Former Gartan Addicts #8

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OMG!!! :thud: I am so happy to see MV and BC together. Ahhhh!!!

Chatty, where are you? Can you make me a new MV/BC av? I'll owe you for the rest of my life!! 🙇 :D
And just what are you willing to owe Jill? ;)
EJ owes me a new S/V avatar...maybe I'll get her to make me a new banner too? :ponder:
OMG!!! :thud: I am so happy to see MV and BC together. Ahhhh!!!

Chatty, where are you? Can you make me a new MV/BC av? I'll owe you for the rest of my life!! 🙇 :D
As soon as I saw those pics, I knew you'd want a new av. Let me know which one you want, I'll do it later when I get home.

So is it confirmed that epi airs on Nov 14? The KC website just says it's coming back with new epis on the 14th. :unsure:

ETA: You realize I have a pretty decent memory, right? I'm counting what you owe me. :P (Nah, I'm just kidding! :lol:)

Which one do you want, Jules? I'll make 'em later.

ETAA: You're welcome, Jinnie! Thanks for starting the new thread. :up:
So...since i've been at work, here's my thinking. The girl said that they were dressed in the same clothes as from "A Broken Heart". This could be a dream to Sydney, Vaughn comes to find her and she's a wreck, and instead of him staying with her and sticking with her through everything he slips away this time. Which explains why the girl said he touched her cheek and then walked away and she was screaming his name. Obviously, that scene was the very first time we saw Sydney starting to trust him and let him help her. Sydney wants him there with her, but he can't be, and so he walks away this time, bringing her back to her morbidly disturbed reality that she calls a life.

Or maybe they're going to use something from Vaughn's speech as a clue. "When you're at your lowest...most depressed, you have my number."
Hey guys, can someone be kind enough to link me to the splash website for that new video of Syd and Vaugh (JG and MV)? I went there and found a video about Tom Cruz and Jude Law but no no JG and MV.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! I will be eternally grateful. :D
And just what are you willing to owe Jill? ;)
EJ owes me a new S/V avatar...maybe I'll get her to make me a new banner too? :ponder:
Jules I e-mailed you the av and I'll work on your banner as soon as you tell me what you want. ;) Sorry I disappeared today! This is the first time I've been home since this morning. ^_^
omg..sagi183 where do you get that pic? i saw one but not htat one!!

I'M SO GLAD he's back on set..and seeing MV and BC on KC....hehe thtas all like yeah..but i'm soe xited!!!

well, im going to bed, i had my homecoming dance tonight, and my feet are killingg me.
Oh my I stay off the computer for like a day and all this stuff happens!!! Wow...I need to take this one thing at a time...

JG/MV video...soooooo cute! They were all laughing with eachother, it was sooo cute.

Bloopers....freakin hysterical...that whole thing was just hilarious. And you can so tell that Jen and Michael are just fine. They still have a good time with eachother.

Alias episode...I think that's they're wedding..I don't think its a dream sequence....

KC pictures.....totally hot. Wow, he is lookin mighty fine these days. Him and BC are gonna be totally and completely hot in that episode!!! I can't wait!

Alright, now I'm caught up to speed!
Thank you, Chatty, for my hot new av. :) I think BC looks like DA in that pic. :hide: Why can't we just have an Alias guys comedy show? :lol:

My sister saw the JG/MV pic on and asked me how many months along JG is. I know the answer has probably been mentioned on the boards, but I wasn't paying attention. Can someone tell me? Is it 8 months, or am I totally making that up? :lol:
Aww, they changed the title of MV's "F*** the French" epi to "French Fight." -_- I like the first one much better. :P Here's the link to the episode info posted at Vho. Click Me :)

Jill, I emailed your av. Don't worry, your first born doesn't have to be named Chatty. :lol:

Have a great weekend everyone!

ETA: Oh, you're welcome. If I'm not mistaken, JG is due sometime in late Nov/early Dec. :unsure: I've seen both dates posted around. So yeah, she'd be around 8 months.
:lol: Thanks again, Chatty. I imagine I'll just secretly call my first born Chatty or use that as a second name, because my mom would be furious if I didn't use a catholic name. :P

Aww, they changed the title. f*** the French was a catchy title.

ETA: have a nice weekend, everyone! 👋 We have 2 days to drool over new MV and Gartan pics. :reallyexcited:

ETAA: Can you imagine if JG's baby is born on MV's birthday? :hide:
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