Hi everybody


Hi there everybody,

I live in Quebec and have the chance to watch Alias in the french language (Season 1 started this fall) and Alias season 3 in english like everybody else.

My favorite character is Sydney.

My favorite Sydney clothes are the classy ones she wears when she goes to those high class parties.

I do like the Sydney-Vaughn relationship because it is based on trust, so whatever happens to her, he's always around...

Ok, that's enough written for now, i will go and explore this mega forum which by the way, is one of the biggest one i have seen yet.

Bye for now
Hi! I see youre getting acquainted with each other. So I'm from 'Faraway'...
Well, I've registed here long ago but I haven't visited this site for several months. Gonna find the lost during this time.
That's it.

..........'Alias' is the best...I know that you know it.