If there was an Alias summer camp...

is everyone getting new sigs n av's? i've been noticing that.
anyway i think it would be soooo cool to ahve an alias summer camp and then they could have like field agent training and how to decode stuff... it would be sooo fun
what do u mean by felgercarb.an alias camp would be way cool wow i can just see it . tons of fans chasing after vartan,every one would be spying on every one.oooo i wish it were for real.
And I bet everyone would be suspicious of everyone, wondering what they're really up to. Isn't that right? :smiley:

I'd also be spending some quality time with Sydney hehe. :smiley: ^_^ Just had to say it.
there would be a kissing booth with sydney i bet....there's too many guys who want to do that for it not to be there
wow, that would be great! big meetings where we discuss the episodes in depth and dissect every aspect of a character, then talk to the actor who plays them!then go into pools to see what they will do next!lol!!
Vaughn look alikes??? If there's Vaughn then there better be Sydney look alikes as well......dont' be greedy....:eek:)
Victoria King said:
wow, that would be great! big meetings where we discuss the episodes in depth and dissect every aspect of a character, then talk to the actor who plays them!then go into pools to see what they will do next!lol!!
that'd be great...i'm always looking for someone to talk in dedpth about the show with
of course there would have to be a wigs class!these would be great!
oh we need a clockmaking class!and a class where we can decipher codes and learn every type of decryption!and morse code so if we have earrings that start buzzing, we will know what they are saying to us!lol