Heh, this caught my eye.

Navarre said:
Yes.. To hide your own name from others, not just a toggle that turns off other people's floaters.

I'm not disagreeing but honestly would it be that great? Here's why now I wouldn't know one char from the next if he walked up to me in game. I don't tend to remember in game faces. On top of that someone does the simple thing of changing their clothes and I'm all messed up and wouldn't know the char's I know from the ones I don't.

With that being said by doing this it runs a huge risk of people being scammed. All someone would therefore have to do is say their name is "so and so" and ask to borrow something and boom ur scammed. Which people do do now but at least ya can see their name.

Now if it was disabled until I had, had a conversation with them and knew their name well then that would be different but just to have it auto-hide and no one can see it seems like an idea that wouldn't work out to well.
I see your point. To elaborate, and flog the floating name dead horse a bit more, I think there shouldn't be any floating names at all. However, I would love to see a context menu when I 'right clicked' on any character which would allow me to add their name, once they have given it to me (legitimate or not.. giving fake names? cool.), and notes about that person. That way, if they change clothes and I don't see them for 6 months, I can still just look at the notes to help remember my interaction with that person.

Doodle doodle dee. Wubba wubba wubba.
I don't have any problem with floating names and I think they are a necessary evil in a game with so many players. No one can deny knowing everyone's name automatically is unrealistic, but I personally shudder at the thought of having to actually "meet" every person in order to find out who they are/ put a face to a reputation/ etc. And if I was someone who others perceived as an interesting character, I certainly wouldn't want to be standing around handing out my name all day just to get a reputation in the world.

Hell, besides that, it'd be all too easy to ruin another person's good name by creating a character that looked similar and going around pretending to be him. That can happen already with similar names. If you could disguise your real name it'd be awful. Always consider the absolute worst thing a person could do with a system before considering it as a possiblity, because someone will do it.

However, I really like Navarre's idea about being able to record notes on a player... just don't take away the displayed official names.
It's just like walking down the streets of New York. You don't know everyone's name, or anything about them. If someone tells you he is Donald Trump, well, maybe he is and maybe he isn't. Awful hair? Then probably so. Realism lends to immersion. Floaters make me nauseous. In game and IRL. :-8
I personally agree that floating names aren't the best solution, I'd love to see something better come along. However, I just like playing devil's advocate so here are a few more issues to think about:

I'd argue that in New York, I wouldn't want to interact with new and strange people. New York isn't a community, it's a bunch of disparate people living in the same area. If you want an MMO to be an interactive and communicative place, you kinda need to know who you are dealing with. No one in New York is paying to play/interact with each other. I'm paying for a game that is supposed to also be a community of some sorts.

Take for example, the middle of a busy city in the game. I see a message in general chat (which, for realism shouldn't exist either) and decide I want to go over and talk to that person "face to face." Now, either I can walk around and look at the floating names over people's heads, or if those don't exist I can send him a pm and ask what he looks like/where he is to find him. Neither of those options are really good for roleplaying or realism.

In group PvP, I shudder to think what that would be like without some kind of overt out of character format of seeing who is in your guild or in your opponent's... which brings me to a good point, how do you do guild identification without floating names? Tabards would go against the customized look Simu is going for. Everyone around you in a room could be a in the same guild and you'd never know.

Not to mention, Simu has specifically said that they can only achieve so much detail in the characters and their clothing because the detail varies with the distance. So in a big area, it'd be impossible to tell the person you are looking for from someone who looks similar unless you went over to them. Perhaps, visual detail distances will even be on a slider in the graphics menu setting. In that case, people with lower performance machines would be at a social disadvantage as well as a mechanical one.
Yup, DR is like that but for the Wyr (am I right on the name?) but even in that you mostly have to talk in char and need a special item to talk through it.
Navarre said:
Don't get me started on general/global chats. ;) If they aren't in ear shot, they shouldn't be heard. :smiley:

Well, well. Aren't we so hard to please? ;)2
Perhaps they should just postpone HJ until full VR equipment is available thereby eliminating all of the problems mentioned so far.
No postponement we're already having to wait long enough Gate. If this games goes into 2010 before release I'm gonna haveexpect some HIGH expectations...
Zink said:
Yup, DR is like that but for the Wyr (am I right on the name?) but even in that you mostly have to talk in char and need a special item to talk through it.

I believe you mean Gwethdesuans (Gweths for short) - A gwethdesuan is a magical device that allows its wearer to telepathically communicate over long distances with anyone else wearing a similar gwethdesuan.

Basically a short range chat channel.

Or.. if you want the long definition:
The term gwethdesuan is taken from the gamgweth words for 'speech' (gweth), and 'long' (desu). In other words, a device that yes, allows one to 'speak' over long distances. This 'speaking' is actually done in your head via Psychic Projection. The stones on the gwethdesuans have the innate property of amplifying one's thoughts. Through an enchanting process, Moon Mages are able to strengthen and refine these innate properties, and construct devices that allow people to communicate with others wearing gwethdesuans. There are currently 6 types of gwethdesuans that can be made in the game; Kyanite, Jadiete, Lasmodi, Waermodi, Lantholite, or Sjatmal. These are named after the stones which are used to create them.

*eyes his gweth smasher maniacally*
I'm not *that* involved in my personal RP. I want names. I see where everyone is coming from... but I like the general chats, the teleporting from one location to another across the world, etc. But that whole "you can't do it in the real world why in game?" is a bane to me... I much prefer it *be a game*.

Keep the tags and fun goodies, imho. ;)

~ Jar
See thats always one of the funniest statements i hear when people talk about "realism" in a game. Now granted yes we can't instantly teleport in RL or whatever. But last time I checked I can't really shoot a fireball outta my hand either.

As long as the lore supports whats implemented then they have created a fantasy enviornment whether you can do it in RL or not doesn't matter cause its not RL imo. :smiley:2