I hope he gets beaten to death in prison.

:( Wow, what a sick bastard! Reading about what he had on his computer just disturbed me down to my very soul. Assholes like that just infuriate me. I hope his ass goes to jail for a long time. We don't need disgusting people like him near children, hell even on the streets. BAH Now I'm angry!
Torture, dismemberment, then death. All before the weekend.
I regret clicking the links, though. I, personally, don't care for reading about such dastardly deeds here at Hero's Hall. Sigh.
Patrick Hadley, administrator of the Heritage Christian School, a South Anchorage school with 175 students, said he was surprised at the charges.

"My goodness, I need to pray for him," he said. "It's an awful thing to be in the middle of, regardless of whether he's guilty or not guilty."

I need to slap this fool.
Docmdnite said:
i didnt think snuff flims existed anymore

So long as humanity exists there will be depravity. The key, in this modern age of communication, is to be aware enough of its existance to condemn and supress it without becoming apathetic or desensitized or even obsessed with getting rid of it. When we are aware of every problem that exists on the planet we are far less efficient at dealing with our own problems, or at least things we can honestly do something about.
I would agree with that. Killing never seems to inspire fear of the law in people. Castration on the other hand... solves the problem and causes every guy who reads about it to cross his legs.
Snuff films don't exist in the mythological idea that peopl ehave of snuff films. But do films exist of people's deaths being captured on tape, such as executions, accidents, etc? Yes. And are they viewed by sick individuals for varying degrees of pleasure? Yes.
I strongly believe that torture and pain are unnecessarily cruel. I also believe that the death penalty is given far too infrequently and costs too much.

All felonies should be punishable by death. Yes, that includes felony evasion. Also, death penalty trials should not cost more than a normal trial (right now, a death penalty trial costs on the order of millions).

I would rather be responsible for the deaths of a few innocents than let a single guilty person go unpunished.
I strongly believe that torture and pain are unnecessarily cruel. I also believe that the death penalty is given far too infrequently and costs too much.

All felonies should be punishable by death.
I would rather be responsible for the deaths of a few innocents than let a single guilty person go unpunished.

...Well then I guess I'm glad that you aren't running the show. I mean, if you were, we'd be putting to death cannabis cultivators, racketeers, fraudsters, and some drug posessors. So under your system, people we currently throw in jail for a year (the minimum felony punishment) should have all been swinging from the gallows by now?

As for your comment about killing innocents rather than letting the guilty go unpunished? Yeah, we hung a guy for doing that just a few weeks ago. Name was Saddam Hussein. He wanted to find the people who tried to kill him so badly that he decimated the male population of a village. So here's my question for you where would you draw the line? Because if you want to keep killing until every single person with a potted cannabis plant has bit it, you are going to have quite the fascist regime. Aka, the "country is most important, the individual not at all"- which is in direct opposition to our liberalism.

Oh, and for a sense of scale? "In 2002, State and Federal courts convicted a combined total of nearly 1,114,000 adults of felonies" -USDOJ
Soooo... maybe we need to make the method of executions really cheap and just use Nazi style gas chambers, cause how else are you going to cut down on costs and kill 1/600th of the US population each year?
While I agree that some things should be kicked up to the death penalty, and that they should cut the costs, I don't agree that all felons should be given the death penalty. I also think that mutilation is a fitting punishment for some crimes, and that serious sex offenders, meaning rapists and pedophiles, not just some dude that got drunk and grabbed a boob, should be castrated. I believe that people should be tattooed with a mark corresponding to their crime, and that it should be illegal for anyone but a government official to remove the tattoo, and even then, it should only happen if they're proven innocent after being convicted.

I mean, the tattoos would just make sure that they didn't try and hide their past. Misdemeanors shouldn't require a tattoo... It'd be really lame to have, like, eight "Litterbug" tattoos.
I strongly believe that torture and pain are unnecessarily cruel. I also believe that the death penalty is given far too infrequently and costs too much.

All felonies should be punishable by death. Yes, that includes felony evasion. Also, death penalty trials should not cost more than a normal trial (right now, a death penalty trial costs on the order of millions).

I would rather be responsible for the deaths of a few innocents than let a single guilty person go unpunished.

In that case ignorant people would die for commiting a felonie such as putting a lolipop in a mailbox?
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Needless to say, I am against the death penalty (and torture, castration, etc), and I find the airing and watching of Saddam's execution, as well as the various beheadings in Iraq, to be highly distasteful, and something of entertainment value only for the very lowest dregs of society (probably those who are not far removed in thought from the perpetrators of such crimes).

If, however, we can find no better solution than removing such individuals from society (and even then only for violent crimes), I think it should be done quickly, mercifully and with a sense of regret. To perpetuate hatred and feelings of revenge, particularly for someone you do not know and for something that does not effect you personally, is merely adding to the problem, and not very attractive. Actually, feelings of revenge for something that does effect you is not an especially beautiful way to live, either, though extremely difficult to overcome. Under this system, nothing ever changes, no one breaks the endless cycle of blood for blood.

What we need are enough mutual understanding and tolerance to keep us together and enough detachment not to become hopelessly entangled in one another and to avoid wallowing in our own and others' filth.

Revenge and hated seem to be the knee-jerk reactions throughout man's history, up to our current time, with kindness and forgiveness rearing their heads only with the periodic appearances of various wise men (Buddha, Gandhi, Jesus, etc) throughout the relentless march of centuries. How quickly their message is forgotten or corrupted to accommodate mankind's ridiculous need of blood. I feel man is fully capable of overcoming his "nature" but that a comprehensive effort at education has never been attempted. I am an idealist, but I do think it is possible. The pragmatists certainly haven't solved the world's problems, if anything they have merely complicated them and excused the old belief of survival at all costs.