how about jedi/sith vs daleks?

It's Friday afternoon, time for some light-hearted conversation.... :p
who would win in a battle jedi/sith or daleks? might seem like a stupid question but oh well!
I'd go with the Jedi/Sith since their Jedi Masters/Sith Lords are capable of moving objects using telekinesis rather than requiring direct physical contact. I mean, after all, what good is a Dalek energy weapon against somebody who could just wave their hand and send the Daleks crashing into each other? Combine that with the telepathic power of suggestion the Jedi/Sith have and you'll have the Daleks thinking that they want to crash into each other. Yeah, the Daleks might get lucky in a few battles but they'd lose the war.
i suppose but, and i must say that i dont like judging fights like this but just think, a dalek could probably beat a whole clone army, and nearly all jedi where defeated by clones sooo...
... and nearly all jedi where defeated by clones sooo...
That is something that has always made me curious as well. I mean, after all, in the movies it was shown that the clones were ordered by somebody pretending to be acting on behalf of the Jedi Council but they never found out who. For some odd reason the Jedi then decide to go ahead and take possession of their clone army, that they knew nothing about, and fully trust them with their lives.

Now I might be just the doubting type, but if I am just one of a handful of Jedi surrounded by thousands upon thousands of fully armed clones, that happen to be to cloned after a bounty hunter, I just might have look around and ponder "Wait, just where did you guys come from and why?"
One could bring Dr. Who into the story to help bring balance to chaos. It would be an interesting mix to say the least.
I'd have to go with the jedi/sith.

They have more mobility than the Daleks and they can sense their way while in combat, this way they can anticipate the Daleks moves. The downside to the Jedi would be that they will try to negotiate with the Daleks (that will be their downfall while facing the Daleks). The Sith will not negotiate that with probably give them the upper hand.

The Daleks on the other hand are ruthless and persistent with thick armour and scientific genius, the downside is that their mobility is limited to a slow hover, they have no arms (only suckers so hand to hand combat is out of the question) and one laser gun.

It would probably be a close thing but the Jedi/Sith would win in the end.
i would have to say the jedi/sith for a few battles till the daleks caught on to the tactics then the tables would turn.

then all they would need is to have the borg take on the winner.
That could work. Have the jedi/sith and the Daleks do battle and as that war is near peak having all fans on edge, then enters the Borg, to make a three sided battle that raises the stakes of the new battle to new heights of excitement.
That could work. Have the jedi/sith and the Daleks do battle and as that war is near peak having all fans on edge, then enters the Borg, to make a three sided battle that raises the stakes of the new battle to new heights of excitement.
Do I dare suggest.... Borg versus the Cybermen? :D
Do I dare suggest.... Borg versus the Cybermen? :D

That would make it interesting. Multiple story flows of past events would add to the story giving a more detailed reason for the war and why the universe is in danger unless we have a good side winning over those who would take what they want. Or.. we have chaos in the universe and the story is about how to restore order in a world gone crazy. :D
if you do i think the trekkies will rip you apart

But then there is room for an all out war where a combination of multiple groups of past battles from each side goes to war in a universe gone crazy and each group or side must battle to survive.

Add all sides mentioned above and you have something that never was in a war crazy universe where even the unexpected could be a big surprise enough so to keep all fans would be happy with the results of a new drama with champions and past enemies clash in a mixed up war that surpasses the greatest suspense from a multi-front war. Think of it as a new challenge with new horizens to be scaled.