hi my name is almozayaf 'nickman"
i love sci-fi from i was kid , i can say that it hard to get same good sci-fi in arabic
i can think of only three sch-fi writers in arab world (and i say that after lots of search)
you can see from my writing my English is so horribly sorry
but there no single sci-fi community here
i like Dr.who, Star Trick (DS9,NG,V)
and the risen i'm here it was a show call "prophets of science fiction" about isaac asimov , and thy talk about science fiction magazine. ...
that blow my mind , i was imagine for years if there magazine for sci-fi stores, i even get few of theme from here and there .
for now that all i hope i didn't pother you
i love sci-fi from i was kid , i can say that it hard to get same good sci-fi in arabic
i can think of only three sch-fi writers in arab world (and i say that after lots of search)
you can see from my writing my English is so horribly sorry
but there no single sci-fi community here
i like Dr.who, Star Trick (DS9,NG,V)
and the risen i'm here it was a show call "prophets of science fiction" about isaac asimov , and thy talk about science fiction magazine. ...
that blow my mind , i was imagine for years if there magazine for sci-fi stores, i even get few of theme from here and there .
for now that all i hope i didn't pother you