How to Play the Game

It's so s/visch to felt in love no matter what circumstances are :smiley:
if i could put them in one sentence it would be "We'll always find each other" :D :P ^_^
Why did they take Sydney away and then bring back? Are they trying to manipulate their feelings? Hmnn...

Great chapter. Sweet kiss.
Sydney lifted her head and, in doing so, neared her face to his. She brought her hands up and found his face, feeling stubble on his jaw that had long since turned into a full beard in their two months of captivity. Tracing her fingertips along his jaw line she found his chin and, just above that, his lips. Using her fingertips as a guide, Sydney pressed her lips against his for one very brief moment before lowering her head to his neck once more. Tingles filled her spine as she sighed, “I missed you too.”

they KISSED!!!!!!!!!!
aww, i didn't even think of what vaughn was thinking until she was put back... i wonder if the guards tortured him and thats what they meant by 'taken care of'?
Aww that was soo freakin' adorable!!!
-I'm glad they are back in one cell together...and I hope they get out SOON!!!
Great update! Loved it!!
That was a different type of torture. They separated them for a couple of weeks. That comment she heard in the hall was probably for her benefit so she would think they had killed him.

They finally got a chance to kiss.

I hope the CIA rescues them soon.
The two of them were more tortured being apart than they were being physically tortured.

I'm waiting for the time when Sydney will finally get to see Vaughn's face. The shock she'll experience then will be strong but very pleasant.

I love them. And every which way you write them...and I LOVE this story. Awesome job so far. Definitely can't wait to see where they go next...and when/how they get out.
Falling in love and sharing their first kiss while they are in captivity is a really weird thing :lol: , but it's so romantic :love:
It will be hard for them to go back to real life after all they've been sharing :P
Chapter 8
When Sydney kissed him, Vaughn was shocked and, naturally, began obsessing over it as Sydney snuggled up in his arms. Their lips touching had been so brief, was it really even a kiss. Surely it was purposeful on Sydney’s part and not accidental, but what was it? Was it a ‘hi, I’m glad to be back’ kiss? Or a ‘I want you, but we’re gross and in a box so we can’t’ kiss? Or, worst of all, was it a ‘I wonder what this is like… oh, never mind, it sucked’ kiss? For a while he debated asking Sydney what it was but then decided against it, figuring it could create an awkward situation and that was the absolute last thing they needed considering they were trapped together with no way out. In the end he just decided to ignore it, at least, for the time being.

“So, where were you?” Vaughn asked Sydney after they had taken a brief nap in each other’s arms.

“Dunno… just some other room. No one talked to me; no one hit me, nothin’. What about you?” she asked.

“Same. No one came in, no one hit,” he sighed.

“You think we’ll ever get out of here?” she asked, not sure if she wanted to know his opinion or not, depending if it was positive or negative.

“I dunno,” he said, his voice more hopeful than negative. “I’ve never really been held captive before so…”

“I was,” she said quietly. “But it was only a few days. I think we’ve been here two months.”

“Yeah…,” he let his voice drift off slightly before laughing softly. “So much for my field duty being reinstated.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… only a few weeks before I got stuck here my field duty was reinstated after a six month leave of absence,” he explained. Then, without even waiting for her to ask why he gave a reason, “I… I found out who killed my father and I needed some time off. He was killed in action.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, her voice sincere.

“’sokay. It was over twenty years ago. I had been looking into his death practically ever since I joined the agency… it’s what led me here actually… I found out her name – the name of the woman who killed him. She was KGB but undercover in the US as a-”

“Oh god,” Sydney gulped as she pushed her body away from him. Suddenly she felt sicker than she had ever felt in her life. He didn’t even have to say anymore; she already knew.

“What is it? Are you okay?” he asked. He was concerned at how haunted and ill her voice had sounded.

Without even giving an answer, Sydney made her way towards the door of their cell and began banging on it frantically. “Where is she?! I wanna see her! I know you can hear me!” she shouted. “I wanna see her god damnit where is she?!”

“Sydney, Sydney what are you doing?!” Vaughn asked, utterly confused. He tried to make his way over to her to calm her but, before he could, the door swung open, knocking Sydney backwards slightly.

She regained her footing within a moment and charged towards the door, still shouting hysterically, “Where is she damn it?! Where is she? I wanna see her I wanna tell her that I hate her and she ruined my life. Where is she? Where-” Sydney’s screams were cut off by the butt of a gun crashing into her forehead, knocking her backwards. Once she was flat on the ground, the door to their cell slammed shut and Vaughn rushed over to her.

“God, Sydney, what’s the matter with you? What the hell were you thinking?” he asked, scooping up her limp frame. It took Sydney a moment for her consciousness to return, but, when she began to move, Vaughn continued his questioning, asking if she was alright.

“No, don’t touch me,” she said, trying to squirm away from him, but Vaughn held tightly to her trembling body, not letting her escape.

“Sydney, please, what’s going on?” he asked, his voice sounding surprisingly calm for how panicked he was feeling.

“Don’t you see? Don’t you get it? She did this. She’s behind it all. She’s working with Sark and she-she did this,” Sydney choked out.

“Who, Sydney, who?”

“Irina Derevko.”

Vaughn gasped. He had not been expecting that name. “How did you…”

“She’s my mother,” Sydney said with a slight whimper.

With hat comment, Vaughn loosened his grasp on her out of pure shock. “W-what?” he gulped, trying to moisten his throat that had gone dry.

“Irina Derevko is my mother,” Sydney repeated, her voice slowly becoming stronger. “She tricked my father into marrying her and had me to keep up appearances that their marriage was legitimate, when really it was a lie. When I was six she died, or so we thought. Turns out she just faked her death… I didn’t know the truth until about eight months ago, though. Well, eight months before I got in here,” she told him.

They were both silent for quiet some time before Sydney said finally in a desperate voice, “Vaughn I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry for what she did to you and your family and-”

“Sydney,” Vaughn cut off her apologies with his hands gently resting on her cheeks, brushing away the tears that he felt there. “Sydney it’s not your fault. You had nothing to do with who she was or her actions. Look at you! You’re in here too – this isn’t your fault.”

“I’m still sorry,” she said quietly.

“I know you are,” he sighed. Then he pulled her body closer to his and, like she had done earlier that day, he pressed a very gentle kiss upon her lips. Instead of breaking away that time, though, Sydney pulled him closer with her hands resting on his arms. Their kiss grew more heated as Sydney rolled back onto the concrete floor, taking Vaughn with her.

Her hands had nearly slipped underneath Vaughn’s shirt before she had an attack of conscience. “Wait, god, we-”

“I know,” Vaughn sighed breathlessly. Their faces lingered together for another moment before Vaughn sat up and leaned back against the wall beside them. In another minute Sydney did the same, making sure to leave some space between them. Then, the two of them sat silently in the awkwardness they had created.