~Four Weeks~

AWWW!! The ending was so sweet :love:

THE COVENANT MUST DIE!!!!!!!!! *bashes up Covenant*

They call her cow.. it still make me laugh!!

Go Weiss!! lol He knows that would cause trouble :lol: but I'm not complaining because it was SO CUTE!!

Sooo.. who won? lol

Great update!!!!!!!! Love it!! Post more soon!!! :D :D

xo laur :Prop:
That was hilarious
I would love to see Sydney body check Vaughn
Or Lauren, that would be funnier
That was great!
I loved it
I can't wait for the Covenent to be gone!
Lauren is driving me insane!!!!
Thanks for the PM
Update again soon please
That was really good Kristina. I loved how Sydney body checked VAughn...it was hilarous...and then the cow had to be in the girls locker room. Why does she ruin everything. *screams* And I love how they call Lauren the cow.
And I loved the ending...they're going to quit the CIA!!! Woot!

Thanks for the PM and update. :hug:

Your 🐒,
Riley xoxo
I was gonna say, if that cow ruins their little rendezvous in the locker room then I'm gonna be mad. :lol: Ohhh, so fluffy and nice body check Syd! :P I would've tackled him too. :D I have a feeling Lauren is gonna get pissed soon and it's not gonna be pretty. :thinking: Great job on the update!
Kill the COW! NOW ! Their meeting in the men's bathroom was a great idea. Lauren would look there last probably. I loved the body check she gave him. Good for her!
Thanks for the PM
Yeah, somehow i think i didn't update the PM list. So if you asked for a PM before the last chappy and didn't get one. You have my apologies.

  They both fell into a comfortable silence as they just sat there together. Both of them imagining what it would be like when they were normal again.
awww that made me sad. :(

but...they can't quit the CIA!
:cry: OMG they're so cute!!!!! :cry:

Lol i wanna quote but i loved every single word!!! hehehe

please update again soon. i love this fic SO muchly

Aly xx :angelnot:
I love all the little amazing SydVaguhn moments you manage to gave us in this fic and I know I'll love to watch Sydney kicking Lauren's ass if you'll do this in the future.

Did I told you that I'm very grateful to you for your constant updates? Well I appreciate so much that you don't let us hanging about :smiley:

Ciao Ari