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<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>SPOILER!!!</span>

Look for a Jack/Kendall fight.  Jack is going to threaten Kendall in order to save Vaughn.
Goodbye.” She said. She pulled the trigger.

Vaughn pushed Sydney out of the way. Before Francie could finish them off, Brad came and started to shoot. Francie fled.
“Vaughn!” Syd yelled running to his side. She turned him over and saw the bullet hole in his chest.
“Oh my god, no!” Syd yelled. Brad kneeled next to them.
“Come on we have to get him to a hospital.” Brad said.
“Who are you?” Syd asked jumping up.
“I’m on your side, don’t worry.” He said throwing Vaughn over his shoulder. They ran back to the van as fast as they could. They jumped in the back and Weiss drove off.
“Get to a hospital.” Brad said. Weiss looked back and Brad already had Vaughn shirt open. He plugged the bullet hole with his shirt. Blood was seeping everywhere.
“Holy shi*! What happened?” Weiss asked.
“Just drive!” Brad yelled. Sydney was holding Vauhgns hand the whole time even though he was unconscious now.
“Vaughn, please stay with me.” Syd said in tears. She put her hand on his cheek. Weiss drove furiously to the hospital. They arrived 5 minutes later and Brad carried Vaughn inside.
“I need a doctor!” Brad yelled. At least 4 doctors came running from out of no where. They got him onto a bed and rolled him into the ER. Sydney and Brad were left outside the swinging doors.
“Come on, lets sit down.” Brad said. They walked into the waiting room and sat down. Weiss walked off to call Jack and tell him that they had found Sydney. Sydney sat there staring at the ground.
“He’ll be okay. Mike is a fighter.” Brad said. Sydney looked at him.
“I know.” Syd said. She wiped the tears from her face.
“So, who are you anyway.” Syd asked.
“I’m Vaughn’s cousin. He called me a few days ago and said he needed my help to get you back. This whole operation was his doing.” Brad said.
“He’s always trying to protect me.” Syd said.
“He really cares for you.” Brad said.
“He talks about you all the time.” Brad said.
“Yeah, I bet he tells you how crazy I’ve made his life.” Syd said.
“Actually, he tells me how you’ve made his life better.” Brad said. Sydney looked at him.
“Um, do you want something to eat, I’m going to go pick something up.” Brad said.
“No, I’m fine.” Syd said. Brad got up and walked out, leaving Sydney to herself. About 15 minutes later the doctor came out and Sydney stood up.
“Is he okay?” Syd asked.
“He’s stable. He’s very lucky. The bullet was very close to his artery and his heart.” The doctor said.
“May I see him?” Syd asked.
“Yes. But he isn’t awake. And he isn’t breathing on his own.” The doctor said.
“I want to see him.” She said.
“Okay.” He said. He led her into Vaughn’s room.
“We’ll transfer him back to the US tomorrow morning.” He said. With that said he walked out leaving Sydney and Vaughn alone. Sydney sat down in the chair next to his bed.
“Hey.” Syd said.
“Doctors said you’ll be okay.” She said. She stared at his limp body. She burst into tears.
“Gosh Vaughn, why do you always have to try and protect me? If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be in this situation.” Syd said. She gently rubbed his forehead.
“Please just make it through, I can’t do this without you.” Syd said. Brad was watching from the doorway with a bag of food in his hand. He couldn’t help but sympathize with her.
“I love you.” She said quietly. She kissed his forehead and walked out. She didn’t even see Bad standing against the wall outside the room. Sydney just kept on walking, not even knowing where she was heading.
-Next morning-
-6:30 a.m.-
Sydney and Weiss stood with Brad as they loaded Vaughn in the plane.
“Well, you two should go.” Brad said.
“Yeah.” Weiss said.
“Thank you. For helping.” Syd said.
“Anytime.” Brad said.
“Tell Vaughn when he wakes up to give me a call.” Brad said.
“Will do.” Weiss said.
“Take care.’ Brad said as they walked onto the plane. 20 minutes later the plane took off to LA.
The plane landed in la. The flight was long and they hit some bad wheater on he way back. Vaughn was transported to the Navy Hospital where he was to stay until further notice. Sydney and Weiss went to the Ops Center to tell Kendall everything that happened. They walked into the meeting room and everyone was already sitting down and they were all quiet. Everyone stared at Sydney.
“Sit down, now.” Kendall said. Sydney and Weiss sat down next to each other.
“Jack as informed me that Agent Vaughn ignored strict orders not to extract you. It looks like Agent Vaughn needs to work on his listening skills, and it shows he’s a amateur. I am glad to have you back Ms. Bristow but I will not sit here and tell you how sorry I am for not sending a team after you.” Kendall said.
“I don’t want your apologies.” Syd said.
“Good, because as I said, you wont be getting them.” Kendall said.
“You’re a jacka**.” Weiss said. Everyone looked at Weiss with wide eyes.
“What did you just say?” Kendall asked
“You heard me a**hole. If it went for Sydney right here, you wouldn’t even be in this office right now. She’s the only thing that keeps you in power.” Wiess said.
“Actually that’s not the only reason.” Kendall said.
“Yes it is!” Weiss yelled.
“You son of a B****!” He yelled.
“That’s it, get out now!” Kendall said pointing to the door.
“My pleasure. I’ll just go see how my amateur best friend is doing.” Wiess said. HE got up and stormed out of the office.
“Anyone else care to share their opinions?” Kendall asked. Everyone was silent.
“Good, now, Sydney, once Vaughn is out of the hospital he will be charged for not following orders and endangering the lives of other agents.” Kendall said.
“You can’t do that.” Syd said.
“I’m going to.” Kendall said. Jack saw that Sydney was about to burst.
“We’ll talk later.” Jack said. He got up and grabbed Sydney by the arm and took her outside the meeting room.
“Dad they can’t do this to him.” Syd said.
“Dad he saved me. He took a bullet for me, a bullet that was meant to kill me.” Syd said. Jack just starred at his daughter.
“Please, don’t let him do this.” Syd said almost in tears.
“Vaughn might not even make it.” Syd said.
“Sydney…don’t worry, I’ll take care of Kendall.” Jack said. He put his arm on her shoulder.
“Vaughn’s going to make it.” Jack said. Sydney looked at him and for the first time saw through the coldness in his heart. She hugged him.
“Go check on Vaughn, when you come back everything will be sorted out.” Jack said. Sydney pulled away from him and smiled.
“Thank you dad.” She said. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked off. Jack immediately went back to being angry. He stormed into the meeting room.
“Get out!” Jack said to some agents that were still looking at the debrief report. They scurried out of the room as fast as they could. Jack walked over and closed the door.
“What’s going on?” Kendall asked. Jack walked over to him and pushed him against a wall and held him by the collar.
“What the he**!” Kendall yelled.
“You listen to me you son of a b****.” Jack said.
“If you ever threaten my daughter like that again I will take action you will regret. As for Agent Vaughn, if you report him I’ll report you. You think I don’t know your secret I do. I’ll make sure everyone knows.” Jack said.
“And what’s that?” Kendall asked.
“You set a man up so you would be given the directors chair. The man is sitting in jail as we speak because of you. If you take any action against my daughter or Vaughn, you’ll have to deal with me.” Jack let go of him.
“I take it I don’t have to remind you that this conversation never happened.” Jack said. He walked out. Kendall stood there fuming. He threw papers across the room and cursed. Jack heard this when he stepped out of the room and a small smile slid on his face. He sighed and walked down to the medical wing. He saw Sydney standing at the door of a room. Jack walked over to Weiss who was talking to a doctor. The doctor walked away.
“How’s he doing?” Jack asked.
“He’s stable, but he still can’t breath on his own. He hasn’t woken up yet. Doctors are afraid he might slip into a coma. There are performing another surgery as we speak.” Weiss said.
“Does Sydney know?” Jack asked.
“About the coma? No.” Weiss said.
“They don’t know for sure, so I decided to wait.” Weiss said.
“Good idea, but if they do find out we need to tell her.” Jack said.
“I agree.” Weiss said.
“I talked to Kendall, Vaughn isn’t going to be prosecuted for his actions. I made sure of it.” Jack said with a small. Weiss smiled.
“No way? What did he say?” Weiss said.
“He was caught off guard. Scared.” Jack said. Weiss laughed.
“He deserves it.” Weiss said.
“But, I think you should be more careful around him. I wouldn’t have another one of those outbursts like you did today.” Jack said.
“I know, he just pisses me off. How can he talk about Vaughn like that? And Sydney? He doesn’t belong in his field office.” Weiss said.
“I agree, but we can’t do anything.” Jack said.
“So what exactly happened to Vaughn anyway?” Jack asked.
“I guess Francie shot him.” Weiss said.
“The double?” Jack asked.
“Yeah, she got away.” Weiss said.
“I’ll have Marshall use the satellite to see if we can find a location on her.” Jack said.
“Good idea.” Weiss said.
“Make sure she goes home to rest.” Jack said pointing to Sydney. He turned around and walked away.
“I will.” He said. Weiss turned back and walked over to Syd. He looked through the glass window with her.
“Another surgery?” Weiss asked.
“Yeah, they are still trying to remove some bullet fragments.” Syd said.
“Syd, you should go home and get some sleep.” Weiss said.
“I can’t, not while I know he’s here.” Syd said.
“Syd, please. Mike wouldn’t want you to stay here all night. He’d want you to go home and rest. You can come back in the morning.” Weiss said. Sydney just stared as they preformed surgery on Vaughn.
“Come on.” He said taking her arm. He led her outside.
“Here.” He said handing her Vaughn’s keys.
“His car is parked over there. I don’t think he needs it right now.” Weiss said. Sydney took the keys.
“Are you alright to drive?” Weiss asked.
“I’m fine. You’ll call me if you here anything?” Syd asked.
“You’ll be the first person.” Weiss said. They hugged and Sydney walked to Vaughn’s car. She opened it and sat down inside. She pulled the door closed and started the car. It smelled just like him. His cologne covered the seats. She pulled out of the parking spot and drove home. Will was sitting on the front porch reading the paper. Sydney got out of the car and walked up to the steps. Will looked up and dropped the mug he was drinking out of. It smashed on the concrete.
“Sydney? Oh my gosh,” He said. He got up and hugged her.
“They said you were, that you were…”
“I’m okay.” Syd said.
“I’m here.” Will pulled away to look at her.
“How?” Will asked. She sat down on the step and Will followed her move.
“Will, you’re not going to want to believe me, but you have too.” Syd said.
“The double that we have been looking for, it’s Francie.” Syd said.
“I know.” Will said.
“What? Who told you?” Syd asked shocked.
“We found out a few days ago.” Will said looking down.
“They haven’t found the real Francie yet, they don’t know if they will.” He said. Sydney put a hand on his back.
“We’ll find her.” Syd said. Will looked at her and smiled.
“So how’d you get out?” Will asked.
“Vaughn, he came and got me. He…” She stopped as a tear rolled out from the corner of her eye.
“He took a bullet for me.” Syd said.
“What!?!” Will asked.
“He was shot, trying to protect me.” Syd said. Will took her in his arms after she started to cry.
“Syd, I’m so sorry?” Will said.
“Is he okay?” Will asked.
“They don’t know.” Syd said. Will rubbed the back of her head.
“Well, he will be okay. Vaughn’s been through worse.” Will said. Sydney pulled away.
“I’m going to take a shower, then I’m going to crash. I’m exhausted.” She said. She got up and walked inside. Will sat there.
Did I say something wrong? He asked himself.
Sydney shed her clothes as she walked to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and got in, letting the warm water pour down her bruised body, she began crying again. Why do these things always have to happen to him? She asked herself.
Vaughn was such a good person. So loyal, so caring. Why do the bad things always happen o him. Why do the bad guys always get away. Why does every bad situation always start because of her? Why does it seem that everyone she loves gets hurt or killed? Was she a bad person? Vaughn always told her that she wasn’t, and she actually believed him because he never lied to her, once. After everything they have been through she still doesn’t know why he puts up with her, but she knows he has his own reasons.
Sydney got out of the shower and put on some sweatpants and a T-shirt. She went into the bedroom with wet hair and just fell onto the bed exhausted.
-8 hours later-
Sydney was having a bad dream, a really bad dream.
“Vaughn…no don’t…. Don’t do that.” She said tears seeping from under her eyelids.
“Syd?” Will said shaking her. She woke up with a start almost knocking Will over. He backed away.
“You were dreaming.” Will said. Sydney looked at him.
“Weiss is also on the phone for you.” Will said. Sydney took the phone from him.
“Weiss?” yd asked.
“Syd, it’s Vaughn, he’s…”
I’m so cruel!
Oh come on, do you actually think I would kill Vaughn?
What are you doing? Why, why, why! This chapter was so good. OMG, your killing me. I can't wait to find out what happens. I have to say I loved when Vaughn pushed Sydney out of the way. That was cute. Your so good at writing, please post more soon. (y) :D

Love ya,

Penny :angelic:

P.s. Thanks for the pm, and so gald your back. Yay, I'm the first to respond!
pennstatechic said:
What are you doing? Why, why, why! This chapter was so good. OMG, your killing me. I can't wait to find out what happens. I have to say I loved when Vaughn pushed Sydney out of the way. That was cute. Your so good at writing, please post more soon. (y) :D

Love ya,

Penny :angelic:

P.s. Thanks for the pm, and so gald your back. Yay, I'm the first to respond!
lol. I'm sorry. :lol: You guys are just so great. :lol:
You know i should just close this topic and put the New Version somewhere else. Is it too confusing having to go through all the pages to find the new chapters? What do you guy's think?
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