I need 100 sci-fi/future technologies/inventions/items ideas for my sci-fi roleplaying game?


I'm trying to make a sci-fi roleplaying game, and I need to make a tech tree of sorts. I would like 100 ideas, 100 concepts or technologies or inventions that I can work with. Can anybody help me?
Unobtainuim Case
Triphasic Stratolayered Uphoeric Quantum Processor
Multiphasic Attatchment Node Units
Trilinier Scopic Full Spectral Vision Optimiser
Onobtainium Plated Titanium Denture Set
Enhance Bulbous Olfactory Intergration Module
Amplified Predicting Wisker Group
Omni-Directional Auditory Enhancement with Range Expanders
Quantum Enhanced Reaction Module
Gangaloidal Backup System
5-Port USB Tri-fire Hub
Interplanetary Internet
Orion's Arm Psionics System
LifeDrive Separation Module
Zero Point Energy Node
8 Barrier Defense Field Generator
Absolute Zero Heat Exchanger Unit
Quantum Enhanced Reaction Module Slave Unit
Unobtainuim Stratocluster Framing Unit
LifeDrive Separation Module Command Unit
Negative Mass Tachyon Defense Module
Nano Construction Factory Unit
Tractor/Repulsor Beam Emmitters
Holographic Display Emmitter
Triphasic Defense Assualt Cannons
Attachment Creation Nano Db
Nano-Factory Construction Accelorator Software
Personal Wormhole Unit
Dimensional Buffer Screw
Acrid Fart Simulator Package
Instantaneous Reaction Units
Nano Slave Assembler Node
Unobtainuim Fineline Framing Unit
Unobtainuim Full-Motion Joint Reflex System
Weapon System Index Construction Library Modules
RF Insulators
Onobtainium Plated Titanium Claw Set
Pulveriser Attachment Module
Projectile Attachment Module
Energy Weapons Attachment Module
Phasic Weapons Attachment Module
Nano Resource Collection Module
Graviton Nullification Emmitters
Phase Transduction Amplifiers
Zero-Point Induction Jump Jets
Twitch Stabilizers
Nano-Dock Leg Chambers (Chromed)
Proton Isolation Replusion Module
G-Maximus Printer Port
Waste Projectile Cannon
Reproduction Simulator Module
Point Defense Tracking System
Enhanced Fire Control System
Advanced Energy Storage> Improved Solar Collectors> Compressed Plasma Injection> Zero-point Energy Accumulator

Mass Accelerator> Rail Gun> Phased Plasma Cannon> Quantum Singularity Propeller>

Zero Atmosphere Long Range Missiles> Point Defense Microburst Rockets>

Gravatons> Artificial Gravity> Tractor Beam> Gravitational Annomoly Launcher>

Microbiology> Nano Healing Vat> Basic Teraforming> Super Resilient Oxygen Producing Microbes>

Radiation Sheilds> Energy Shields> Multi Phasic Shield Frequency Harmonizer

Nanotechnology> Hyper Miniaturization> Advanced Healing Nanobots> Wireless Neural Connectivity

Advanced Metallurgy> Tritanium> Augmentium> Unubtainium> Dark Matter Armor

Faster Than Light Communicatons> Faster Than Light Travel Theory> Warp Engines> Advanced Warp Drive> Quantum Drive> Tempetal Displacement Motor

Super Computers> Positronic Net> Super Compression Protocol> AI> Fold Space Storage> Quantum Computers

That's just off the top of my head...Let me kno if you need more.

You can cross reference the techs for prerequisites, I.e. Nanites + Positronic Net + Advanced Microbiology = Neural Connectivity

Good luck, let us kno how it goes!
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Advanced Energy Storage> Improved Solar Collectors> Compressed Plasma Injection> Zero-point Energy Accumulator

Mass Accelerator> Rail Gun> Phased Plasma Cannon> Quantum Singularity Propeller>

Zero Atmosphere Long Range Missiles> Point Defense Microburst Rockets>

Gravatons> Artificial Gravity> Tractor Beam> Gravitational Annomoly Launcher>

Microbiology> Nano Healing Vat> Basic Teraforming> Super Resilient Oxygen Producing Microbes>

Radiation Sheilds> Energy Shields> Multi Phasic Shield Frequency Harmonizer

Nanotechnology> Hyper Miniaturization> Advanced Healing Nanobots> Wireless Neural Connectivity

Advanced Metallurgy> Tritanium> Augmentium> Unubtainium> Dark Matter Armor

Faster Than Light Communicatons> Faster Than Light Travel Theory> Warp Engines> Advanced Warp Drive> Quantum Drive> Tempetal Displacement Motor

Super Computers> Positronic Net> Super Compression Protocol> AI> Fold Space Storage> Quantum Computers

That's just off the top of my head...Let me kno if you need more.

You can cross reference the techs for prerequisites, I.e. Nanites + Positronic Net + Advanced Microbiology = Neural Connectivity

Good luck, let us kno how it goes!

Thank-you very much. I will.
Null Boson Field Emitter
Phalon Capacitance Shielding
Modulator Node Array
Anodized Lifter Buckets
Reaction-less Projectile Cannon
Tress Dufication Chamber
Plasma Pods
Duritron Shielding
Transperception Emissions
Universe String Atlas
Universal Translation Gene
Quantum Mass Corridors (Galactic & Trans-galactic)
T-Drive aka I-Drive (Thought Drive/Inspiration Drive)
Nipper Sticks
Electromotive Knife
AEGA Theory (Atomic Energy Generation and Application Theory)
Force Reaction Substrate
A Race (Highest genetic form of sentient life)
Littice Class (Sentient Worker Species)
Rexon Cloud (Naturally occurring space cloud that renders sentient will malleable)
Rexon Compound (Chemical reproduction of a Rexon Cloud)
Rexon Grenade
Rexon Bomb
Reticulator Mounting Grid
Propulps (Compressed air bottles used as emergency propulsion or temporary air supply in space)
Encounter Belt
Brothus Micro Reactor Unit
Nano Tachyon Motor
The Rucker Institute of Nano Applied Sciences
PULL (Space-time locating system to initiating FTL travel using T-Drive)
WINK (The act of traversing to a destination using T-Drive)
Void Sensor (Extreme range and sensitivity sensor for detecting contents of great galactic and intergalactic voids)
Defense Glove
AFDC (Atomic Force Destabilization Cannon)
Nano Relay (Stationary Nano receiver/transmitter in space to monitor and inform sentient civilizations)
Dohrminide Effect
Post-Literation Era
Intention Training
Feardilation Effect
Quantum Synchosquad
Initializer Field
Tran-spectral Manipulator Transmitter
Pon Fu (The art of battle using possibilities projection as a weapon)
Realzahyde (Artificial chemical gas compound used to distort reality)
Morticulator Ray (Animates corpses)
Mergizing (The act of using personal nanites to adapt and energize additional body parts from fallen comrades)
Cerebaliner (Skull cap worn under a helmet to increase intelligence, wisdom and battle drive)
Well they're -certainly- no fun if they escape the bag.

The Soildier: "What's in my hand?"
Death: "A sack."
The Soildier: "If this is a sack, than get in it!"

"I've done it! I've captured Death in my sack!"

~Jim Henson's The Story Teller (quoted from memory)
I'll draw up a real tech tree with expanded options & individual write ups on my laptop as my duties & health (narcolepsy) allow.

A few new techs to add:

Personal Environmental Sheilds
Personal Sheilds
Stationary Sheild Array
Planetary Shield Array
Personal Multiphasic Sheilds
Stationary Multiphasic Sheild Array
Planetary Multiphasic Shield Array
Laser Rifle
Laser Pistol
Plasma Rifle
Plasma Pistol
Plasma Grenade
Phased Plasma Stream Launcher
Gyroscopic Stabilization
Advanced Targeting Reticle
Plasma Containment Sheilds
Antimatter Multiphasic Containment
Antimatter Torpedoes
Advanced Computer Targeting
Predictive Multi Target Tracking Matrix
Passive Subspace Monitoring Array
Active Subspace Radar Ping Ommiter
Matter/Energy Conversation Theory
Advanced Cybernetic/Neuro Interface
Augmented Skeleton
Cybernetic Multi Spectrum Ocular
Transdermal Multiphasic Armor
Antigravity Boots
Attack Drones
Mechinized High Speed Armored Personal
Attack Vehicle
Scout Class Mech
Light Class Mech
Medium Class Mech
Heavy Class Mech
Dreadnaught Class Mech
Escape Pods
Automated Emergency Environmental
Containment Sheild
-A simple (as if that is simple) space time device. (not for ftl travel)
-Multi-dimensional traveler coordinator. (step aside current universe, lets step into the next one, but we need specific instructions to feed the device in order to find the universe we need) they pretty much did this in dr. who in the universal transport, but i dont think they specified exact universal expectations.
-Multi-universal diverse energy transporter. (brings in energy from the multiverse from the same source in each parallel universe. essentially tapping the same power source in multi-dimensional sources, and brings it to a specific location. mind you, the results could be devastating for specific universes that depend on those sources for energy themselves.)
"our sun is dying, we cant tell why" but in the parallel universe they are tapping that star specifically.
-Multi-universe diverse energy protection. (opposite effect)
-Chronoton particle accelerator accumulator. (use the acceleration of particles to generate power. but with chronotons to bend spacetime, so you stack all that energy at the same time into one point.. the space time you need it. 10 years of energy needed? stack all those transactions into one point.)
Perhaps if you look at some of the already established RPGs based in Science Fiction it can give you some insight as to what specifically you seek?

There are 172 listed at wiki alone.


9th Generation
2300 AD


Albedo (role-playing game)
Aliens Adventure Game
Armageddon: 2089
Armored Trooper VOTOMS: The Roleplaying Game
Ashen Stars


Brigada Ligeira Estelar
Babylon 5 Roleplaying Game
Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Black Crusade (role-playing game)
Blood Dawn
Blue Planet (role-playing game)
Bubblegum Crisis (role-playing game)
Buck Rogers XXVC
Burning Empires (role-playing game)


Cassiopean Empire
Castle Falkenstein (role-playing game)
Children of the Sun (role-playing game)
The Confederate Rangers
Continuum (role-playing game)
CORE Command
Corporation (role playing game)
Cyborg Commando


D6 Space
D20 Apocalypse
D20 Future
Dark Conspiracy
Dark Heresy (role-playing game)
Dawning Star
Deadlands: Hell on Earth
Deadlands: Lost Colony
Deathwatch (role-playing game)
Dinosaur Planet: Broncosaurus Rex
Doctor Who Roleplaying Game
The Doctor Who Role Playing Game
Domination (role-playing game)
Dream Park: The Roleplaying Game
Droids (role-playing game)


Eclipse Phase
Exodus (role-playing game)
Expendables (role-playing game)


Fading Suns
Farscape (role-playing game)
Feng Shui (role-playing game)
Firefly Role-Playing Game
Freedom Fighters (role-playing game)
Future Worlds


Gamma World
Gatecrasher (role-playing game)
GURPS Bio-Tech
GURPS Infinite Worlds
GURPS Riverworld


Halcyon (role-playing game)
Heavy Gear
High Adventure Cliffhangers Buck Rogers Adventure Game
High Colonies
Hol (role-playing game)
Hunter Planet: The All Australian Role Playing Game




Jovian Chronicles
Judge Dredd (role-playing game)
The Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game
Judge Dredd: The Role-Playing Game
Justifiers RPG


Legionnaire (role-playing game)
Living Steel
Lords of Creation (role-playing game)


Mach: The First Colony
Macross II: The Role-Playing Game
The Mechanoid Invasion
MechWarrior (role-playing game)
Men In Black: The Roleplaying Game
The Metabarons Roleplaying Game
Metamorphosis Alpha
Midnight at the Well of Souls Role-Playing System
The Morrow Project
Mutant (role-playing game)
Mutant Chronicles




Other Suns


Paranoia (role-playing game)
Pax Draconis
Polaris (1997 role-playing game)
Polaris (2005 role-playing game)
Psi World


The Realm of Yolmi
Reich Star
Rifts (role-playing game)
Rifts Chaos Earth
Ringworld (role-playing game)
Robot Warriors
Robotech (role-playing game)
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles Role-Playing Game
Rogue Trader (role-playing game)


Sandman: Map of Halaal
Serenity Role Playing Game
Shock: Social Science Fiction
Simian Conquest
Skyrealms of Jorune
SLA Industries
Space Infantry
Space Opera (role-playing game)
Space Quest (role-playing game)
Space: 1889
Spaceship Zero
Star Ace
Star Frontiers
Star Hero
Star Legend
Star Patrol
Star Riders
Star Rovers (role-playing game)
Star Wreck Roleplaying Game
Starblazer Adventures
Stargate SG-1 (roleplaying game)
Starship Troopers: The Roleplaying Game
Starships & Spacemen
Stella Inquisitorus
The Strange
Superhero: 2044
Systems Failure


Tales from the Floating Vagabond
The Technomancer
Teenagers from Outer Space (role-playing game)
Tempest Feud
Tenra War
Terra Primate
TerraDrive Live
Time & Time Again
Time Lord (role-playing game)
Timelords (role-playing game)
Timeship (role-playing game)
Transhuman Space
List of Traveller Books
Traveller (role-playing game)
Tribe 8 (role-playing game)
Trinity (role-playing game)
Twilight 2000
Twilight Imperium: The Role-Playing Game


Underground (role-playing game)
Universe (role-playing game)


Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay
WARS Roleplaying Game
The World of Synnibarr
Worlds Beyond (role-playing game)


Year of the Phoenix


Zen and the Art of Mayhem
Personally, while not technically a RPG, I like the concept of Orions Arm.
Welcome to the Orion's Arm Universe Project

Welcome to Orion's Arm, a scenario set thousands of years in the future where civilization spans the stars. Godlike ascended intelligences rule vast interstellar empires, and lesser factions seek to carve out their own dominions through intrigue and conquest. Out beyond the edge of civilized space and the human-friendly worlds, adventure awaits those prepared to risk all.

Come join us in this ever-expanding collective worldbuilding effort. Within the vast universe that is Orion's Arm you will find:

hard science
plausible technologies
realistic cultural development
a vast setting
10,000+ years of historical development
realistic exobiology

An RPG based on that would be cool. Its considered Hard SciFi and there are rules.

Orion's Arm is:

The next step in the evolution of science-fiction
A collective hard science fiction world building endeavor
A space opera
A communal background for science fiction stories
A universe ready to be brought to life through illustration
A forum for cutting edge science
A roleplaying setting
A transhumanist projection of what the future might look like
A bunch of semi-sane sentients having fun together

Table of Contents:

I - Introduction:

II - The Orion's Arm Universe
III - Appendices
SciFi Tech Tree


◙ Energy:

● Advanced Energy Storage>
Prerequisite: Energy Fields
Thousands of technologies are just waiting for a new battery to allow them to take off. Lithium NiCad have been improved to their max, and now with the ability to control plasma within a safe to handle, encapsulated energy field; solar heavy equipment, micro environment suits and many other breakthrus are now possible, tho this technology is too large and bulky for anything small or handheld.

● Improved Solar Collectors
>>● Compressed Plasma Injection>
>>>● Matter/Antimatter Reaction Chamber
>>>>● Cold Fusion>
>>>>>● Zero-point Energy Accumulator>

◙ Shielding:
● Radiation Shields>
>>● Basic Energy Fields
Prerequisite: Research Net
Unlocks: Advanced Energy Storage, Shuttles, Basic Plasma Jets,
The ability to generate stable physical barriers by super rotating highly charged, rare earth magnets has resulted in the ability to allow any ship to enter a planet’s atmosphere, new super light weight construction technique, harsh environment colony shelters to alleviate population overflow as well as allows for the safe use of plasma for energy storage.

>>>● Energy Shields>
>>>● Automated Emergency Environmental Containment Shield
>>>● Personal Environmental Shields
>>>● Personal Shields
>>>● Stationary Shield Array
>>>>● Planetary Shield Array
>>>>● Multi Phasic Shield Frequency Harmonizer>
>>>>>● Personal Multiphasic Shields
>>>>>● Stationary Multiphasic Shield Array
>>>>>>● Planetary Multiphasic Shield Array
>>>>>>>● Antimatter Multiphasic Containment Shields

◙ Miniaturization:
● Basic Nanotechnology>
>>● Hyper Miniaturization>
When the smallest machines you can build, build the smallest machines they can build, things get small.
>>>● Foldspace Design> Literally the only way to get smaller is to squeeze into another dimension.

◙ Advanced Biology:
● Micronutrient Healing Vat> All the things your cells need to recover from almost anything, and it smells like flowers too!
>>● Advanced Healing Nanobots> Tiny robots live inside your blood stream, constantly monitoring your health and responding to actively fight off disease and heal from wounds.
>>● Basic Terraforming> The theory behind changing an entire planet's atmosphere to a human friendly range is quite complicated, but the trick lies in not over baking the cake...or in other words, prepare to slow the greenhouse effect long before the desired goal is reached.
>>>● Super Resilient Oxygen Producing Microbes> Oh man these little bugs make it so easy to make any hunk of rock into an earthlike paradise. They eat rock and poop out air and water, and only die when we tell them to. Who needs a spare planet or two? We do, we do!
>>>>● DNA Aging Sequence Turn Off> Human being's cellular deterioration, or the process of aging and dying, is hard coded into our DNA. Or was anyway. Immortality anyone?
>>>>>● DNA Sequence Insertion Protocol> We have figured out how to safely, drop in certain non human dna sequences which have allowed humans to radically change their bodies. Common additions are eagle's eyes, elephant's anti cancer sequence and full body cheetah spot fur.
>>>>>>● DNA Sequence Writer Program> Forget animal and plan DNA, we'll just write our own code thank you very much.

◙ Propulsion:
● Basic Plasma Jets> A step up from solid rockets, these heat/pressure thrusters are easy to recharge and make possible the non relativistic speeds required for short distance space vehicles.
● Repulser Lift> Requires close (ish) 300' contact with a planet, causes levitation by magnetic field.
● Warp Engines> Faster than light, here we go!
>> Advanced Warp Drive> We have managed to squeeze every ounce of technological improvement out of the FTL drive that is possible, the next breakthru will have to come from some other tech.
>>>> Quantum Drive> For a flash of a second, we are everywhere, and then we are just the one place we wanted to be, don't ask questions, it wouldn't help.
● Temporal Displacement Motor> When one can control the flow of time, the location in only three dimensions is super easy.

◙ Computers:
● Super Computers>
>>● Advanced Computer Targeting
>>● Hyperdrive Flight Planer>
>>>● Positronic Net>
Once the interconnections of a computer reached a similar number to the human mind, new abilities become available as awakening beings within the shell.
>>>● Super Compression Protocol> Data is compressed using a semi aware algorithm.
>>>● Predictive Multi Target Tracking Matrix
>>>>● Artificial Intelligence>
We are legion for we are many, but we are one.
>>>>>● AI-designed Human/Computer Language Interface> Forget programing language, with the ability to plug into the human brain, writing programs with the presence of an aware entity allows for new breakthrus in software design.
>>● Fold Space Data Storage> Data is compressed at right angles to our dimension, allowing endless storage space.
>>>● Quantum Computers: Exist out of time, thus ALL information is accurate and available.

◙ Communications:

● ResearchNet>
Virtual labs which allow seamless collaboration regardless of location.
● Faster Than Light Communications> Subspace comms.
● Holocomunicator> Allows long distance relationships and for a deeply satisfying entertainment experience.
● Quantum Entanglement Unbreakable Encryption >

◙ Advanced Metallurgy:
● Tritanium> Multiple layers of titanium, steel and tungsten have been woven on the microscopic scale
>>● Augmentium> A constantly changing electromagnetic field augments standard Tritanium
● Unubtainium> Only be simulating the conditions of a quasar can scientists create this unobtainable metal.
● Dark Matter Armor> Phased material, not in or out of our reality exactly. Not recommended to touch or lick.

◙ Advanced Physics:

● Solar Sinter Partial Subterranean Colony
● Faster Than Light Travel Theory>
● Gravaton Theory>
>> Artificial Gravity>
>> Tractor Beam>
>> Antigravity Boots
● Matter/Energy Conversation Theory
>> Transporters
>> Replicators

◙ Cybernetic Augmentation:
● Advanced Cybernetic/Neuro Interface
● Reinforced Skeleton
● Cybernetic Multi Spectrum Ocular Replacement
● Wireless Neural Connectivity
● Transdermal Multiphasic Armor

◙ Sensors:
● Passive Subspace Monitoring Array
● Active Subspace Radar Ping Omitter
● Subspace Probe

◙ Vehicles:
● FTL Attack Drones
● Escape Pods
● Fighter
>> Long Distance Fighter
>> Freighter
>> Frigate
>>>> Capital Ship
>>>> FTL Fighter Transpo Carrier
>>>>> Super Carrier

◙ Mechs:
● Mechinized High Speed Armored Personal Attack Vehicle
>> Scout Class Mech
>>> Light Class Mech
>>>> Medium Class Mech
>>>>> Heavy Class Mech
>>>>> Dreadnaught Class Mech

◙ Large Scale Weapons:
● LSW Missiles
>>○ Zero Atmosphere Long Range Missiles>
>>>>◌ Tactical Nuclear Warhead
>>>>◌ Antimatter Torpedoes
>>>>◌ Multi-phased Multi-dimensional Implosion Device
>>○ Point Defense Microburst Rockets>

● LSW Energy
>>○ Laser
>>> Heavy Duty Laser>
>>> Point Defense Laser
>>○ Plasma
>>> Heavy Duty Plasma>
>>> Point Defense Plasma

● LSW Kinetic
>>○ Mass Accelerator>
>>> Rail Gun>
>>>> Gauss Cannon>
>>○ Phased Plasma Cannon>
>>○ Quantum Singularity Propeller>

● LSW Other
○ Gravitational Anomaly Launcher>

◙ Small Arms:
● Laser Rifle
>> Laser Pistol
● Gyroscopic Stabilization
● Advanced Targeting Reticle
● Plasma Rifle
>>○ Plasma Pistol
>>> Plasma Grenade
● Coil Gun
● Phased Plasma Stream Launcher
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Can't wait to see the project! I'm editing and adding in the text body of each entry, while at this point it's just mostly a simple explanation, these can later be expanded into full techobabble glory.
Can you guys help me think of any missing branches? Maybe a few more concepts for advanced sensors?

I'm planning on adding droids, psionics, stealth & super soildier surium.