Help with study


Hi, I am a postgraduate student at University College, London. I am currently completing a thesis on the nature of science fiction fandom and am particularly interested in the ways science fiction fans are using content on the internet. I wondered if anyone out there could help me with my research by taking part in a very short, online survey. The survey is eight questions long (a set of tick boxes)and should take no longer than two minutes to complete. Other than you gender and age group, no personal info is requested. Your help would be very much appreciated and would help me greatly with my research.

You can access the survey by clicking here:,
<a href="">Click Here to take survey</a>
Well RachelM,
If you post 25 SCIENCE FICTION or FANTASY discussions or replies to this community then I will be happy to take your survey.
Thanks skwirlinator. I appreciate you view me as a fly by night, but I notice that you've posted a couple of lists of free e-books. This is exactly the subject of my study and it would be immensely useful if you could spare a few minutes answering my questions. My area of knowledge is the impact that internet communities are having on the publishing industry in relation to science fiction, rather than science fiction or fantasy literature itself - after all the sci fi internet community is the biggest and most developed.
I frequent free online books sites but I also(when the wallet is chubby) buy books at local book stores that I have read about online. I saw some pictures of Wayne Barlowe's Extraterrestrials and I not only purchased that book I also purchased his fantasy creatures collection. I am an inactive member of Science Fiction Book club since the 1980's.
I have 3 book readers installed and about 14GB of short stories, series and snippets from the web in my eLibrary. I am member in 4-5 online book collection sites and I have been building my Google documents library with my eLibrary files to share with people.
Here is a link to Rocket Fall by David Prill that I captured from before the library went bust.
My facebook group in my signature has more from my library as posted links.
I have been updating my library with google books but I have not captured many of those yet.
My iTunes is capturing about 4 scifi audio blogs with verbal stories as well as streaming Libravox stories online. I am a faihful listener of Escape Pod

Scifi and Fantasy is a hard sell to the general public. I think it is because generally people are not concerned with fiction when real-world problems are consuming them. People that are already interested in SciFi and Fantasy are more apt to find focus in the genre fodder.
I have converted a few people but as a whole it is tough to gather a new audience.
There is also the usual surge when a SciFi or Fantasy move comes out big. It reawakens the focus of many who have lost the passion.
It has been my experiance that most people like the dead-tree reading experience more than the eRead experience. If you provide a link to a ebook and a link to a shopping site for a real paper book. The paper book link gets more hits. I like ebooks because it is available immediately, I can bookmark it, I can change the size of the text and I can hilight and explore words with google. I get more out of it. Note that I still have a book on my nightstand at all times tho. I find that people are not interested in buying a eBook or excerpt. I wouldn't pay for any electronic text. If I like an ebook I will buy the paperbook before I will buy the eBook, even if it is more expensive.
I hope this helps with your research. Now, give me the remaining posts and I will take your survey
Well, she has made two posts and both of them are in this topic.
She's not trying very hard.

As a matter of principle I cannot take the survey until the remaining 23 posts are made.
If I see any action from her it will affect my decision.
Note: If she wants to copy and paste the survey questions I could persude myself to answer them here then go fill in the blanks when she meets the qualifications I set personally.

(I think Kevin has unlocks set at 10) I am by no means attempting to override CoolSciFi's rules.
It is a personal thing I am doing because for a science fiction forum we haven't been doing to well.
Submitted by Capt. Xerox on August 21, 2008
The Website at the End of the Universe

The probloggers over at IO9 had an interesting debate recently about YA science fiction novels. One argued for them, saying they would save the genre, while another argued against them.
The positive viewpoint noted that the science fiction audience is aging. Judging from the sea of white hair and balding heads that I see in front of me at science fiction convention panels, I'd have to agree. He notes that exposing young readers to books with sci-fi themes will only serve to indoctrinate a new generation of fans.
Judging from the experience in my house, I would have to agree. My oldest son is only 8 and he's already reading YA novels and has even read a few adult novels, mostly media tie-ins. Now he's been asking about some of the books on my shelves, so I say score one for the YA novel.
The opposing author's main argument against YA novels is that it artificially separates the generations and it is only a type of niche marketing. He's also annoyed that he feels that the books in these sections are not meant for him. Boo hoo.
If you're looking for some new YA novels to buy, here's a roundup of some recent titles. Remember, they're not just for kids anymore, unless your the curmudgeon over at IO9.