Former Gartan Addicts, #7 {SPOILERS}

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Chronic Lurker
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1. NO Ben Affleck discussion. Find the current JG/BA thread for that.

2. DO NOT post tabloid/paparazzi pics dated after the breakup, per Charlie's wishes. You may link to them (unless they include or mention Ben). Because they were allowed then, pre-breakup paparazzi pictures are still allowed to be posted/attached. Questions? PM me.

3. NO rumors, gossip, judgments or conspiracy theory discussion.

4. Deliberate trolling is an immediate moderator preview for 24 hours (and additional days hereafter) on the first offense, no exceptions.

5. If you're nice, tag all spoilers - even if it's just a tiny or implied one.

6. Feeding the trolls means you'll share their punishment, because that doubles my workload.

Are there exceptions to the above rules?

Only to #1, and only via:
1. Posting press articles/interview summaries/other *OFFICIAL* info
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Hopefully those are clearer and less wordy. As always, I welcome questions and never hold that against anyone.

Carry on. :)

Also, a PSA *pulls rank*

FYI: In the next few days, the Hos' and Jodi's campaigns to support Michael will be joining forces on an independent website which will replace (and is backed by founders Jinnie and Shawna/aliasaddict26). :) Stay tuned!

And thanks to Vartanfan for initial hosting, we'd welcome you anytime.
Jinnie, the link to #7 just goes back to the first page of #6.

ETA: I thought we went too far off topic, Jinnie closed the thread. :lol:

Anyway, I was trying to say:
No MV means all the Vaughn fantasies posted in the last few pages of #6 bite the dust. :( I know Syd IS Alias but I honestly can't imagine Alias without MV
boyscout11 said:
That just had me thinking again

Alias would suck so bad if they don;'t have yummy Vaughn anymore :( I know that sounds shallow.  I like the storyline of Alias, but what made me a fan was because I liked the characters/actor.  If all I was after was a good story, there are other shows I could have picked, like West Wing. -_-

I completely agree Jill...

if they didn't have Vaughn, i think that they'd be missing an integral piece to the show. Vaughn has come a long way from the inconsequential character JJ first thought he'd be...he's crucial to story line! And on a more selfish note...he's crucial to my finding enjoyment in the show! :P
:lol: 3 of us ganging up on poor Jinnie for closing thread #6. :P Alright, I'll try to stay on topic. What topic? :D

That's exactly the word for it, Charrise. "Crucial" ;) That perfectly descibes it for me.

ETA: Tagged it so I don't get in trouble. Just in case :)
Okay, I'm going to bed. Goodnight guys! :yawn:

Jill, if you want a new av, tell me which pic you want, I'll make you a new one. :)
Yeah! Thread #7! I lied, I didn't go to bed. :lol:

Thanks for the new thread Jinnie! ;)

, omg your av. :thud: I was going to make one of those pics my background on my cell phone, but all of them are just too good to look at!! :lol: :blush: I think I like the one where he's sliding out of bed though. I think that's the best look at his back that we get. :innocent: Mmm, just look at the way his shoulders are bending and all the muscles in his back..... :blush:
PoketRockets11 said:
Yeah! Thread #7! I lied, I didn't go to bed. :lol:

Thanks for the new thread Jinnie! ;)

, omg your av. :thud: I was going to make one of those pics my background on my cell phone, but all of them are just too good to look at!! :lol:  :blush: I think I like the one where he's sliding out of bed though. I think that's the best look at his back that we get. :innocent: Mmm, just look at the way his shoulders are bending all the muscles in his back..... :blush:

I thought you'd enjoy that Elise! ;)

Boo...i can't go to sleep yet either! LOL
:lol: I know. Too many MV thoughts floating around in my head for me to sleep. :P Your boxer Vaughn av and Hoslter Vaughn sig is almost too much for me to take. :P :innocent:
I actually took down the HOLSTER!Vaughn sig because I didn't want to over do it...not that one could ever get enough of MV, mind you...but i was just looking out for everyone's sanity and didn't want to over stimulate :naughty: anyone by giving a double dose of Boxer AND Holster Vaughn.

I wonder what he's doing right now...probably sleeping. OR maybe they're shooting...ya know ALIAS and their weird filming schedule (though I'd imagine JG probably gets an easier sched these days...more normal at least).
:lol: Sleeping..... I just got that image of him in my head where Vaughn and Syd are quarantined in that room and she wakes up and he's smiling at her. :P God, how adorable did he look when he was lying there on his pillow. :wub:

ETA: How would you like to wake up to this every morning? :innocent:

You think he wakes up and naturally looks that good? :P Omg, look at his smile. :thud:
the quarantine pic is the wallpaper on my phone! He did look extremely adorable just laying there watching her. :sigh:...Vaughn in his white shirt, laying in bed, staring adoringly at you. Now talk about bangable!!!


ETA: Oh Elise...what I wouldn't give to wake up to THAT every morning!!! :thud:
And YES...i do believe he wakes up looking every bit as gorgeous as he always does. The man is just too good looking for his own good, I tell ya.
did you notice that he has this vein in his forehead that sometimes shows? JG has the same thing! I think I even remember her making fun of her vein during the ATY commentary...
Oh I know Charrise. It's amazing how unbelievably good look he is. :blush: :innocent:

By far, there's no contest, hottest guy I have ever seen. I've seen a ton of hot guys, celebs and non-celebs, but MV is at the top cause no one is that naturally good looking and gets better looking as they get older. :P

Ok, I have to go to bed for real now. :P All this MV talk and staring at pictures is making me sleepy. ;) Night Charrise! :asleep:

ETA: Yes! I noticed the vein. I think maybe you can kinda see it in the pic I posted above. :huh: I haven't seen JG's though.
Nite Elise...hopefully all this MV talk and pics of him laying in bed will materialize into some yummy dreams. :naughty:

Ok, i seriously need to get my mind out of the gutter and my ass into bed! G'nite world. :yawn:


JG's vein pic...see it?
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