without, his ultimate weakness.

Kendall shrugged his shoulders in defeat and walked out of the room, leaving behind a room full of a tension, a man filled with questions with a girl who had answers. Katherine, to her disbelief, was able to maintain her cool composure and smiled at Jack immediately after Kendall left, then took a seat at the table.

“Hello, I’ve been waiting for you…Mr Bristow.”

Jack remained standing for a few more moments, then walked towards the table in the center of the room and stood behind the chair facing Katherine.

“Let’s hear my profile.”

Katherine smiled at Jack’s observation and began recounting his profile.

“Jonathon Donahue ‘Jack’ Bristow. ID Class Number 2300682. Born on the 16th of March 1953 to Rosalie Morgan and Jonathon Donahue Bristow in London, Ontario, Canada. You’re 6'2” and you weigh 195 lbs. Recruited to the CIA in 1970 with Arvin Sloane then formed SD-6 with him when the Alliance was created in 1991. During this time, you were also working as a double agent for the CIA in SD-6 and discovered that Sloane had recruited your daughter, Sydney Anne Bristow without your approval in 2001. Her guilt led her to tell her fiancé Daniel Hecht the truth concerning her real occupation, which resulted in his assassination. You married Laura Miles in 1971—”

At the mention of Irina’s alias, Jack couldn’t bear to hear anymore. How did she know so much about him? How many other government officials’ profiles did she know by heart? Why was it that whenever she entered his thoughts he felt so utterly helpless?

“That’s enough. Tell me where you acquired this information.”

Katherine looked down at the table to the folder with contents that remained to be seen. She wondered whether she should tell him the truth already, if he found out that she lied he wouldn’t listen to anything else she says, her information would be useless, her goal unattained.

“I know someone…” Katherine answered softly.

“Be more specific. A name.” Jack demanded.

Katherine paused. “Irina Derevko.”

“Your mother.”

Jack wasn’t sure if it was a statement or a question, but he needed to be certain, Katherine sensing his hesitation in believing that she really was Irina’s daughter, answered him.


“How did she get it then?”

“You should probably think about upping the security of your firewalls. I actually assumed that your agency would have made access to your mainframe, difficult, at best.”

Jack made a mental note to talk to Marshall regarding the CIA’s computer firewalls, but quickly returned to focus on the task at hand.

“Why would she hack into the CIA mainframe to steal profiles of government officials?”

“I asked her to.”

Katherine tucked her hair behind her ear as she responded. The way she did it, it reminded Jack so much of Irina.

“Not now. Focus, d*mmit. Don’t let her distract you.”

Jack frowned. He couldn’t help but think of her, everything about Katherine reflected on how much she was so alike her mother, how much Jack genuinely missed his wife.

“No, Bristow. Remember what she did to you. Remember why the girl is here in the first place.”

He tightened his hold on the chair and watched his knuckles turn white and the little voice disappear once again to the back of his mind, only to return every time he thought of Irina.

“Why did you want the profiles?”

“I thought it would make my interrogation a bit more interesting, knowing a little bit about each of you, with no one knowing a thing about me, one of the advantages of having a photographic memory.”

“I have no time for games.” Jack retorted harshly. “I have questions and you will answer them.”

“These questions, are they pertaining to the bombing or other things you want to know?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

“Fair enough.”

“You said you knew who was responsible for the bombing.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Well, then who is it?”

Katherine paused and shifted her eyes to the table again, it all depended on her answer and how he would react to it that would determine if what she and Irina planned will come to fruition; she took a deep breath and looked deep into Jack eyes.


Me too!! I'm liking it too!! Update soon please!! And can I have a PM when you do! I'm really liking this!
*does happy wiggle* I'm all excited, this is so cool, you write so well.
Keep up the good work!
Seriously I want an update! I'm dieing here! Keep up the work!! PRETTY PLEASE!!! *BEGGING*

Please PM! We're dieing here.
WOW, reviews! Thanks, guys. Sorry I haven't updated, I got like 1 review before so I haven't gone into allalias in ages. Sorry Faela for making you beg :blush:. I guess I'll begin the updates again, here's the next chapter. I'm not sure who wanted PM's (except for Faela) so I'm just sending them out to whoever reviewed :blush:. Thanks again :D

Chapter 6

“Well, then who is it?”

Katherine paused and shifted her eyes to the table again, it all depended on her answer and how he would react to it that would determine if what she and Irina planned will come to fruition; she took a deep breath and looked deep into Jack eyes.


Jack had to laugh at this, not in a sarcastic manner, but a genuine laugh, that was no doubt bound to surprise the agents watching. How and why the h*ll would someone like her demolish an entire building, without feeling a hint of regret and then turn herself in because of it?

Katherine merely stared at Jack as he continued to laugh at her response; this reaction was not what she or her mother expected. Though Irina had not considered Jack pulling a dangerous stunt on Katherine, like when he attempted on framing her for Madagascar, Irina and Katherine did not bother to think that he would laugh at the truth. Then as soon as he began, Jack's laughter ceased and he glared at Katherine.

"What do you have to gain in annihilating an abandoned building?"

"I have a history with the people who worked in that building…A history I’m not prepared to share as yet. But I assure you, in due time, I will."

Jack raised his brows; CIA sources in Panama had notified Langley regarding the building's abandoned status, so how did they escape the CIA's radar? Irina Derevko was after all the head of a worldwide terrorist organization so it was only fitting that she was aware of some things the CIA may never come to know. But why that building? Was it of strategic importance? Why tell her daughter? What was Katherine hiding?

Katherine interrupted Jack's train of thought by clearing her throat deliberately to bring Jack back to the present situation.

"The CIA's assumption that the building had been empty couldn't be more wrong."

"Who occupied the building, then?"

"I'm sure you're familiar with a group called The Order of Rambaldi."

Jack straightened himself and again lost himself in his thoughts, the possible theories, the likely reasons for why everything was happening. He then recalled Chase saying that The Order may have had a building located in Panama, but this theory remained unproven. Now here was the daughter of his estranged wife casually imparting unto him that she was responsible for the destruction of the headquarters of an organization driven by a mad obsession and known for its ability to continually elude the clutches of the CIA.

"How can we verify that you're telling the truth?"

A tiny smile formed at the end of Katherine's lips. Another quality she had inherited from her mother.

"You can't."

"How do you expect us to believe anything you say if we can't be assured the truth?"

"Ultimately, the decision is up to you, whether you're willing believe me or not. But, at this moment, your concern, Agent Bristow, lies elsewhere."

"And where is that exactly?"

"Your need to have your questions answered."

Katherine emphasised the word ‘your’. She was not referring to Jack as an agent of the CIA, but as a man with many unresolved suspicions.

"There are things you want to know, questions you'll know I'll be willing to answer. That's another reason I'm here."

"What if I don't want to listen? What if I don't care?" Jack rebutted.

Katherine grinned at Jack again. "You're too curious not to care." She paused before continuing, as a serious expression swept her face. "I'll give you answers if you tell me something."

Jack could not help but feel intrigued. How was it possible that Irina knew him so well, that she could predict his actions before he had even thought of it? Why was she really doing this? To what end?

"What do you want to know?" Jack asked, taking a seat.

"Tell me about Nadia Santos."

Jack could feel his back stiffen slightly at the sound of her name. Tension always arose when he spoke of Nadia to anyone, he could already feel it beginning to close in on him, suffocating him as he sat there interrogating the teenager. Nadia had always been a sensitive subject for Jack, as it would be for any man in his position. He was just asked what he thought about the daughter he should have had with his wife, who instead conceived with his best friend.

“What does she expect me to say? When I found out about Nadia, I had hoped to God, despite Sloane’s reassurance, that she was mine. That she was a kind, caring, strong person who looked so much like her mother, it hurt so d*mn much when I realised how much I longed for Irina. Why of all questions, did she have to ask this?”

Every time Jack looked at Nadia, he saw the daughter he wanted…didn’t have…couldn’t have. The little sister he had strived to give Sydney when she was younger, but it was too late. Irina had the affair with Sloane and bore a child because of it, the living product of her betrayal, the woman Jack saw everyday he went to work, every time he went to visit Sydney, every happy memory he would use to reminisce in whenever he felt lonely.

“Did Irina put you up to this?” Jack’s voice cold as steel.

“No,” Katherine replied and raised her chin, showing that she wasn’t scared of him, when inside all she felt now was fear. “The plan to turn myself in to the CIA was mine.”

Katherine could see that Jack was making an effort to change the subject, he wanted to talk about Irina, but there were things she had to clear up first before they started talking about the complexities of Irina Derevko.

“Your answer, Agent Bristow.”

“I’ve no doubt you know her profile.”

“I’d like to hear it from you.”

Jack clamped his jaws together and quickly ran through his mind possible answers he could use to satisfy Katherine’s curiosity. Eventually, he decided to risk the truth…or partial truth.

“Nadia Santos is a brilliant agent, who I have had the privilege of knowing…in spite of her origins.”

“You’re not just saying that because she’s watching, are you?”

“No, I’m not.”

Jack was not surprised at Katherine knowing that Nadia would be one of the agents watching from the other side of the window. He had questions, he needed answers, but she interrupted him before he got the chance.

“Now tell me about her father.”

“That’s two things.” Jack argued.

Although Arvin Sloane was a much easier subject to discuss, Jack tried to avoid speaking about his former best friend whenever he could. He was after all the man who slept with his wife all those years ago, and for that, he will never forgive him.

“Then I’ll give you two answers.” Katherine retorted, again tucking her hair behind her ears.

Jack paused before speaking; wondering if answering this was really worth it.

“Arvin Sloane was…” Jack paused again, but this time for emphasis. “…a good man. Loyal, devoted, determined. His unfortunate encounter with Milo Rambaldi led him to be caught up in its obsession; not allowing anything to obstruct or hinder him in fulfilling Rambaldi’s works…It consumed him.”

“Well put, Agent Bristow.” She clapped softly and tilted her head to the side. “You’re sure you’re not saying that because his daughter is listening?”

“I’m positive…Ms Derevko.”

Jack had his first question in mind, one of many he wanted to ask since he had discovered her identity. He just hoped she would answer it truthfully, “Now tell me about your father.”

*jumps around like a maniac laughing singing and dancing!!*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh this is sooooooooooo good!!!!!

I love Jack and his inner struggles and Katherine is sooooooooo her mummys girl LOL hehehehehehe, the hair thing, the smile, dont they just send shivers down your spine when you think of them....

I need more!! Must have more!!!
Need a PM and an Update STAT!!!
Ohhh, thank you for the private message! Please do keep me on the PM list. Gosh, this is such a good storyline. I love it, love it, love it! Please don't wait forever to update again. :D

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter,
Hehe, love you too, Faela :D. Well, here's the next chapter and I've included some lines from the good old chick-kicking-ass movie Long Kiss Goodnight :P, which will be highlighted in red. Thanks for reviewing and hope you like it. sydneymichael, you've been added to the list. Thank you for leaving a comment.

Chapter 7

Jack had his first question in mind, one of many he wanted to ask since he had discovered her identity. He just hoped she would answer it truthfully.

“Now tell me about your father.”

Katherine's heart stopped for a moment when she heard Jack ask this question. He was truly a man full of surprises, even if sometimes his actions prove to be quite foreseeable, but most times, he was as unpredictable as Irina herself.

She anticipated Jack to push further on the subject of why she had blown up the building in Panama, but instead he reached for an answer from a past she was ashamed of, a past she never had the courage to share, one that had remained hidden in the depths of her mind, waiting to be revealed. Katherine wasn't certain she was ready to face her demons, to let go of the burden she had carried for too long.

Jack, however, interpreted Katherine's long pause as a sign of weakness and now it was his turn to exploit it.

"Unless he was somebody she..."

Jack left the sentence unfinished, but not before making it clear to Katherine exactly what he was implying. Jack's presumption sent a wave of uncontrollable anger through Katherine's body, he watched as her eyes betrayed her emotions and as she stood up in rage with his implication.

"My father was not just some random my mother picked up and had a child with!" Katherine hissed; venom heard in every word, her eyes burning with fiery anger.

"My father was an honourable man, also loyal, devoted and determined," Katherine continued yelling. "Who loved my mother more than anything that it killed him when she had to leave!"

Katherine caught a glimpse of familiarity as it flickered in Jack's eyes; she could almost sense the pain beginning to seep through the cracks forming in Jack’s defences, but still she continued, unable to control her outburst of emotions.

“He loved her so much that he distanced himself from his only daughter so he wouldn't see his wife's face every time he looked at her!”

Jack's eyes lit up and instantly, he was able to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

“No, that can’t be what she’s saying. She’s lying…She has to be.”

At seeing Jack’s reaction, Katherine’s glare softened and she whispered almost to herself, “And she loved him just as much.”

Jack stood at the last of her revelation, the scowl on his face almost equal to the glare Katherine possessed before she began her rant.

“You’re lying. It’s impossible.”

“What? That she loves you…or that I’m your daughter?”

Before he could think about his response, the little voice in his mind prevailed. “Both.”

“My mother isn’t heartless, you know, even if she does seem like it at times.”

“While that remains to be seen…I want to know how you could possibly be my daughter. I wasn’t even aware that Irina was alive until she turned herself in, so could almost thirty years of no contact result in a child?”

Katherine broke her stare with Jack and turned to look at the floor, her breathe grew deeper and she could feel her heart beating faster than ever before. This was her moment of truth, the moment she had feared facing since she had surrendered. She clenched her fists and saw her knuckles grew white under the pressure.

“Can I do this? Am I ready?”

“This is your chance. You have to do it.”

“I can wait it out a little longer—”

“If you do, he won’t believe you.”

“I can’t…I can’t do this…not yet.”

“I need a break.” said Katherine as her eyes met with Jack’s.

“I need information.” Jack argued.

“No, you want information. There’s a difference.”

Again, familiarity flashed in Jack’s eyes as he recalled Irina saying something similar to Sydney, when she was in custody.

“Then the same applies to you.” Jack retorted.

Katherine’s lips formed a straight line and she retreated to the corner once more, turning her back to her alleged father. Jack frowned at Katherine’s back for a few minutes then exited the room without saying a word. He made his way to the room beside it, recalling the revelations he had heard today.

Jack opened the door to reveal wide-eyed agents that all stopped what they were doing as Jack entered. Chase, in an attempt to ease the tension, cleared her throat as a signal for everyone to get back to work. She approached Jack as he walked towards Sydney.

“Agent Bristow—”

“Director Chase,” Jack interrupted. “How much longer do we have to wait until we can use…other methods?”

Everyone’s eyes widened again, but continued in their work. Sydney was looking up at him from the chair she was sitting on, begging with her eyes not to carry out what he was thinking of doing. When she noticed her father was avoiding her stare, ignoring her silently pleas, she looked away in disgust and waited for the conversation to finish before she would wait for Jack to approach her.

“You’d do that to your daughter?” Chase asked.

“That claim hasn’t been confirmed, so we don’t know for sure whether or not she is my daughter. However, I am certain she is hiding something and I intend to find out what that is.”

“Agent Bristow, you have the authority to acquire information and the assurance of co-operation from the witness, but you do not yet have the approval to perform any unrestricted interrogation.”

Jack sighed softly in defeat and conceded, “Very well, then.”

Jack looked towards Sydney’s direction, only to find that she was now avoiding his stare. He realized that what he had discovered today, not only affected him, but also his daughter. He was being selfish and inconsiderate of Sydney’s emotions, which probably had as much of a rollercoaster ride as his. Jack had completely dismissed the fact that Sydney was right in the other room watching his every move, listening to every word exchanged between him and Katherine. He forgot to consider that when Katherine revealed that she was another daughter of Irina Derevko, Sydney might want to get to know her as well. What about Nadia? How did she feel? How did she react?

When Katherine unveiled the mystery behind her origins, Sydney could not stop the torrent of emotions that flooded her mind. Was she happy that she had another sister? Or disappointed at her mother for not telling her? Or sad for her father at realizing his wife had conceived another daughter unknown to him? Or other thoughts that were just too many to comprehend?

However, unknown to all the agents present, Nadia Santos felt as confused as her sister did. In the beginning, she had felt shocked at hearing she had another long-lost sister who somehow had the same father as her other one, but for some reason rushed to Sydney’s side to offer her, her help and advice. Nadia did not know why she had went Sydney immediately. Was it because she felt a sense of wanting to belong? Wanting to be part of a family? Wanting a different father who wasn’t driven by an obsession for the works of man who lived 500 years ago? She didn’t know.

Nadia approached Sydney who was still sitting down with her hand covering most of her face, her brows creased, meaning she was deep in thought and ought not to be disturbed, but Nadia sat down next to her sister regardless.

“Syd, are you alright?” Nadia asked, putting a comforting hand on Sydney’s shoulder.

“Yeah…I guess.” Sydney sighed. “It’s just a lot to take in.”

“Your father doesn't seems to think so.”

Sydney growled at the mention of her father. She could not believe he had the audacity to even entertain the thought of performing unrestricted interrogation on a seventeen year-old, daughter or not.

“My father…” Sydney grumbled, loud enough for Jack’s keen ears to hear, but soft enough for everyone else to dismiss.

Jack raised his head to look at Sydney, who glared at him in a way that only Derevko women could. He felt guilt wash over him and decided to amend his mistakes and make peace with his daughter. Jack walked towards Sydney and Nadia and stopped directly in front of them.

“Nadia, could you give us a minute?”

Nadia quickly glanced at Sydney, who assured her with a nod that she could leave. Nadia stood up and gave Jack a stern look before moving towards where Marshall was working.

“Sydney…” Jack began.

“Dad, I can’t believe you had the gall to even think about doing that to her.”

“I know…I shouldn’t have. I won’t do anything rash like that again.”

“She’s your daughter…” whispered Sydney.

“Sydney, we don’t know that.” said Jack.

Sydney responded by giving him the same stern look Nadia gave him before she moved away.

“Dad, look at her eyes.”

“Why exactly would I want to do that?”

“Because they're yours.”

Great chapter! Jack and katherines discussion was well discrabed,Jack acting just like he is.I sort of guessed that Kath was Jacks daughter,although I dont get how,if he and Irina hadnt met thirty years.Test tube child? Or some clone? Interesting,keep writing!