Hello All.

Hello all,

I have had an interest in UFOs, conspiracy theories and science fiction for a very long time. I usually go and see any science fiction film that comes out even if I expect it to be rubbish, hoping of course that it isn't. I was right about District 9 though, I thought the only good bit in that film was when the UFO fired up and smashed all the windows in Jo-berg.

I was brought up on Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds, Dr Who, Star Trek, the original 'proper' series and the copies that followed. Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica, and I'm sure there are more that don't spring to mind at the moment. All great stuff. The original three Star Wars films, Independence Day, The Arrival 1 and 2 and the Tremors series are all DVD's in my collection, as is the Firefly series and Serenity of course. I think Pitch Black deserves a better rep than it gets most of the time, I bought that on DVD too.

I don't do a lot of reading though, I can't remember the last Scifi story I read. I do however read quite a lot of what is put forward as truth with regard the UFO phenomena. I do at least get a good laugh out of most of that.

I won't do what the other guy did and add a link to my book, or post the cover, but as he mentioned his, I may as well mention mine. Take a look at the 'New SciFi Author' post under books on this site if you're interested. (Sorry, I just couldn't help myself).
Thanks Starbeast.

I think you're right about "Alien Soup" this looks like my cup of tea.

You may get the impression that I'm a skeptical de-bunker that doesn't believe any of this stuff from some of my posts. This is because I think there's too many people out there in the UFO/Alien abduction game who are either delusional, misguided, just plain lying for fame or money or all of the above.

There's an awful lot of nonsense out there on this subject, I look at what's out there and form an opinion as to whether I think it's BS or not. Just like everyone else. I think 99% of it is BS.

However, I think the chances of us being the only "intelligent" species in this Galaxy let alone the Universe is nil. I think this Galaxy is most likely teeming with technologically advanced species, and I think it quite possible they may come here for a look around from time to time.
Pragmatist: Thanks Starbeast.
Your welcome

I think you're right about "Alien Soup" this looks like my cup of tea.
Anything you want to talk about aliens & UFO's, just create a thread. I thought about creating a thread for people who have had sightings of strange lights or witnessed a clear sighting of an Identified Flying Object "I saw the Millenium Falcon, no, wait, that was at the Star Wars convention. Now I remember, I had a close encounter with an unidentifed flying craft".

You may get the impression that I'm a skeptical de-bunker that doesn't believe any of this stuff from some of my posts. This is because I think there's too many people out there in the UFO/Alien abduction game who are either delusional, misguided, just plain lying for fame or money or all of the above.
It's good to be skeptical, there have been many hoaxes. But one day perhaps, one of the alien races will introduce themselves, and help us to become a society like in the Star Trek TV series.

There's an awful lot of nonsense out there on this subject, I look at what's out there and form an opinion as to whether I think it's BS or not. Just like everyone else. I think 99% of it is BS.
Yes, there are few authentic cases I believe in (Roswell), but, can we be sure. Today, with so many sightings reported since January, I have to ask myself if these people are not hoaxers.

However, I think the chances of us being the only "intelligent" species in this Galaxy let alone the Universe is nil. I think this Galaxy is most likely teeming with technologically advanced species, and I think it quite possible they may come here for a look around from time to time.

I agree, there has got to be someone out there who cares about Earth people, hopefully. :confused:


One of my favorite fake photos. Noctice the reflection of the truck on the underside of the "strange craft", and the shadow on the truck. :D I like this picture.
I posted my opinion on the Roswell case under the Betty and Barny hill thread.

The more I read about it the more I become convinced that, sadly, there's nothing extraterrestrial to it.

Maybe a good new thread would be:

Roswell: Science fact or science fiction.

That might be like hitting the beehive with a stick.