Hello! Another Fan

Hello Everyone I´m another alias fan, I dont live in the united states, and I remember the first episode of alias because it air on my birthday i saw later that in my country the season is behind one year but that does´nt stop me i saw the hole season 4 on internet it was actually cool cause i dint saw any recaps or even comercials!!!! in one week I saw the hole 22 episodes...

As you see I really Love the show and is so good to talk to other fans that I join.
So I hoper to Provide some usefull information.
Thanks everyone for welcome me, Early this afternoon I saw this page: www.authorizedpersonnelonly.net its supposed to be a secret page. User name: amytippin.
pw: passport,lire,france,protection introduce one at time and it would take to differents parts of the site... if you dont want to see clips from season five don`t use the protection password