Glad I Found This Place


Writing Fool
Glad to finally find a set of forums with other like-minded science fiction lovers...

A little about myself (since I didn't see a "introductions" area) fiction reader, watcher and writer (not my day job).

I have a number of stories published (and available to read for free) in Ray Gun Revival, all of which can be found here. My novella HEROES DIE YOUNG is currently out and doing quite well as far as the publisher is telling me...

So, with that said, I guess I'll go take a look around at the various parts of the forums!
astonwest, welcome aboard! :thumbsup:

Thanks for the links to the online reading! I regret that these days I have not had the pleasure of reading a printed book in quite some time but I have been keeping busy reading online works when time permits.
I regret that these days I have not had the pleasure of reading a printed book in quite some time but I have been keeping busy reading online works when time permits.
I know the feeling.

I have around 5 books currently sitting on the desk in my office waiting for me to get some free time (and have been for the past two months). In the same amount of time, I've checked out at least two or three e-books (which were given to me for free).

Free is always good. ;)