Fantasy Heroes - the Blue Pistol Series


Heroes, the last book in my "Blue Pistol" series, is now available. Here's what it's about:

The Blue Pistol has been fighting to end slavery in the Settled Domains for years now. When the brother of an ally falls ill, the Blue Pistol sees that slavery isn’t the only problem he faces.

“Ignorance is the problem.”

To combat ignorance, he’ll attack the Slavers Guild on two fronts. His friend Illantia will bring the light of science to the Settled Domains. Meanwhile, his spy in the Guild will seed division and strife among the Guild leadership.

It’s time for the Blue Pistol’s allies to show their superior minds, instead of their superior weapons. Can they rise to the challenge?

It's in print and ebook editions; you can find the store links here. I've also collected the novels into two ebook compilations. Finally, the first book in the series, Cassia, is now free as an ebook at Smashwords.

Thanks for taking a look!