If You Could?


An Old Friend
If there were no limitations for your health or safety and you could 'Jump" to anywhere you could imagine, Where would you most love to go?

Any place in the universe is fair game.

You cannot time travel.
If there were no limitations for your health or safety and you could 'Jump" to anywhere you could imagine, Where would you most love to go?

Any place in the universe is fair game.

You cannot time travel.

Darn, that rules out traveling back to 1860 and shooting Lincoln prior to the Southern War for Independence.............darn it! :mad: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

In all seriousness....if I could jump anywhere, without regard to health or safety.........I'd travel to the moon and just explore everywhere.....look at all the Apollo landing sites and wonder, Why haven't we come back yet?.........travel to the far side and wonder, Could they have actually made an attempt to land there?.........ah, the possibilities..........:cool: :wink: :) :) :)
Me, I'd like to see the universe at 1 billion light years away



[SIZE=+4]Nebulosity surrounding Gamma Cygni

Darn, that rules out traveling back to 1860 and shooting Lincoln prior to the Southern War for Independence.............darn it! :mad: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I prefer to think of it as the War of Nothern Agression.

Anyway, I'd jump (and keep jumping) until I found intelligent life, and then I'd discuss philosophy with them. And probably sex.

Ideally, I'd like to be some kind of space whale, and just swim around the universe.