Sci-Fi Gravity Trunks


An Old Friend
Late in the Earth's 20th century humans discovered the existence of gravity waves in the Universe.
Discoveries related to this progressed over the next 12 centuries as mankind continued to explore space.
About the time man entered the voids between the galactic spiral arms a significant discovery was made which greatly increased human exploration and colonization in the Milky Way.

Gravitational Filaments allowed a craft to enter the filament in a specific direction and be carried to distant points within the galaxy in hours. Speeds far exceeding light velocities to destinations throughout the galaxy depending upon navigational controls. Special advanced AI not only detected and projected the filaments so they were visible, they also determined entry and exit points needed to navigate the complex system.
One filament allowed multiple paths of travel determined by the direction and angle of entry to the filament. It was soon discovered the filaments formed a type of lattice network within the gravitation confines of the galaxy. To change direction at any angle, the ship would leave its existing position in the filament near a junction point and reenter the appropriate filament at the correct angle of direction for the vector desired.
Using this 'filament' system, mankind saturated the habitable areas of the Milky Way galaxy in a relatively very short time.
During a special 'one way' discovery mission to the bitter edge of the galaxy, a new transport corridor system was discovered.

Gravitational Ribbons connect certain galactic filaments with other galactic filaments within the local cluster of galaxies. Mankind mastered gravitational ribbon travel quickly. The great human expansion period dispersed humans across the galactic neighborhood. Colonies were used to seed populations with the human animal while human intelligence evolved into a bio-gel pods telepathically linked together with a physical human 'schooling unit' in the colonies, used to teach the colonies new discoveries. An exploration bio-pod entered the region of super-space between the local super-clusters of galaxies. It discovered and relayed the existence of gravitational "branches" which link the other galactic super-clusters within the Universe.

Gravitational Branch exploration resulted in the discovery of the Gravitational Trunk. The gravitational "trunk" is the linking force within this Universe. Exploration bio-pods are mapping out the trunk system. It is possible there may be another linking force which exits this Universe for an unknown place. Perhaps another Universe or a higher plane of which this Universe is but a component.
Possible Stories:

The Mystery of the Dark Wanderers
Trunk explorer bio-pods find an ancient civilization on a filament of the Great Universe Trunk near the edge of Deep Dark (border of the Universe absent of stars). Research party of baseline humans are dispatched to explore and find a mysterious portal to an unknown destination showing evidence the original inhabitants used it. Stories about the human's discovery of the ancient space station complex, discovery and deciphering of a Rosetta stone for the ancient dark wanderer's language. Discovery of huge dark wanderer's libraries with detailed accounting of their exploration into the great Deep Dark. Discovery and interaction with a sleeping dark wanderer in stasis that wakes.

The Great Expansion
Stories about the human exodus from Earth and the formation of the first human extraplanetary settlements on the moons and asteroids of distant planets. Planetary settlement stories.
Colony ship-life stories.
Automated terraforming and settlement infrastructure conflicts and resolution stories.
The merging of AI and human consciousness to create bio-gel pods: stories of discovery, stories of moral conflict, stories of bio-pod development, stories of human schooling unit morality conflict, Stories of human evolution and preservation of the baseline human blueprint. Establishment of the Blueprint Vault space station.

The Search For the Lost Asher-Pod
Exploration bio-pods are quantum entangled with their human counter-part. Explorer Asher suddenly loses connection with the Asher-pod while it is exploring filament GHX-97843FG61b at the edge of Horologium galactic super-cluster. Explorer Asher launches a quest to find the Asher-pod. After picking a team of specialists, they set out in the newest fasted ship on a thrilling adventure of mystery action and discovery.
With a full arsenal of weapons and AIs these genetically modified humans of a wide range of clades not only must deal with ship life, they are constantly plagued by misfortune and mysterious sabotage during their journey. Being one of the first human animal inhabited ships to transverse a gravitational ribbon the end up finding the gravitational trunk where they get a whisper of the Asher-pod connection and follow it to a great space-based alien complex on the edge of the mysterious Deep Dark.

The Phantom Barrier
The sleeping Dark Wanderer awakens.
The secrets of the Deep Dark are revealed.
The Discovery of Dark Wisp Ribbons as pathways through the deep dark phantom barrier to the rest of the Universe beyond. The Universe is WAY bigger than we fathomed.
Quest to gather the ancient dark wanderer universe maps. Discovery of a map display interface which holographically displays all aspects of their exploration in fine detail.