Gmail Invites (first come first served)

well, google recently came up with an awesome email service, where you don't have to delete anything, with tons of storage and everything. however, it's still beta, and you cna't just get an email address; somebody has to "invite you" who already has it and get you an account. when you join, sometimes you get invitations to give out to friends who want gmail... so looks like people got gmail invites, and are giving 'em out to us. :smiley: i got one from mandy.
Anyways, if you send a gmail invite to your hotmail account, your account storage space goes up to 250MB
It's not because of that. Hotmail announced about 6 months ago that they were planning on increasing all account storage to 250megs, and increasing attachment size to 20megs. I have more than one account, and the storage of one was increased a while before the other. Soon everybody will have 250megs of storage.