"Guess What?"

hey! yay! I beat the PM! but NO- what do i see here? THE END? NOOOOOOOOOO.......................
thank you camille 4 the story and pm!
so funny.............
A truly perfect ending to a perfect story!!! This has been wonderful from beginniing to end!

“Shut UP,” Jack hissed.

“You can’t make me,” Irina hissed back.

Jack arched an eyebrow.

Irina coughed lightly and smiled. “Maybe you could, but not right now.
:lol: :lol:

Love what Jack gave Syd...that brought little tears to my eyes! I have to say however, that I will NEVER view the "Little Mermaid" in quite the same way again!

Irina called out plaintively, “Hey, what about me? You’re leaving me here with him?”

Jack sighed happily, “Ah, finally a perfect revenge.”

“Jack! C’mon! You know I can’t leave!” Irina protested.

“I know. It’s great,” Jack smiled. “Have fun!”

As they began walking away, they heard Irina call plaintively, “Jack…I’ll tell you anything you want to know, anything…”

Jack stopped for a moment and then shook his head. “Guess what? You will eventually, anyway.”

I hope you decided to continue with the trilogy...if so...remember me on the PMs, 'cause that'll be one I DON'T want to miss!

:hug: Merry Christmas!
Slowly, Jack extended a small key to his daughter. With a curious look Sydney took it and opened the box. Raising the lid she looked inside and then stopped. With a glance at her father, she reached her hand in and pulled out a small plastic Little Mermaid caketopper of Ariel and Prince Eric in wedding attire. For a long moment she just stared at it. Her eyes began to fill.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :hug:

“So, daughter?” Irina said, “You get the point, since your father appears tongue-tied? For once? He did all this for you, to give you what you wanted, what you needed.  At the end of the scavenger hunt, at the end of the search of a lifetime, guess what? You and Vaughn found each other.”

[Everyone here can say, “Awww” in unison.]
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww i think im gonna cry!!!!!!!

Irina coughed lightly and smiled. “Maybe you could, but not right now.  Just go ahead and hug your daughter, give her a kiss, tell her you love her. That’s what you want to do anyway.”

Jack and Sydney stared at each other. Finally, Vaughn gave Sydney a push and Irina elbowed Jack.  Weiss looked on happily as Jack and Sydney met in the middle of the room and embraced.

Jack looked over at Vaughn and intoned, “And she’d better stay that way. Or--”

“Oh, Dad, c’mon. We all know you like Vaughn,” Sydney laughed. 

“And that’s what scares me,” Vaughn muttered.
as it should :P

“Ugh. I’m leaving now!” Jack exclaimed and stepped away. To Syd and Vaughn, he said, “I need to get something from my briefcase, then I’ll be right back. Don’t let Weiss get too cozy with your mother. I don’t know what he’s thinking but…Irina and Weiss? That’s a scary combination if I ever saw one.” He stalked out the door to the cell.
ew irina and weiss ::shudders::

Sydney stepped over to Vaughn. She smiled suddenly. Vaughn raised an eyebrow. She whispered, “You know, in some perverse, twisted way, I can’t wait to see Weiss take on my parents as his next project.”

“Yeah.” Weiss sighed. “That’s going to prove to be a slight problem.”

Slight?” Vaughn, Syd and Irina said in unison.
slight? uhhh just a tenny tiny bit... :rolleyes:

“Yeah. From now on, call me Astrid. Astrid…Gayfeather.”
*bows down to sydney - queen of the spys* 🙇

They all looked at each other. Jack cracked a smile as everyone but Irina said, “Ursula?”

Crossing her arms, Irina exclaimed, “Well! I like that.  I am an overweight, purple watery witch with eels for elves and 8 arms?”
haha o no!

Weiss gave him a thoughtful glance and jumped into the silence, “Did you ever wonder about Ursula though?  I mean, maybe if Triton had ever given her the time of day, she wouldn’t have been so angry? Or…maybe she just wanted his… spear?”
nice :P

As the three of them looked back, they heard Weiss say to Irina, “So. What’s this I hear about nightly dates in Cell Block A? Have any mixer dances lately? You know, you’d probably look great in black. In fact, I bet that’s your color. Do your hair, put on some makeup, high heels? No? How about---“

“Weiss,” Irina said wearily, “This isn’t a sorority with mixers and game night, you know.”

“Hmm,” he said, “That gives me an idea.”

Irina rolled her eyes, “Oh, no. What?”

“Guess what?” Weiss asked.
ahhhh i love it!!!!!!!!

that totally leaves room for a sequal "Guess What 2: Spy parents lovin'" :P

OMG i loved this story so much it was sooooooooooooo hysterical!!!!!!!!!!
im so sad its over - but AWESOME writing job!! simply fantastic :D
and i love so much that jack just :heart: mike :D hehe
thanks for all the pms :innocent:
Oh that was great!
Weiss makes this like 10 times better
He is so funny
Thanks for the PM
Thanks for sharing this great story with us!
I lved this whole fic! ESP that last chapter!
Youre very talented with making me laugh hysterically, lol....
Thanks for all the PMs, and patience listening to me babble.....*smiles*
It was great, and i hope you consider writting a sequel sometime!
Vaughn whispered, “I thought we were making a bakery stop, Syd?”

She whispered back, “Oh, that’s for dessert. Get a grip on yourself. Wait, that would be a waste. I mean, it’s always a waste when frosting isn’t used properly…” she giggled. Vaughn rolled his eyes and then laughed.  Sydney called back, “Mom, do you want us to bring you back some?” 

“From the bakery?” Irina asked, slightly confused. “No, I think I’d prefer something with meat for dinner. Jack---“


Irina called out plaintively, “Hey, what about me? You’re leaving me here with him?”

Jack sighed happily, “Ah, finally a perfect revenge.”

“Jack! C’mon! You know I can’t leave!” Irina protested.

“I know. It’s great,” Jack smiled. “Have fun!”

:lol: That is evil.


I can't believe it's the end. :cry:

Great Chapter
I Loved It

Perfect Ending.

wow what an awesome story!!
you had me laughing throughout the entire story. What a great ending!
i am going to miss all the analogies
All the jack and irina conversations - priceless
The Sydney/vaughn - major conversation - so sweet!
in fact i loved everything about it!
Congratulations on a fantastic story

Good chapter! Nooo it cant be the end?! It was
a fantastic story and you ended it very well!
PM me if you write any other stories!
So sad*tear*
luv ya
xox catty xox
Hehe. YAY! An update!!

Last update:

Last update? Awww... I'm gonna miss this fic!!

Slowly, Jack extended a small key to his daughter. With a curious look Sydney took it and opened the box. Raising the lid she looked inside and then stopped. With a glance at her father, she reached her hand in and pulled out a small plastic Little Mermaid caketopper of Ariel and Prince Eric in wedding attire. For a long moment she just stared at it. Her eyes began to fill.
Awww... How cuuuute!!!

When Jack did not answer, just looked down at the floor, Weiss responded quietly, “It’s from the Sydney shrine in his house, Syd.”

Hehe, nice way to ruin the moment, Weiss! :lol:

“So, daughter?” Irina said, “You get the point, since your father appears tongue-tied? For once? He did all this for you, to give you what you wanted, what you needed. At the end of the scavenger hunt, at the end of the search of a lifetime, guess what? You and Vaughn found each other.”
[Everyone here can say, “Awww” in unison.]

Here we go, Awwwwwwwwww!! ^_^ How sweet!!

"Shut UP,” Jack hissed.
“You can’t make me,” Irina hissed back.
Jack arched an eyebrow.


Cupping her father’s face in one hand, Sydney reached up and gave him a kiss. She realized belatedly, that was the first kiss she had given him in decades. Giving him another squeeze, she said softly, “Yes. I’m happy. Thanks to you.”

AWWWW!!!! :wub:

“Jack, I…” Irina began, staring back.
“You know, you always say that, ‘Jack, I….’ When do you intend to finish the sentence, Irina?” Jack accused and released Sydney after giving her one last hug.
To everyone’s complete lack of astonishment, Weiss entered the fray. “Yeah, Irina. I mean, Mrs. Bristow, I mean Ms. Derevko. I have a question for you about--” Weiss stopped at the deadly glares from Irina and Jack, but didn’t back down, just scuttled sideways, Syd thought. Like Sebastian.

Teehee, yeah Irina! :lol: Love Weiss!!!

“Yeah. From now on, call me Astrid. Astrid…Gayfeather.”

:rotflmao: Astrid Gayfeather, LOL!

Weiss commented with a look of concern in Irina's direction, “You know, I’m thinking if Syd is Ariel, Vaughn is Prince Eric of course, I clearly have been assigned the Sebastian role, Jack is Triton, but who would Irina be?”
They all looked at each other. Jack cracked a smile as everyone but Irina said, “Ursula?”
Crossing her arms, Irina exclaimed, “Well! I like that. I am an overweight, purple watery witch with eels for elves and 8 arms?”
“Hey, I’m a crab!” Weiss argued.”Or a lobster, what was he? Anyway, I think Ursula had a total of 10 arms.”
:lol: How I love all the Little Mermaid talk!!

Aw.. I'm gonna miss this fic!! :(

But thanks for all the pms and updates!!


ps. grrrrr. my quotes dont work properly! <_<
OMG :D This was the funniest fic i have ever reAD
absoloutly amazing
seriously awesome
weiis rocks
and kissing jack lmao
awesomei loved it all and all the sexual innuendo was fantastic and all to get syd and vaughn together