"Guess What?"

Thanks for the update! What was it you told me before?....oh, yes, Jessica Rabbit quote I believe! I'd tell you to quite picking on Vaugh, but hell that's the whole idea!! You are right, Sydney getting even is much better then tissue-fest Syndey! Really enjoy the Weiss snark-he always adds some humor!! Hope Vaughn can take his foot out of his mouth and pull his head out of his ass so that Sydney gets some answers!!! Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks, robyn
great chapter! I loved Syd being a b*tch. I can handle it. I want to see her kick Vaughn's butt. . .but then again, i'd rather see them kiss. . . :lol: thanks for the pm.
Chapter 4: In which Vaughn almost makes it, almost. So close.

“Fine, darling!” Sydney cooed, while her eyes shot sparks. “Let’s go check in. I can’t wait to see our room. If you know what I mean?” she asked with a wink.

Sydney led the way to the check-in desk. While she gave their information to the clerk, Vaughn looked around. It truly was a beautiful property. The lobby looked out on the pool and beyond that was a sand beach, the ocean and Molokai in the distance. It even faced west, toward those sunsets. Perfect.

Who was he kidding? He wasn’t going to be cuddling Sydney on the beach while the sun set. Not unless he could come up with an explanation and possibly, maybe, prevent her from killing him.

Suddenly his head jerked around. What had she just said? Oh, my God. She was arguing with the clerk about… Sydney was saying firmly, “No, that is not acceptable. This is our honeymoon and I don’t want a room with a double bed. I want a room with a king-size bed.”

Vaughn cleared his throat and said, “Honey, since it is our honeymoon, maybe that double would be okay. I mean how much room do we…” One brown eyebrow lifted. s***. The gauntlet had been thrown.

“Well, darling, since it IS our honeymoon, I want more room. Cuddling close is fine, sometimes. But sometimes, a person, a woman wants to be able to move around, spread out. IF you know what I mean.” Sydney smiled up at him. Weiss snickered. Sydney looked like she was about to snicker. The clerk snickered. Both Sydney and Vaughn leveled a glare at the hapless young man. He began pounding on the keyboard, “Yes, ma’am. I’ll change that room for you right away.” Shortly they had the keys. Sydney motioned toward the suitcases. He sighed, clearly she was playing the delicate female (which was the biggest stinkin’ joke in the WORLD) and he would have to carry all of the luggage.

As soon as they got in the elevator, Vaughn turned toward her. “What the hell was that about? Don’t we need the rooms already assigned for the set up?”

“Calm down, boy,” Weiss advised. “Syd was just fixing a problem caused by the idiot in the Op Center who didn’t reserve the correct rooms.”

“You could have told me. Great. Now I have to—“

“Apologize. Yeah, starting with this little tirade that was…”

“Shut up, Weiss. Syd, I apologize, Weiss just explained…..”

“You know, Vaughn, it would be nice if you would trust me.” Sydney paused, then pointed out, “I have been on a few of these missions before today, you know.”

“Yeah, I know. Sorry.”

“That’s okay.”

Vaughn looked over but she was studiously studying the elevator buttons. Biting her bottom lip as though the world depended upon reaching the fifth floor immediately.

“Syd, I want to say..…” She looked up when he paused. Smiling tentatively, he added honestly, “I’m glad to see you.” Wow, that was an understatement. Really smooth, Michael, really smooth.

To Vaughn’s astonishment, Sydney smiled slowly in return. “I’m glad to see you too.”

“You are?”


“I thought….Syd, I’ve missed you.” Vaughn smiled at her again. Her smile grew brighter for a moment, then dimmed completely. He tensed.

“Really? I thought you’d have been too busy to miss me. I mean, I never intruded into your personal life with your friends, parties, girlfriends, now did I?” Then she looked away, looked up at the floor indicator above the door.

Diiing. The elevator had reached the fifth floor.

He muttered, “If you only knew……If you only knew.” He cut off his words. When would he learn to open his mouth and when to shut it? Maybe she wouldn’t notice… But of course, she caught it.

“If I only knew what, Vaughn, what?”

“Syd—“ Vaughn grabbed the suitcases and followed her out. Dropping them in the middle of the hallway, he made a grab for her arm. She whirled around, avoiding his eyes. “Syd…I want you to know that I’m not going out with Alice anymore.”

Still looking away, she asked, “Since when?”

“Since this morning, which seems like years ago at this point.”

“Who broke up with whom?” Sydney asked carefully.

Weiss squawked a warning, “Lie, lie, lie. Obfuscate. Feint. Do not tell her---“

“She broke up with me,” Vaughn told her, not seeing Weiss' point.

“You idiot. You were doing so well, too.” Weiss moaned.

“I see.” The artic glaciers could not have been colder than Sydney’s voice. “Let’s get to the room, darling,” she said loudly. “I’m eager to see that bed.” He winced. He had gotten the point.

Picking up the suitcases, he followed her to their room. Wincing again, he noted how lovely it was. Opening up the doors to the balcony he could not help exclaiming, “Syd! Come out here and see the view.”

Sydney hissed at him, “Vaughn! Come in here and act like a trained professional.” He turned around. Sure enough, she was running a routine scan while he acted like a tourist. Could he act like more of a fool? Could this day get any worse?

Who was he kidding? Of course it could.

“Who broke up with whom?” Sydney asked carefully.

Weiss squawked a warning, “Lie, lie, lie. Obfuscate. Feint. Do not tell her---“

“She broke up with me,” Vaughn told her, not seeing Weiss' point.

“You idiot. You were doing so well, too.” Weiss moaned.
:lol: I agree with Weiss! Although, once the truth came out...and we all know it would have, Syd would have kicked Vaughn's ass for lying!

This story keeps me in stitches! Thanks for the PM :hug:
That boy has got to learn when it is time to lie!!! I think he should relay the story about Alice thinking he's gay! If Weiss enjoyed it- think how much joy it would bring to Sydney! Wish they were together, but realize that getting there is half the fun. (I hope JJ knows this and doesn't just push them together the minute S4 starts!)
I like how you dangle reedemption right in front of Vaughn and then yank it away!
“Syd, I want to say..…” She looked up when he paused. Smiling tentatively, he added honestly, “I’m glad to see you.” Wow, that was an understatement. Really smooth, Michael, really smooth.

To Vaughn’s astonishment, Sydney smiled slowly in return. “I’m glad to see you too.”
See, you enjoy torturing him with his own stupidity!!
“She broke up with me,” Vaughn told her, not seeing Weiss' point.
Love the fic and looking forward to more! robyn
But if Syd only knew why Alice broke up with Vaughn
Because he really truely loves Sydney
Thanks for the PM
Update again soon
:lol: loved it!! lol

Sydney motioned toward the suitcases. He sighed, clearly she was playing the delicate female (which was the biggest stinkin’ joke in the WORLD) and he would have to carry all of the luggage.

😆 haha well Sydney's definately got all of this planned out! lol she really is gonna make him suffer!

“I thought….Syd, I’ve missed you.” Vaughn smiled at her again. Her smile grew brighter for a moment, then dimmed completely. He tensed.

“Really? I thought you’d have been too busy to miss me. I mean, I never intruded into your personal life with your friends, parties, girlfriends, now did I?” Then she looked away, looked up at the floor indicator above the door.

Eeek! he was so close :blink:

“Who broke up with whom?” Sydney asked carefully.

Weiss squawked a warning, “Lie, lie, lie. Obfuscate. Feint. Do not tell her---“

“She broke up with me,” Vaughn told her, not seeing Weiss' point.

“You idiot. You were doing so well, too.” Weiss moaned.

“I see.” The artic glaciers could not have been colder than Sydney’s voice. “Let’s get to the room, darling,” she said loudly. “I’m eager to see that bed.” He winced. He had gotten the point.

He just had to go and stuff it up! :(

thanks for the pm and more soon please!!

Oh god vaughn...weiss tried to help you but you didn't listen!
Great job, it's gonna be so fun seeing syd trying to torture vaughn!
great job and update soon!
Chapter 5: In which they settle into their room. Don’t get too excited.

Vaughn went back in and helped her run the scan. Without exchanging a word, they both began unpacking into the dresser, mixing their stuff together to make it look like a real couple. Sydney never said a word more than necessary. Vaughn was struck by the silence, Ttat silence that sat there like the proverbial pink elephant. Large, stinky and immovable. She finished first and went into the bathroom with her toiletries and came out again. Weiss knocked on the connector and Vaughn opened it. The agents had the rooms on either side of “theirs.” Vaughn would be sharing one with Weiss at night, although for Sydney’s safety, the door would be left open between the rooms.

Weiss came in rubbing his hands. Looking from Vaughn to Syd and back again, he plopped himself down on the bed, king-size bed. “Okay, tonight, it’s no big deal. The initial contact will be either at dinner or dancing afterward. Those were the instructions -- dinner, then dancing. At some point during the evening, you will get an envelope handed to you or left on the table with instructions.” The three talked for a while about the mission, which although simple, involved scuba diving.

Syd looked at her watch and said, “Okay, it’s show time. Is that all, Weiss?” She went to the dresser and pulled out what appeared to be a piece of fabric far too small to be a dress.

“That’s it.” Weiss also eyed the fabric in Syd’s fist and raised an eyebrow at Vaughn.

The two of them just stood there. Finally Syd said, “Gentlemen, perhaps you could leave so I can get ready to play the part of the adoring new bride?” Pause. “After all, it will take me quite a while.”

“Ouch.” Vaughn moaned as they closed the door behind them.

“‘It will take me quite a while’? Direct hit.”

“You’re not kidding. But somehow I don’t think that is going to be anywhere the end of it.”

“No, I think that dress is going to be the end of you.”

“It did look like there wasn’t much to it.”

“Uh-huh. The question is how much is going to be left of you by the time she’s done?”

Chapter 6: In which Vaughn learns just how annoying Weiss can be.

Half an hour later, Vaughn sat in the lobby. He was ostensibly waiting for Sydney. That was a joke, the woman could get dressed faster than he could, so clearly the wait was just the usual form of torture to which women subjected men, only given Syd’s capabilities the torture possibilities were a little more real than most men experienced... He heard his com unit click on.

Weiss was laughing. Again. “Oooh, boy, you are in so much trouble.”

“Why?” Vaughn asked half-suspiciously and half-resignedly. What else could she do to him, after---

“Here comes Sydney. Yowza.” Weiss whistled quietly. Vaughn could hear the other agents snickering in the background but couldn’t see what they could due to a different vantage point. He wanted to pop them all. Then with a grin Vaughn could hear in his voice, Weiss told Vaughn, "You're in for a hard time tonight, my friend. But that's about all you're getting into if you get my---"

"Drop it!" Vaughn muttered in a hiss. How bad could it be? He'd seen Sydney in any variety of... Uh-oh. Finally Vaughn could see her. Ooh boy, he was in big trouble. She had pulled her hair up loosely so that tendrils floated around her shoulders. Just a touch of makeup, except something she did to her eyes made them appear huge and her mouth looked very soft. The dress appeared to be merely a big bright pink silky scarf of some kind that she had wrapped around her body from the front, crossing in back and then bringing the ends under her arms and around her neck. She told him it was a pareu, or some such thing, he wasn’t really listening, he was too busy looking. The skirt ended mid thigh and she had on 3 inch sandals. No stockings, just miles of bare legs. He was in big trouble. Getting bigger by the minute actually.

Vaughn swallowed hard as she approached. Well, that was okay. Even if he were her husband, he would be gulping when he saw her approaching looking like this. Right?

Weiss said evilly, “Just think, if you’d had some guts, you’d know what she was wearing underneath that scarf thingie.” Vaughn groaned.

She came to a stop in front of him. He noticed that her eyes were sparkling and the look on her face just spelled trouble. She pirouetted. “Honey, what do you think?”

“You look gorgeous,” he said in all sincerity.

In his ear, Weiss added, “You can tell her we all agree.”

“Shut up, Weiss.”

They went into dinner. She flirted mercilessly. Weiss kept saying in his ear, “You are in such trouble.” He could not have said what they ate or drank. He knew that they made small talk that anyone hearing would have thought perfectly appropriate, as were the heated glances she kept throwing at him, her supposed new husband. Only he knew those glances were the equivalent of hand grenades. Then she began touching him, light, little strokes to the arm or the hand. Why was he here anyway? He had trouble remembering his mission. Thank God he was just supposed to sit still and wait for the contact. They had finished dinner, still with nothing. s***. Couldn't this day just end?

Weiss chortled, “Okay, this should be fun. You two need to go to the hotel club for dancing.”

Vaughn excused himself to go to the men’s room and meet Weiss. He looked like
he was going to bust a gut from laughing. He was glad someone was having a good time. He wasn’t and it didn’t look like Syd…...

Weiss interrupted his thoughts, “Okay, that’s enough of a break. Back into the fray.”

“I’m glad you are having such a good time.”

“Oh, we all are.” Weiss rocked back and forth on his heels and smiled.

“Wait – Weiss? What does everyone know about Syd and I?”

Weiss went still and silent and then spoke quietly, solemnly. “What everyone knows or thinks they know is that the two of you were a phenomenal team. That you had a connection of some kind. Personal and professional. One that was hard to separate because…it just was. Lots of us figured you two were just waiting until SD-6 was a memory and then…No one could quite figure out the Alice thing. Lots of us thought it was just a cover, that maybe you and Syd were already involved and…But as for the change in handlers – no one but the three of us knows the real reason. Well and probably Jack. And Irina. We’re the only ones that know that she was hurt and felt like she couldn’t trust you anymore. Lots of speculation, but most people figure you two must have had some huge blowup or that Jack Bristow had you removed for being too involved, emotionally.”

Vaughn stared at him blinking. Weiss never went on like that. He must truly be trying to warn him...warn him. Danger. Danger. s***! Vaughn blurted out, feeling a light sprinkle of sweat on his furrowed forehead, “You think Jack knows? And Irina?"

“Oh, yeah. Makes a guy nervous, doesn’t it?”

“I don’t even want to contemplate---“

“The reason why you are still alive with all body parts intact?”

“I’m not gonna deal with that right now. One Bristow out for blood is enough. But -- no one really knows that ---“

“No, Syd doesn’t have to feel humiliated.”


“You never thought of that, did you?” Now Weiss seemed angry. “You never thought of how it would make her look when people realized that you were falling all over her, figuratively speaking, and then going home to screw Alice? I still can’t believe you were still going out with her when you were clearly in love with Syd. I still can’t believe that Jack hasn’t killed you for that date in Nice when you were still going out with Alice. I don’t know what I was thinking to encourage it, except that any idiot could see there wasn’t anything real between you and Alice. I thought, honestly, that you’d break up with her the next day, that you’d see the light. What was wrong with you?”

Vaughn’s brain had stopped, however, at the factoid most likely to result in his death and/or dismemberment. “Jack knows about the date in Nice?”

“Jack Bristow knows everything. Which means Irina knows too probably. If that doesn’t freeze your nuts, I don’t know what would. Now, get back out there.”

Rolling his eyes, Vaughn went back to the dance area. Syd had already snagged a table and ordered two drinks. She was leaning back with her legs crossed, which made them look even longer. Great, just what he needed. She let him take a few sips of his drink while his eyes roamed the dance area. He could do that, he was supposed to be an agent on assignment. Agents should be scanning the area for trouble, right? His reprieve was short-lived, for she tapped him lightly on the hand and said, “I think we should dance.”

Weiss muttered in his ear, “Let the torture begin.” Vaughn was glad he was wearing the earpiece tonight. Syd didn’t need any more ideas.

This one was bad enough. Geez, didn’t the dj have anything but slow songs in his playlist? Vaughn knew Syd could feel his body hardening against her -- how could she help it since she was plastered against his front song after song? He whispered, “How long are we going to dance?”

“Long enough for the contact to spot us. Why -- is this…...hard…...for you?” Sydney asked with a small smile on her face that reminded him, scarily enough, of Jack.

Vaughn could hear Weiss chortling evilly in his ear and vowed that somehow, someway, Weiss would pay for his amusement.

Looking down at Sydney, he sighed and then he forgot all about Weiss as his arms took over and pulled her as close as possible. She stiffened for a moment and then seemed to melt into him. Surprised he pulled back to see her face. Was this another salvo in the war? But she turned to the side and short of grabbing her jaw, he couldn’t see her features. All he could see was that she was biting her lip. Again. “Syd, can we talk about this? I think we are both feeling---“

“Mike, sorry," Weiss squawked in his ear. He didn't sound sorry, Vaughn thought with irritation as he shook his head at Sydney and nodded, listening to Weiss tell him, "Back to the table. The waitress is delivering something…….”

The waitress brought a note with the drinks and a bottle of champagne. She told them that a gentleman at the bar had given the champagne to the “newlyweds” with his compliments and a note of congratulations.

They took the bottle back upstairs to the room, where Vaughn immediately went into Weiss’ adjoining room and took a cold shower. He didn’t even look at the note. He could care less about the damn note. Half an hour into the shower he smacked himself on the head. He should have followed up on that moment on the dance floor, but he had been so consumed by the need to calm down, as it were…… He jumped out, but by the time he was done, Washington and Barclay were back and teasing him about his easy assignment tonight and letting perfectly good champagne go to waste. Ha. He intended to drink the whole bottle tonight and send himself into oblivion. Someone else could be on watch.

Watching for what, he didn't know. Then Weiss came in.

You really are intent on killing Vaughn, aren't you?
Weiss went still and silent and then spoke quietly, solemnly. “What everyone knows or thinks they know is that the two of you were a phenomenal team. That you had a connection of some kind. Personal and professional. One that was hard to separate because…it just was. Lots of us figured you two were just waiting until SD-6 was a memory and then…No one could quite figure out the Alice thing. Lots of us thought it was just a cover, that maybe you and Syd were already involved and…But as for the change in handlers – no one but the three of us knows the real reason. Well and probably Jack. And Irina. We’re the only ones that know that she was hurt and felt like she couldn’t trust you anymore. Lots of speculation, but most people figure you two must have had some huge blowup or that Jack Bristow had you removed for being too involved, emotionally.”
Love Serious & SincereWeiss! That's the friend he is deep down, when he's not torturing Vaughn! The idea that Jack AND Irina know that he hurt Jack's little girl should keep him awake at night! Great update thanks for the PM, robyn
I'm in such a happy place right now! This totally rocks...the comment about Jack and Irina knowing had me rolling!

Snaps to Weiss for pointing out what a putz Vaughn has been!

Great job!
:lol: lol this just keeps getting better and better!! ^_^

YAY we got two chapters!! :jump:

“You’re not kidding. But somehow I don’t think that is going to be anywhere the end of it.”

“No, I think that dress is going to be the end of you.”

“It did look like there wasn’t much to it.”

“Uh-huh. The question is how much is going to be left of you by the time she’s done?”

hahaha 😆...i'm gonna say that there won't be much of Vaughn left! she's totally gonna destroy him! lol

“Jack Bristow knows everything. Which means Irina knows too probably. If that doesn’t freeze your nuts, I don’t know what would. Now, get back out there.”

yeah if Sydney doesn't kill Vaughn, i'm thinking Jack just might! :rolleyes:

hehe thanks for the pm!