Hello There


Nice to see all of you here. I will be extending py post count drastically to stop being such a creeper. I think the banned ones should be labled as Griefers. That would be funny [/suggestion]

For those that don't know me, I am HG42 (no sh*t, Sherlock) and I enjoy playing line rider and am hoping for the build of free build to come around the corner a few months ago. Sadly that has not happened.

So yeah. I'm using a friend's MC account because he already bought it and I see myself making no changes to whatever he does because I'm not too interested at the moment. Things go much too slowly in Survival, as you might know, and a free build mode/level editor would be infinitely more useful, so I hope for the best.
Have INVedit. Sucks after a while no matter what you do. I want the classic style build mode so you can make your own levels or something so no one is constrained by the speed at which you build at or clear things out. There'd be a simple block deletion and block building. If you've seen Trials HD, I want that type of level editor.