How big should a family/guild/grand house be...?


Just wondering how big a family should be, in game?

Are we talking 5-10 people makes for a good family group?

Joining two such groups, ie: 10-20 people, makes for a good guild?

Then joining several guilds, ie: 40-80 people, makes for a grand house?
Hmm, persoanlly I think a guild/family should be as large or small as the people want it to be. A family can be as few as a single sibling, or many brothers and sisters/ aunts and uncles. Now, I'm not a huge fan of big guilds (the whole high-school drama thing doesn't do it for me), but that's not to say others won't be wanting a huge guild.

Anyhow, I think sticking a limit on there would be quite annoying and hinder RP.
I think it will largely depend on how the system works in HJ. In WoW it was mandatory to have a fairly large guild if you wanted be amongst the "elite" players. I hope HJ does not follow suite.
I agree. Once a guild goes beyond a couple dozen players, problems start to really crop up. However, since it seems like Great Houses in HJ will be able to affect the political makeup of the world, I'm not so sure some drama is a bad thing. I mean there really is drama in every real government and political parties really do have falling outs.
Seems to me that Families are like normal guilds in other games. The HJ guild would consist of a bunch of families (guilds) that have a common attribute, and the Grand House would be an actual ruling body in the game's politics.
Oh don't get me wrong... I LIKE the sound of smaller groups, whether they're called families or guilds. I think the more you try and spread and grow you pick up one really good member who "gets" the group, and another nine who are just along for their own reasons and using their guildmates to level, rather than believing in the guild. It's why the concept of the family thrills me so much... I adore the thought of sitting down with half a dozen, or a dozen, people and we're all there to help each other and really believe in the group, and RP together and have fun. Maybe I'm an idealist, but that's what I'm looking for in what I create for HJ.
blur said:
Oh don't get me wrong... I LIKE the sound of smaller groups, whether they're called families or guilds. I think the more you try and spread and grow you pick up one really good member who "gets" the group, and another nine who are just along for their own reasons and using their guildmates to level, rather than believing in the guild. It's why the concept of the family thrills me so much... I adore the thought of sitting down with half a dozen, or a dozen, people and we're all there to help each other and really believe in the group, and RP together and have fun. Maybe I'm an idealist, but that's what I'm looking for in what I create for HJ.

I think thats what a lot of us are looking for in HJ. A true community.
Khemenlith said:
I think thats what a lot of us are looking for in HJ. A true community.
I really hope so. I'm going to start by building a familt group. I already have the basic idea, including name, in my head.
From my experiences in GS3 I was part of a family with sharded last names and this really added to the RP experience of the game. It was alot of fun. I never found a game later on that was able to capture that sort of playstyle. Looking forward to having that RP outlet again.
Currently in Gemstone there are are series are large houses where you normally have to apply to get admittance. Some like the Paupers you need to show up when they are initiating and pay an entrance fee, since it is the party house.

Then there are player run houses where a group comes up with a charter and applies to Simu for acceptance. Becoming a memeber of said house, depends on a voting process normally.

There is a governing body of each house and they do hold elections. Many of the houses and guilds hold daily or weekly events. Hunts, auctions, spelling up, answering questions to folks just learing a profession.

Recently the last name portion in GSIV has been removed and there has been discussion on bringing it back. Some of the older characters from the GSIII days still have lastnames and it is possible for you to give someone your lastname either through adoption or marriage.

As for the number of members? I know the Twilight Hall has a lot of members. Since their purpose is the persuit of learning more about magic.

Check the Guild forums here... Greathouses are not "formable" as they are actually another name for the three factions, which form up the Triumvirate. Players can form and join Families & Guilds.

Families will cause players to share the same last name. Guilds will display guild names. Families and individual players can join guilds.

However, you cannot join a different guild if your family itself belongs to one, as then you would need to leave your family. ie: you cannot belong to a different guild if your family decides to join one as a unit.

Guilds then can align with a particular faction, or Greathouse, and perform tasks with that faction to gain reputation. If you don't like the faction your family and/or guild belong to, you must leave them... you cannot be a different faction than your family or guild.

I have to read up more on this, but I'm fairly certain that still stands.

~ Jar
They are composed of multiple guilds who share the same goal, and each of the houses will be representing a major faction in the world. When you form a Great House you will then be given the privilege to join the top of the power chain, and help control the balance of power in the world by favoring one faction, or another.

Actually I did read through the entire library of information. In this case it just was fairly unclear because of the words "form a great house."
Gate said:
Actually I did read through the entire library of information. In this case it just was fairly unclear because of the words "form a great house."

That is a little misleading isn't it? There's talk of all of the current family and guild information we have being outdated again within HJ... so far, no HJ staff has answered the posts asking for updates. Then again, I don't pay any attention to the main HJ forums, only to the Hero Council and here, so we'll see what we can garner.

~ Jar