

Hi there,

My name's Hazel and I thought I'd best introduce myself.

I'm a fan of sci fi and fantasy novels and graphic novels. Love 2000 AD (still!). Also a huge film fan (Current fave film is Watchmen) - and amateur film-maker. Would love to have the budget to make films from Iain M Banks early "Culture" novels (especially "Consider Phloebas" - strong female characters, amusing anti-hero and lots of explosions - would be my kind of film!)

I have primarily joined to mention my other half's book (fantasy, sci fi) which is published today - but will be checking out the other forums too - so hope that nobody thinks I'm being too presumptious.

All the best x
Yeah, welcome to the site.

We had a thread to advertise new novels from writers in the scene but I think that one is little used now as more posts are made with a need for better searching maybe. But go ahead.
Welcome to the forums!

I envy your desire to be a film-maker. I recently finished putting together a book trailer (about a 30-second movie) for my book, and that was the most pain short of getting fingernails pulled out I'd ever experienced.
I've only just become aware of book trailers - sounds like great fun. Will have to check yours out.

Can appreciate the sometime pain of film-making - it often seems that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Perhaps I'm a masochist, but I quite enjoy that troubleshooting aspect too.

Well my other half's book got a terrible review from a website called Warpcore, but I guess each to their own - the reviewer clearly likes more serious fare than a 150 page deliberately comic book style romp about mutant chickens, vampires and alternative realities :rolleyes:
I've only just become aware of book trailers - sounds like great fun. Will have to check yours out.
I've seen them around for a while (well, it's all relative...maybe a few years)...but this was the first time I'd tried my hand at making one. Being something put together with no budget, heh... :)