Hello, everyone, I'm a know all prick ... ;)

John King

Member of SOFA
As my recently deceased and much loved elder brother described me when he was 16 y.o. and I was 13.

I'm an active member at cameraderie.org and mu-43.com under the same name and avatar.
I was previously a long time member at DPReview from 2007 until about 2019.

I'm interested in photography and politics, and society in general. Also what makes humans tick, and chime the quarter and half hours (psychology, both physiological and developmental). This often causes interactions with local, state and federal governments.

During my long life (coming up for 78 y.o.), I've done almost everything at least once. I have more empathy with machines and computers than I generally have with my fellow humans. This probably stems from having ADD/ADHD and Pervasive Development Disorder (not otherwise defined) as per DSM-IV A.

I drive Subarus, and love cats, dogs and other creatures with whom we share this beautiful planet.

Enough felgercarb for now. Here is a photo of our latest pussycat, Bopsey. Stressed out. She is about 18 months old, and was adopted from the Australian Animal Protection Society (AAPS) at Keysborough at the end of August 2024.


Look forward to getting to know this site, and all you existing members.
Greetings! Glad to see you found you way over here! As long as folks aren't don't start up personal attacks then just about anything is fair game for conversation here versus Cameraderie. This site has existed for many (many 👀) years in a few different iterations but it will always be my 'home base' where I can be found online. It goes through periods where things are slow and other times there is a flurry of activity.

I drive Subarus, and love cats, dogs and other creatures with whom we share this beautiful planet.
Except for choice of vehicles (I'm currently driving a Ford Explorer), I'm the same way with animals. My wife has accepted that I'd rather hang out with dogs instead of humans. :D
I find human society completely insane!
Tom, humanity hasn't yet progressed past a tribal/familial societal structure, which is a major problem.

We really need to progress to a social model in which we acknowledge and accept that all living things are our very close relatives.

Unfortunately, either real dictators or wannabe dictators (like Trump ... ) cause massive problems for the entire planet.

My mother always taught me to treat everything and everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect. That mantra has served me pretty well.

There is very little in my life of which I am ashamed, and not much else that I would do differently, given the chance. I try to remember all those things, and let them guide me to do better.

Needless to say, I'm an Atheist.
Specifically, I find society's constant need for change unnatural.
It seems society is driven by greed and that greed dictates constant change in the quest for newer, better and instant gratification. That drive is so fierce, it changes the human even at the personal level.

I see the underlying cause for such greed is overpopulation. If you think of all mankind's problems as a civilization, overpopulation is the force which drives it all. It doesn't matter if it's a planetary problem or a societal one. Population determines our basic survival and while many people can't see that (afraid to look?) I see it.

Its cause and effect. Perhaps that is why human beings will not advance to a global society living in harmony. The concept of money and power prevents it. Society, as a concept is unification. The need for power and wealth prevents unification. Therefore our societies are broken.

Thinking about social unity, religion is the closest example of social unity. Problem is, even that is tainted by greed. With a perfect unity, no one person or group of people hold more power and influence of another but without realizing it, we select certain individuals and social entities to stand above us...hold our power, take our wealth, change our lives according to their will.
Do this, think this way, believe this way, buy that, this is how your family should be, this is how your relationships should be and so on...

Frankly, I REFUSE!