
Azhria Lilu

I'm not the only one who thinks #hashtagging everything is really ANNOYING!

Reading comments on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook forces you to wade through the endless swamp of hashtags. The keywords may sometimes serve a purpose online — and we emphasize sometimes — but when used in real life, you are a grade-A #nitwit.

Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon proved this point in their latest hilarious sketch, in which they get carried away hashtagging their conversation. Favorites include: #ImTheRealCookieMonster, #lololololololololololol, #QuackQuack and #IloveYouYouLoveMeWereAHappyFamily.

I saw this making rounds on Facebook.

My take...

Of course he's going to say that, he's dropped $30 million into the New Myspace.
I always laugh a bit when I see "hashtags" as people call them today...growing up I/we/the world called it the pound sign. I didn't even understand what was going on with "#hashtag" until really recently. I kept reading it as pound-hashtag. lol
Well, it's more so been called just a number symbol it looks like. But honestly...what I think of when I see it is a "Sharp" lol
I know what Kouin is referring to in terms of pound. It was always known as pound here in Sweden as well until the whole "hashtagging" became a phenomena.
heh must just be a UK thing, probably because we already have a pound sign :D I've never heard it referred to anything other than a hash.
I just don't get when people use them in places where they don't work, like most forums and even emails. Instead of writing what is on their mind are people reducing their thought process to just summarized words now?