E Emma! Cadet Jan 12, 2005 #1 Hey i'm Emma, i'm new here...just wanted to say hi...be gentle with me :worthy:
M Morbid Angel Scout Jan 12, 2005 #2 Hey Emma and welcome...I'm new too. Have fun here being a newbie with me
Kevin Code Monkey Staff member Jan 12, 2005 #4 Emma, welcome to Cool SciFi! Don't worry, the site is still relatively new so we're all more or less new here.
Emma, welcome to Cool SciFi! Don't worry, the site is still relatively new so we're all more or less new here.
M Morbid Angel Scout Jan 12, 2005 #9 Heh, I'm slowly creeping ahead of you all. I will look down on you from my none-n00b status.
P psychoace Scout Jan 12, 2005 #10 there sure are a lot of n00bs out tonight wonder where their all coming from...............