Iiiiiiiii'm Adrianne!!!

Woo hoo... well I entered the Hero's Hall with the help of a good friend... I saw him here every day at work, and finally decided to ask about it last minute, as he is now leaving my life.. err.. he's just moving to Indiana... :P Anyhoo... I'm 23.. everything else is on my profile....

I guess this is all I care to say for now...

Take kare everyone, and talk to you soon hopefully!!

Cutey Honey.
Hello! Unfortunately, I've recently run out of quips, so you'll have to make do with a standard greeting. It seems, though, that my brain has not been pulling its own weight as of late. I'm afraid I'm going to have to make some cut-backs soon, lay a few people off. Shame, really... I mean, how will they support their families? It's not like they have any other employable skills. Tragic, but... *sigh* It must be done.
The deeper discussions are over with around here it seems until the game buzzes a lil' more information, but everyone's having fun until then.

QUIK NONSENSICAL STUFF CHALLENGE! What's the last 10 songs played on your MP3 player? If you don't have a MP3 player what was the last book you read? If you don't read books, then what was the subject of the last great comic strip you've noticed? If you don't notice things then.. Um, text out some form of violence towards Daax.

That is all, danke.
*Pelts Daax with pebbles.*

There ya go, happy now? Anyway, it'd be easy to start up more "deep" conversations, they just wouldn't be Hero's Journey related, and people'd complain that I was being all whiney and indecisive.

Okay, well thanks for the greetings everyone. It means a lot. This site means a lot to my friend, and I will do my best to be involved and get to know everything that's going on.. so I don't just talk out of my ass.....

Sometimes I talk, just to make sounds.
Luciro said:
QUIK NONSENSICAL STUFF CHALLENGE! What's the last 10 songs played on your MP3 player? If you don't have a MP3 player what was the last book you read? If you don't read books, then what was the subject of the last great comic strip you've noticed? If you don't notice things then.. Um, text out some form of violence towards Daax.

That is all, danke.

Five songs from The Killers
One Death Cab song
Two Kelly Clarkson songs
Two Ashlee Simpson songs

::Smiles shyly::: :P

The last book was a romance novel, and that was some time ago.

Last comic strip subject, I think it was having to do about two peoples work relationship...

Okay I'm done posting on my own thread.....