"Guess What?"

This is great! You write Vaughn and Weiss as brilliantly as you write Jack! Hilarious...can't wait to see what Syd will do next...and I love how she's torturing weiner boy!

thanks for the PM -- look forward to more!
I realize that Sydney’s being a little b****y in this chapter, but frankly after S3, I’d rather see her being that way than weeping and moaning into a box of tissues. :lol:

Chapter 3: In which Vaughn learns what’s next. And it’s not good. For him, anyway.

As they walked through the Maui airport, Sydney latched onto Vaughn’s arm. Startled, he looked down at her as she dimpled up at him. Oh, no, this wasn’t good, this wasn’t……. s***. Now she was talking.

“Sweetheart..." Sydney said, batting -- actually, for the love of god, batting her eyelashes at him. "Aren’t you excited about being on Maui? I know I am! Alice was right – it looks like a perfect place for a honeymoon. I’m ever so glad she suggested it. We should call and thank her. Where’s your phone?”

He actually stopped walking when she said that. He. Stopped. Walking. His brain came to a standstill, so his feet did as well. Right there in the airport, with hundreds of people streaming around them. Including, possibly, any of the contacts for this mission who needed to believe that they were really honeymooners. In his ear, he actually heard Weiss choke on his own laughter. Looking back, he saw him bent over while Agent Barclay pounded him on the back and Agent Washington looked on quizzically.

Syd reached out and grabbed him by the arm. Plopping sunglasses on her face, she pulled at him. “C’mon, darling. I’m sure that poor man over there just swallowed some papaya juice wrong. I want to hurry and get to our room, don’t you?”

Weiss was chortling in his ear, “You look shellshocked. Darling. Wake up. The mission, the cover?”

Vaughn tried to rearrange the muscles of his face. Apparently not fast enough. Syd reached out and grabbed his jaw. It may have looked like a lover’s touch to those watching, but he wouldn’t be surprised if he had bruises the next morning. She had strong hands. Reaching up just a little, she gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Just when he began to relax, she bit his lower lip. “Okay, Vaughn, keep your head, you know --the one up top? The one you apparently don’t use too often? That one--in the game, please,” she whispered in his ear.

He was a dead man. Apparently Weiss concurred, “You are dead. So dead.”

He would like to die, Vaughn decided. Now would be good. Right now. Please?

Keeping her arm threaded through his, Sydney guided them toward the car rental booths. The attendant offered them their choice of colors but of course, this being Hawaii, they got a convertible, standard issue. Great, so he could see Syd’s hair blowing in the breeze. Great. He’d had dreams about that……

The whole time he was handling the car paperwork, she stroked his arm, leaned into him, pushing her breast into his side and finally gave him a little kiss on the ear. He turned to glare at her. Vaughn then whipped his head back around when the clerk, an older woman, laughed and smiled indulgently, as she asked knowingly,“Honeymooners?” He could feel his face turn red and he looked down. The clerk leaned over to Syd and in a stage whisper said, “You’re lucky. Gorgeous and shy, too.”

Syd whispered back, “Oh, I’m lucky alright.”

Vaughn grabbed the keys and taking a deep breath, forced himself to smile. “Let’s go!” he said brightly.

“Let’s go!” Weiss mimicked. “Can’t you do any better?”

“Believe me when I say I am doing the very best I can. The very best.” Vaughn gritted out. They made their way through the relatively small, open air facility to the car rental parking lot. The minute they exited the airport itself, Syd dropped his arm to look through her bag. He gave her a sideways glance, somewhat worried about what she was pulling out of that bag. Mace, pepper spray, a martial arts stick? Eh, who was he kidding? She needed only her bare hands. To his relief, she pulled out a ponytail holder and began winding her hair up in it. Correct that, to his immense relief. At least he wouldn’t have to see her hair loose.

“Why don’t you drive, darling?” Syd asked with an innocent look that immediately ratcheted up his anxiety level. “I’d like to look around on the way to the hotel.”

”Sure,” Vaughn said suspiciously, but then Syd got into the car and began rummaging around the bag again. By the time he had stowed the rest of their luggage in the trunk of the car, she had triumphantly pulled out sunscreen and was lightly applying it to her face.

When Vaughn slid into the driver’s seat and looked at Sydney cautiously, she asked, “What? Oh – here have some sunscreen – this tropical sun is a lot more dangerous than you think.”

“I know, I’ve been in the tropics before,” Vaughn said with an edge to his voice.

“Oh, have you? I wouldn’t know, would I? Information about yourself, those little life details – they never seemed to come up as topics of conversation, did they?”

Vaughn shoved the key into the ignition and peeled out. Knowing he was acting like a typical man, using his car to vent his anger, he slowed down almost immediately. Stopping, he turned to her and said, “Syd. I think we need to talk about the cover, if we are going to make this mission a success. I don’t think it’s helpful to bring up Alice.”

“What? Is there some problem with bringing up Alice? I mean, you were a free man, you had every right to go out with her, didn’t you? It’s not like you ever acted like you were, oh I don’t know, interested in someone else, did you?”

Weiss said in his ear (and where was he anyway, Vaughn looked around), “Oh, wow. I know I’d love to hear the answer to that question.”

Spotting Weiss and the other two agents in the car behind him, Vaughn shifted the car back into gear and turned into the street. They had a little ways to go before they reached the town where their hotel was located, Lahaina. He hoped to lose them along the way.
Keeping his eye on the rearview mirror while Syd gave him directions, he ground his teeth when he saw that Weiss had no intention of letting him get loose.

Driving out of the airport area, he glanced over at Sydney. He couldn’t see her eyes behind the sunglasses and, maybe, he didn’t want to see them. What would be there-- coldness or amusement? Or worse, sadness? He swallowed hard several times, while she looked at the passing scenery. He knew she was waiting, but could not seem to open his mouth. Largely because he had no idea what to say.

Vaughn jumped when Weiss said, in his ear, “So, you going to answer that question or what?”

“No.” Syd looked over at him curiously. He pointed at his ear and she raised an eyebrow. To her look he responded, “Nothing, don’t worry about it.”

“Hey, buddy,” Weiss noted. “I’m not the one who’s worried, I’m not the one with the cold sweats in that airplane, I’m not the one---“

“I get it!” Vaughn cut him off.

“Nah, I don’t think you’ll be getting anything until you answer that question,” Weiss said gleefully. Vaughn could only groan silently and wonder what in the world Barclay and Washington were making of that side of the conversation.

Finally, they pulled into the oceanfront hotel on the edge of Lahaina. “Lahaina is the perfect location,” Vaughn said to Sydney as they got out of the car. “Lots of art galleries, nightlife, a renowned nighttime luau, views of Molokai and sunsets reputed to be among the most beautiful in the world.”

Sydney looked at him quizzically with a half smile on her face and he realized he was babbling. Weiss confirmed it, “You sound like the freakin’ Travel Channel. Shut up.”

“I’ll shut up now,” Vaughn said. “You do the talking, Syd. You seem to have a lot to say.”

“Oooh, getting brave now, aren’t we?” Weiss chortled.

This is hilarious
I love it
Vaughn's really in trouble
I love to see Syd acting like this though
Vaughn deserved it
Thanks for the PM
Update again soon
omg, i luv this! esp. weiss' commentary...that justs adds so much! lol, and vaughn is getting really brave, wonder what syd's gonna do next. btw, are the other agens listening in? cuz wouldn't that cause some problems for vaughn when he gets home?
Guess What???? That was freakin hilarious. I coulnd't stop laughing the whole time. Pm me pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls.

This is absolutely hilarious. I love it. Please PM me when you update again. Syd's definately gonna keep Vaughn on his toes for this mission.

More soon Please


btw, are the other agens listening in? cuz wouldn't that cause some problems for vaughn when he gets home?
The other agents are around, but not listening in to this particular conversation. They will have some input on what's going on 'back home' later in the story. Or rather, what they're sending back home, let's say. Stay tuned.
great job!
you know, i don't think syd's b****y! vaughn kind of deserved it!
So you know, i don't really feel sorry for vaughn, except it's so cute how he's afraid of syd!
update soon! and if it's possible, can you put a link up when you send out pms? thanks.
Karen -- YOU ROCK! I've practically had tears streaming down my cheeks 'cause I was laughing so hard! Syd is handling this perfectly -- Vaughn can be such a weiner, and he deserves everything she's dishing out! His reactions are dead on and I love Weiss' constant snarking in his earpiece! :lol:

This is shaping up to be one helluva ride & I can't wait for the next update!
“Believe me when I say I am doing the very best I can. The very best.” Vaughn gritted out.  They made their way through the relatively small, open air facility to the car rental parking lot. The minute they exited the airport itself, Syd dropped his arm to look through her bag. He gave her a sideways glance, somewhat worried about what she was pulling out of that bag. Mace, pepper spray, a martial arts stick? Eh, who was he kidding? She needed only her bare hands.  To his relief, she pulled out a ponytail holder and began winding her hair up in it. Correct that, to his immense relief.  At least he wouldn’t have to see her hair loose. 

This was SOOOO great! I loved this chapter! ^_^
this is so hilariou! Poor Vaughn! he he!
and weiss...is such an adorable "child":P

PM me please!:)
:jump: hehe this was great!! :D ^_^

I know I am! Alice was right – it looks like a perfect place for a honeymoon. I’m ever so glad she suggested it. We should call and thank her. Where’s your phone?”

:o haha she's really gonna put him through hell through this mission isn't she! :yes:

Reaching up just a little, she gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Just when he began to relax, she bit his lower lip. “Okay, Vaughn, keep your head, you know --the one up top? The one you apparently don’t use too often? That one--in the game, please,” she whispered in his ear.

She bit him! lol i shouldn't laugh but i can't help it!! :rolleyes:

“What? Is there some problem with bringing up Alice? I mean, you were a free man, you had every right to go out with her, didn’t you? It’s not like you ever acted like you were, oh I don’t know, interested in someone else, did you?”

:jawdrop: ouch! lol i am loving this story!! it's just so witty and great! :)

Vaughn jumped when Weiss said, in his ear, “So, you going to answer that question or what?”

“No.” Syd looked over at him curiously. He pointed at his ear and she raised an eyebrow. To her look he responded, “Nothing, don’t worry about it.”

“Hey, buddy,” Weiss noted. “I’m not the one who’s worried, I’m not the one with the cold sweats in that airplane, I’m not the one---“

haha Weiss is hilerious! i'm loving the little comments that he keeps making! 😆

“I get it!” Vaughn cut him off.

“Nah, I don’t think you’ll be getting anything until you answer that question,” Weiss said gleefully.

:happydance: HAHAHA!

“I’ll shut up now,” Vaughn said. “You do the talking, Syd. You seem to have a lot to say.”

“Oooh, getting brave now, aren’t we?” Weiss chortled.

oo Vaughn's starting to answer back to her! lol this should be fun!

thanks for the pm and please update soon!! :)