Having Faith

Title: Having Faith
Summary: She doesn’t believe in happy endings, but will he change her mind?

I don’t really believe in God.

Some people might think that I’m just trying to rebel against orthodoxy; some people might not really care. It has nothing to do with any of that. It’s just that I don’t have faith.

I find it hard to blindly believe in something. Take love for example. How does one know they are in love? There are no physical signs, are there? Maybe it’s just that I’ve never felt that way before, but maybe it’s just my lack of faith in something like that. I’m not sure if love is even possible. Maybe one day that view will change, but for right now, that’s the way I feel.


If I had known, that by walking into that restaurant on October 1st, that my whole life would change, I think I would have steered clear by about a hundred yards. I was just standing there, waiting to give my order when I laid eyes on one of the handsomest guys I have ever seen. Me, being the pessimist I am, knew there was no way in hell I would ever get any guy like him within my reach. But there was still that attraction to him. If only I’d known it would be my downfall… literally.

Maybe I should have seen it coming, maybe then I would have been more prepared, but if he didn’t almost knock me flat on my ass in the middle of the restaurant, I never would have even had the chance to talk to him. There I was, halfway to the ground, when he grabbed my arm and saved me. But that’s what he really did; he saved me. He saved me from becoming an old lady with a thousand cats who lives alone. I didn’t know it then, but that was the start of my first real relationship.



Needless to say, he asked me out. I don’t have the faintest clue why he would, but he did. It made me want to jump up and down squealing, but of course I didn’t. I didn’t want to look like too much of a loser, at least not yet. Someday he would probably find out what a loser I am and leave me, but let me just revel in this for a minute.

Ok, done.

He took me to dinner at a cozy little Italian place, just around the corner from my house. I had been there millions of times, but I didn’t tell him that. Just let him think he picked something original. Our conversation wasn’t too boring, we managed to talk about what we both do for a living and what our hobbies are and that sort of thing. After all, it was only our first date.

He walked me home, since we were so close by, and we stood on the doorstep for a minute. It was awkward, but I think it was just because neither of us knew what to say. I had a great time, and I hope he did too. He was really nice, like, really really hot, and had a decent job. That’s a step up from the rest of the guys I’d dated. They had all been jerks in one way or another, but I never felt that spark before.

Michael just made me feel special. Like I was the center of his world. Like all that mattered was my happiness. Let me just say, I could get used to this.

One minute I’m standing there, thinking about my loser boyfriends, the next Michael’s lips are on mine and I’m utterly speechless.

See, this is me being speechless.

I hardly had time to react before he pulled away and looked at his feet. I could see that his cheeks were somewhat red, but that just made him all the more cute.

Somehow I saw myself getting deeply attached to this man before me. He had all the right ‘stuff’. He was all I’d ever really wanted in a companion, but also so much more. How I knew that on the first date, I’ll never know. I kissed his check and smiled, showing off my dimples, then walked inside.

Leaning against the back of the door, I suddenly had all this energy and I wanted to run around and scream at the top of my lungs. I double-checked out the peephole that Michael was gone and then proceeded to squeal like a teenager. Never in my life had any man made me feel this way. All on the first date, man, was I in for a trip.


He took me to play hockey. Hockey! I had never skated in my life and here he is running circles around me. I feel like such an idiot just standing here, trying to hold my balance. He gets a cute grin on his face as he skates up to me, placing his hands on my waist.

“Having some trouble?” He asks me. I want to say ‘well, duh!’ but I hold my tongue. He starts pulling me with him as he skates backward. I’m seriously freaking out here. I have never ice skated before, in my life, and now he’s pulling me along and I’m so afraid I’m gonna fall flat on my ass. Again.

Alright, so I have started caring what he thinks of me. That whole, ‘I don’t care what people think’ attitude? Yeah, gone by the first date. I definitely don’t want him to see me fail at something. Which, I’m bound to do sometime soon.

Of course, the minute I think of falling, my feet slide from under me and I’m flying toward the ice. But not by myself, no, Michael’s coming down right on top of me. Can you say awkward?

And he doesn’t get up. He just smiles at me and gets this little smirk on his face. I glare at him, being somewhat crushed by his weight. I honestly don’t care, hell; we could stay here all day. Well, minus the ice freezing my back. But his body, on top of mine, let me just say its not the worst thing in the world.

“What?” I ask him, raising my eyebrow. He just leans down and kisses me. Oh my god I have never been kissed like that in my whole life. Yes, it’s that good. I return the kiss and pretty soon were just lying there, making out on the ice. Not how I pictured our ice skating ‘adventure’, but pretty damn good.


How the hell three months passed, I have no idea. But they did, and they were the best in my life. Ok, so I don’t remember the first few years of my life, but I’ve gotten over that. I think.

Anyway, back to Michael.

Just thinking of him makes me feel good. I don’t know how to describe it, but I think I might be in love with him. I can’t be away from him for too long or it physically hurts, I cherish every moment I spend with him, and he is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. Is that love? I’m not sure.

I don’t know if he feels the same way about me, but god, do I hope so.


I know I seem to be going against all the things I used to be against, but things change. I didn’t used to believe in love, but once you experience these types of things, your view changes. Just ask anyone who has ever been in love. They know.

The minute Michael said he loved me I could have had a heart attack. Thinking back, I might have. Again, I wont know until I experience it. Hopefully that won’t be soon.

I felt so so happy that I could have run a marathon. I wanted to jump him right there in the middle of the restaurant. Of course I didn’t, it was a public place and I am an upstanding citizen. Haha, riiight.

Doesn’t mean that I didn’t jump him when we got home…


I can’t even think straight I’m so nervous. Something is up with Michael and I have to know what it is. I was never one of those kids who could wait patiently, and now I’m practically shaking. I’m dying over here worrying about what’s wrong with Michael tonight that he looks so nervous.

He needs to just spit it out soon before I get angry. Be blunt, it’s always the best method. He seems to know I know something’s up. Ahhh, I’m gonna start yelling if he doesn’t tell me soon! See, I’m not patient.

It’s in slow motion as I watch him reach into his jacket pocket and get down on one knee. I literally stop breathing by the time his knee hits the ground. We are sitting here in the restaurant we met in and he is proposing! I can’t even believe this.

Don’t get me wrong, I want to marry Michael, more than anything, but I’m just so surprised he feels the same about me.

“Sydney Bristow, will you marry me?”


“Here comes the bride.” My best friend Francie sings as she does my makeup. If I even attempted it, I think there would be an impromptu hospital visit in the near future.

It’s my wedding day and I am so astounded that Michael and I have been going out for four months, engaged for three, and are finally tying the knot. It’s one of those moments that your life is supposed to flash before your eyes, but for me it was my future. All I saw in it was Michael and that was perfectly fine by me.

“I do.” We promise and Michael kisses me for the first time as husband and wife. This is pure bliss.


God, this hurts. Like, shoot-me-now-or-I’ll-take-away-your-ability-to-have-kids pain.

Only, I couldn’t very well do that, seeing as how I want to have more kids with Michael. I just think that this one is taking a bit too long to come out. Bloody hell, hurry up ya little bugger!

I have no idea when I became British.

I crack a small smile at my joke, and Michael gives me a quick kiss, reassuring me that I’m doing fine. I think I’ve probably broken a few of the bones in his hand, but luckily we’re already in a hospital.


Little Samantha Marie Bristow Vaughn is the cutest baby in the whole world. Ok, so I’m a little biased, being her mother and all, but… just look at her! She hasn’t stopped smiling since she came home from the hospital three days ago. Well, neither have I.

Just looking at my husband holding our daughter, I can honestly say that I have faith.

Everything’s gonna turn out just fine.


Thanks for reading, please review!
that was soo cute, its the sweetest little one parter i have read :love:

Samantha sounded adorable, it was really good seeing it from Syd's point of view the whole way

thanx for the PM

-luv Em 💘
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute
i luv it they fell on the ice lol :devil:
they were so cute or syd explainstion of it was
i luv it and really glad u seant me the pm
its brilliant n has put a smile on my face
luv it

luv Chicketepee ^_^
Aww that was soo freakin' adorable!!! :love:
-And I loved how you did Syd's POV...it was very good!!!
Loved it!! Thanks for the pm!!