Help with a paper


I'm suppose to be writing a 5 page paper on Elizabeth I. I'm suppose to depict the movie with actual events which means I have to do research which I did btw. Also we are suppose to pick one subject from the movie to focus on and I decided to focus on Elizabeth and Roberts relationship but I have like no clue how to start my paper. I figured maybe give a little back story of Robert and Elizabeth on the first page and then go into the differences between the movie and what really happen. Does this sound like a plan, or do I need to approach it a different way. The movie that I watched was Elizabeth with Cate Blanchet(sp) and Joseph Finnes(sp). Great movie too, it's been out a while and never would have picked it up if I didn't have to write this paper so that's probably the only good thing out of all of this :rolleyes:

How would you start your paper, if my way sucks?