In the Blink of an Eye

Welcome new readers! :D
Happy Sunday.
This next chapter is going to move through a lot of plot again. Enjoy!


“Oh my god, marry me,” I blurted out. “WHAT? SYDNEY ANNE, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?” He looked startled.
“I mean,” I squeaked out, “this looks amazing. I’ll um, be right back…just gonna go change from work…” I walked away shaking my head. Why was I such an idiot sometimes?
As I stood in my room, changing into some comfy sweats, I felt two arms wrap around me and lips kiss my neck. “So, was that a marriage proposal, Miss Bristow?”
I laughed nervously. “Uh, sorry…I um, tend to blurt out random things sometimes…”
“Oh, that’s too bad.”

Chapter 5:

He turned me around in his arms. “I’d marry you, Sydney.” Now it was my turn to look shocked. “Look,” he continued. “I love you. I can’t see myself not ever loving you. You are…amazing. You have intense drive and willpower to do what you need to in order to survive, you are so caring and thoughtful, and you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I have loved you since August and I intend to keep on loving you.”

“So, you want to get married?”
He shrugged. “We’re here in Vegas, aren’t we?”
“But…your life is in Washington with school…and mine is here and I was just about to start school and…” he cut me off with a kiss.

“We could do it and use it as a reminder as to how much we love each other. We don’t even have to tell anyone and then when we are done with school, do it again for real.”
I stared at him. He was crazier than I was. “Please tell me you are kidding. Are you kidding? You WANT to get married…NOW? When you are 20 years old? And I am about to turn 19? And we’ve known each other for like, five months? And have spent two very small patches of time together? And…and….” I stared into his eyes that were watching me in amusement and my heart just melted into a big Sydney puddle right there. “Yes.” I finished, quietly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear you. What did you say?” He teased, lifting my chin up so he could gaze into my eyes. A smile formed on my lips.
“I said yes.” He grin spread across his face. “Why not? I love you too and well, if it doesn’t work out, we can just get it annulled.” He playfully rolled his eyes before gripping me tighter and swinging me around.

“Let’s do it tonight…after dinner. I’m not wasting that meal I spent all afternoon making for you.”
“Okay,” I giggled, barely thinking about what I was getting myself into. I could only hope my dad kept his promise and stopped the private detective from tracking my movements otherwise I would be one dead Sydney by the week’s end.

After we ate, we decided to save the mousse for later and got dressed in casual yet nice clothes and went to the Regional Justice Center to get our license and then up to the strip to one of the many wedding chapels. Two relatively inexpensive rings, $130 dollars for a wedding package and an hour and a half later, we were married and had a roll of 12 pictures and a video to prove it.
Giggling, we tumbled back into my apartment and began kissing passionately. “I can’t believe we really did that,” I said between kisses.

“Me neither.’ He raised his eyebrows. “I think we should put that chocolate mousse to use as we celebrate our union…”
I giggled again. “Michael you dirty, dirty boy. Okay, let’s go,’ I laughed and ran toward the kitchen with Michael on my heels.

Around midnight we lay next to each other in my bed and Michael was gently tracing invisible circles on my arm. “Are you okay?” He asked quietly. I turned toward him and smiled.
“Yes. I’m a little shell-shocked, and hoping my dad doesn’t find out, but my heart says this is right and we’ll find a way to make it work between us for the next few years, even if we can’t wear our rings and with me not changing my name.” I stated the agreement we came to earlier. If we wore rings, people would know and it would invite questions we didn’t want to answer. This union was going to be a secret between us, something private for us to share until we were older.

“Michael?” He looked at me and made a “hmm” noise. “I think you should meet my dad. Maybe LA for spring break?”

He thought for a minute. “How about we split spring break between LA and Phoenix so you can meet my parents as well? We could take a train between the cities.”
I grinned. “I think that sounds like a better idea.” After talking a bit more and planning our spring break, we drifted to sleep in each other’s arms, sad that the next day was Michael’s last here.


We rose around 10 and showered together. Michael had to go to the airport around six in the evening and we wanted to make the most of our last few hours. After brunch, we went to a one-hour photo store and got our wedding pictures developed into a double set.
“Oh, I love this one!” I cried, holding up a picture of us gazing into each other’s eyes as we held hands.
“I like this one also,” he said, holding up another of us kissing after we were pronounced husband and wife. Our hands were clasped toward the bottom of the picture and our eyes were closed. It was simple and adorable. I grinned at him.

“We’re so cute, don’t you think?”
“Definitely.” He put his arm around me and we walked back to my place to cuddle until he had to go.
At six, we made our way up to the airport and I walked him to the security gate. Tears began to form in my eyes.

“Don’t cry, Syd.” He gently kissed my cheeks where a few tears had splashed down. “We’ll be fine and March will come faster than you think. You’ll be so busy with work and school and you are going to do great.” He leaned in closer to whisper in my ear. “I love you…Mrs. Vaughn,” he said smiling and gently fingered the ring I still had on. His was on a chain we picked up for him around his neck since he was heading home. He’d taken to calling me Mrs. Vaughn despite the fact I was keeping my name…for now.
To break the sadness, I turned my head to whisper in his ear, “I love you too, Mr. Bristow.” He burst out laughing and kissed me, sweetly.

“Okay, Sweetie. I have to go. I’ll call you tonight when I get home, okay? I love you,” he said, one more time.
“I love you too, Mike. Have a safe flight.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him before watching him walk through security. I stood where I was until he was completely out of my sight. With a sigh, I turned to leave and caught an old woman looking at me.
“Your first love?” She inquired, smiling.
“Something like that,” I replied, smiling back and making my way out of the airport.


The next few weeks passed quickly. Michael and I spoke every night on the phone, not letting each other go to sleep without saying good night and I love you. I was enjoying school immensely and decided I’d take summer classes to make up for the fall semester as well as getting ahead on my sophomore year. My dad and I talked at least twice a week and he knew I was “dating” Michael and that we were going to visit over spring break as well as going to his parents. My dad was shockingly okay with that. Maybe he was changing.

Valentine’s Day was approaching quickly and I couldn’t bear the thought of spending the first one away from my husband but he couldn’t fly out due to a major project due that day in class and a huge test the following Monday.
One night, a particularly drunk patron I was serving felt incredibly generous and left me a $350 dollar tip.

“Damn, Syd. You are so lucky!” Stacey squealed when I told her. “If I got a tip like that, I’d book a flight to New York to see my boyfriend.” Her words put an idea in my head. If Michael couldn’t come to me, I’d go to him. Valentine’s Day was on a Friday and I could take a long weekend. I quickly ran to check the schedule. Oh my god! I was off! I was actually off…

“Dave! I’m taking my 15 minutes.” I shouted quickly and rushed to the employee lounge to use the computer. Ten minutes later I had myself booked on a flight to Seattle on the earliest flight available for the 14th. I pranced back into the restaurant and served everyone else with the happiest smile I had for the rest of the evening.

Without letting Michael in on my secret, I managed to find out his class was from ten to 12:30 and he was done after that.
“Such a waste of a day, Syd. Maybe I could still come later?”
“No, Honey. You should be there to study. You said this test was worth sixty percent of your grade. If you take the time to fly here and back, you won’t have much time to study…don’t worry. Spring break is only a few more weeks away.”

“I know. I just miss you.”
“I miss you too.” I smiled to myself.


The night of the 13th I could barely sleep. I left for the airport at six in the morning and was on my way in no time. I would be landing while Michael was still in class.
Once the plane touched down, I made my way to his campus and dorm. Taking a chance that his roommate was there, I knocked on his dorm room door and moments later it flew open.
“Are you Eric?” I asked the stocky guy standing in front of me.

“Yeah. Dude! You’re Vaughn’s chick! He didn’t tell me you were coming!”
I giggled. “Yes, I’m Sydney. It’s nice to meet you. He doesn’t know I’m coming…mind if I wait here until he gets back from class?”
“Oh, sure! Yeah, come in. His side is the neat side…sorry for um, my side…” He drifted off as I observed the room. It was true. Michael’s side was neatly kept together and Eric’s side…well, there was stuff everywhere and empty pizza boxes under the bed. I was glad to know my husband wasn’t a pig.
“How does Michael put up with you?”

“Who knows? He yells at me at least twice a week to stop being gross.” I laughed again and we chatted for a bit until he said he was going to get lunch.
“Wanna come?”
“Nah, I’ll wait here.” I sat down on his bed.
“Okay. I’ll see ya around. Oh, and I’ll try to find somewhere else to sleep tonight…” he said with a devilish wink before shutting the door. His suggestion was more than fine with me.

I must have dozed off while waiting because suddenly I felt lips gently caressing my own. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Michael leaning over me.
“Hey, Baby.”
“Like your Valentine’s Day present?”
“I love my present,” he said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me up. “So you met Weiss?”
“Yeah. He said he’d find somewhere else to sleep tonight.”
“I’ll have to thank him for that,” Michael murmured against my lips.
“Sweetie,” I said. He looked at me. “I’m glad you’re not a pig…” My eyes roamed the room.
He burst out laughing. “No, Honey. Your husband is a very clean guy.”

“My husband,” I whispered, gently tracing the ring I knew he had on a chain under his shirt, same as me.
“My wife,” he whispered back, gently laying me against the pillows and kissed me again. We stayed that way for a while before the door flew open.
“WOAH…man. Sorry!” We sat up.
“Weiss, get your fat ass in here. We’re not naked or anything.” Michael called out. Eric cautiously peeked back in the room and decided it was safe.

“Well, anyway, Kyle said I could stay with him this weekend since his roomie went to Portland to see his girlfriend. You dog. You guys are never gonna leave this room the whole weekend, will you?”
Michael rolled his eyes. “Way to be tactful. We’re leaving right now, in fact. To get lunch and then I’ll show Sydney the campus.”
“Yeah, yeah. Well, I’m just packing a few things and if you need me the rest of the weekend, I’ll be at Kyle’s. Although, I don’t think you wi…” He stopped talking as Michael tossed a football at him. “Okay, okay. I’m just kidding. Sorry, Sydney.”
“It’s fine. In fact, if I have my way we won’t le…” Michael’s hand clamped over my mouth and he grinned.

“We’re leaving, NOW. Come on, Syd.” He pulled me up as Eric and I laughed.
“Eric, if I don’t see you again, it was nice to meet you.”
“Same here, Sydney!”
Michael and I got some food and strolled hand in hand through the campus. “So, what do you want to do tonight, Baby? Nice dinner?”
“No. Just you,” I said with the straightest face I could muster.
“I have no complaints.” He grinned. “We can order pizza. There’s a great place called Joey’s that we get from.”

“Hmmm, okay.” I turned to face him and threw my arms around his waist. “Think Eric left the room yet?”
“Sydney Anne…you little horn dog.” I shrugged.
“Like you aren’t thinking the same thing?” He laughed.
“Race you!” Michael took off back towards his dorm. I laughed and followed, hoping I didn’t look too much like an idiot.

Eric had indeed vacated the room but not before leaving a nice little note on the dry erase board that said, “go get ‘em, Tiger.” Michael erased that quickly and we crashed into the room, barely able to keep our hands off each other.
“I missed you so much…you little sneak for coming out here,” he mumbled in between kisses and taking my clothes off.
“I missed you too, so much,” I responded, removing his clothes just as anxiously. “You can thank that drunk guy for leaving me a $350 tip. He paid for this ticket.”
Michael laughed and stepped back for a minute. “God, Syd. You are so beautiful.” We joined together, happy to be with each other once more.


Eric was half right. We didn’t leave the room again until the next morning when Michael dragged me on a run. He also made us run by Kyle’s window so we could bang on the glass and show Eric that we left the room. The boys’ response was to throw peanuts out the window and Eric shouting that he was surprised we had any energy left.
The rest of the weekend went by quickly as we just reveled in each other’s company, finalized our spring break plans and just enjoyed ourselves. Around four on Sunday, Michael took me back to the airport reluctantly.

“Thank you for coming out here, Sweetie.” He hugged me close, smelling my hair.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to remember your smell.”
“Well, it’s all over your pillow, you psycho. Sniff that, not me.” We laughed.
“I’ll see you in a few weeks then.”
“Definitely. Phoenix first. Do you think your parents will like me?”
“Sydney, they’re gonna love you.” We kissed.
“I should be more worried about your dad.”
“No, actually, it might be okay. He knows about you and has been very accepting.”
“Okay, then.”
“I should get going to the gate. I love you, Michael.”
“I love you too, Baby.” I kissed him and walked off through security, missing him already.


Before I knew it, midterms were over and spring break was here. After saying goodbye to Chris, Kelly and everyone at the restaurant, I packed and left for Phoenix, where I was meeting Michael at the airport. His flight was scheduled to land 15 minutes after mine.

We landed and I got off the plane and located the gate Michael was due to arrive at. I saw him come out of the jet way and called his name. He looked over and grinned and we rushed into each other’s arms. After embracing a few moments, he looked down at my duffle bag.
“Is that all you brought?”
“Yep. I pack efficiently, plus I figured I could just do laundry at my dad’s when we get there. And, unless my dad tossed my stuff, I have more clothes there that I never took with me.”
“Okay then, let’s go.” He grabbed my hand and we walked through the airport to the arrivals area, where his father was going to meet us.

“MIKEY!” We heard and turned.
“Hey, Dad,” Michael said and waved. We walked over to the man standing next to a silver car. “Dad, this is my wi <cough> girlfriend, Sydney.” He said panicking a little as he almost slipped our secret. I gently poked him in the side.
“Hey, Sydney. I’m Bill, it’s nice to meet you…wait a minute. You look really familiar. Did we ever meet?”

“Sort of…um…I was your waitress at Emeril’s in Las Vegas last summer.”
Bill looked at Michael and punched him in the arm. “So that’s where you disappeared to. You kept in touch with her?” He nodded. “That’s sweet. Well, welcome, Sydney. We’ve heard a lot of good things about you.”

We headed toward the Vaughn’s house and his mother welcomed me with open arms. Michael took me around his town and then we all had a fantastic dinner.
“Mrs. Vaughn, this meal was AMAZING,” I raved.

“It’s Amelia, please, and thank you. It’s an old family recipe. Michael knows how to make this, too.”
“Oh, really,” I said, smirking, remembering how I mistakenly proposed to him after discovering he could cook so well. Michael noticed the smirk on my face and poked my arm. I turned and smiled at him even wider.
“Mom, we’re gonna go sit in the backyard for a little,” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.
“Okay, have fun.” We went outside and lay back in the grass, staring up at the stars.
“This is so beautiful,” I commented about all the twinkling stars above us.
“Oh, Syd. Guess what? I have some good news.” I glanced over, encouraging him to continue. “I got an internship for the summer with a hotel…in Las Vegas!”

I looked over again. “Seriously?” he nodded. “That’s so awesome. You’re gonna stay with me, right?”
He gave me an odd look. “No, I was going to stay with my OTHER wife.” I laughed. “Oh, and it pays really well too. Imagine that, an internship that pays.”
“Sweet. How much?”
“$18 an hour.” I gaped at him. “I know. I’ve never seen one for more than $12. Apparently Harrah’s has a great intern program going and felt they could spare the money, now that they added all the Caesar’s hotels to their conglomeration.”

“That’s so great, Michael. You’ll earn a lot this summer and you’ll have a lot saved up.” He nodded and we lay talking for another half hour before I felt something weird in my stomach. I sat up quickly.
Without answering, I jogged over to the door and ran inside, heading for the downstairs bathroom. Luckily his parents had gone upstairs to watch television. Throwing myself on the ground, I began throwing up into the toilet. I felt a hand on my back, gently rubbing it.

TBC - tomorrow!

PM List:

Prediction 47
ahem. *pushes glasses up nose* Ok, children, it's time we reviewed Practicing Safe Sex. It's easy--just don't have sex!!! You will get pregnant and DIE!
Clearly Syd and Mike were skipping class the day everyone learned this... :rolleyes:
OO is she pregnant or are you just trying to trick us!!!
-Cause I don't think Jack will be very happy!!!
-I mean they can always tell Jack they got pregnant after they got married!!! :lol:
But I do like how they aren't telling anyone they got married...soo cute!! :love:
-LOVED IT!! Thanks for the pm!!!
ahem. *pushes glasses up nose* Ok, children, it's time we reviewed Practicing Safe Sex. It's easy--just don't have sex!!! You will get pregnant and DIE!
Clearly Syd and Mike were skipping class the day everyone learned this... :rolleyes:

LMAO. Mean Girls, right?? I LOVE that movie. Otherwise this was from Saved! one of the two...
then the teacher is like, "okay, everyone take a condom..."
Welcome new readers!! :lol:

Okay, so 1) technically it is Monday where I am. 2) in order to save myself massive time in the morning, I am updating now. yay!

Here you go...enjoy. This is a shorter update than the last few.


“That’s so great, Michael. You’ll earn a lot this summer and you’ll have a lot saved up.” He nodded and we lay talking for another half hour before I felt something weird in my stomach. I sat up quickly.
Without answering, I jogged over to the door and ran inside, heading for the downstairs bathroom. Luckily his parents had gone upstairs to watch television. Throwing myself on the ground, I began throwing up into the toilet. I felt a hand on my back, gently rubbing it.

Chapter 6:

After emptying the contents of my stomach, I leaned back against the wall, pale as a ghost. “Sydney, are you okay?” Michael was kneeling in front of me looking concerned. He handed me a cup of water.
I took a sip slowly. “Yeah. Sorry. I don’t know what happened.” He smoothed my hair back and kissed my forehead. “Sweetie, I’m not feeling that great. Mind if I go to sleep?”

“Of course not. I’ll show you to the guest room.” Due to us keeping our marriage a secret, we knew our parents would automatically place us in separate rooms but we had figured we’d work our way around it somehow.
We walked upstairs and Michael kept his hand on my back the whole time. He left me in the guest room to change and ran down the hall to where his parents were.

“Hey, Mom? Syd’s not feeling great, so I’m just going to lie down with her until she falls asleep, if that’s okay?”
“Sure, Michael. It’s fine, we trust you. Tell her to feel better.”
“Thanks.” He turned and quickly came back to me, where I was sitting on the bed in my pajamas.
“Lie down, Syd.” He said, gently pushing me back and settling down on top of the comforter next to me. He put one arm under my neck and draped his hand onto my shoulder and used his other hand to gently rub my stomach. “Poor baby,” he said, kissing me on the cheek.

A tear slipped down my face. “My mom used to rub my stomach when I got sick,” I said, softly.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No. I like it.” I drifted off, only to wake an hour later and throw up again. This time, Michael went to get me some ginger ale.
“God, I’m ruining our vacation.” I whined.

He smiled and kissed my cheek again. “No you aren’t.”
“You don’t have to stay,” I said. “Get some sleep. Who knows if I’ll be up again later?”
“No. I’m going to stay right here with you. For better or worse, right, Sweetie?” He was sitting up, leaning back against the headboard and I slid over and put my head on his leg. He began to stroke my hair.
“For better or worse,” I replied softly and drifted to sleep again. This time, I stayed asleep till morning and woke up in the same position we fell asleep in.

“Michael – get up. You’re mom is gonna freak when she finds out we stayed together.”
“Mmm, she knows. She peeked in to see how you were a little after you fell asleep and saw us this way. She woke me up briefly just to tell me to stay.” He mumbled, eyes still closed. “How are you feeling?”
“Better, actually.”
“Good, go back to sleep then.”

“Noooo,” I whined. “Get up, lazy.” He didn’t move. “Fine, I’m just going to go shower then.”
He opened one eye. “You know, it’s really cruel to tease a man that way when I can’t join you.” I laughed and he stroked my head. “Don’t shower, Baby. Let’s go in my pool after breakfast.”
“Okay. Well, I still have to use the bathroom so I’ll be right back anyway.” I made my way to the bathroom and all of a sudden, another bout of nausea hit me once more. “What the hell is wrong with me?” I thought, wracking my brain. I didn’t feel ill, and I know I didn’t have a temperature. Suddenly, it hit me. “felgercarb,” I thought, and hurried back to the guest room.

“We have a problem,” I announced once I walked back in the room and shut the door securely.
“Yeah, we do. My wife refuses to go back to sleep.” He mumbled lazily.
“No, I mean it. Get up. Now.” He opened his eyes in surprise.
“Sydney, what’s wrong?”

“I think I’m pregnant.” I blurted out, tears springing to my eyes. His face showed fear, then shock, then mild happiness.
“Come here,” he said softly, enveloping me in a hug. “Don’t cry.”

“Don’t cry? Don’t cry?” I said, getting mildly hysterical. “Vaughn. I’m barely 19 years old. I JUST started school. I support myself as a waitress. My dad is going to kill me. No one knows that we got married impulsively. And we live in two different states. So don’t tell me not to cry.”
“Ok, Sweetie. Take a deep breath. Are you positive you are pregnant?”

“No, but, think about it. I’m not sick…I don’t have the flu. Yet, I threw up twice last night and once this morning when I just got up. The last time I saw you was Valentine’s weekend and I haven’t gotten my period yet. What are we going to do?”

He took a deep breath and I saw the wheels turning in his head. “Okay. First, you need to take a breath. Then, we’ll go out later and get one of those test things. IF it turns out positive, here is a plan. I’m already coming to Vegas for the summer, and I can just figure out how to transfer to UNLV for my junior and senior years. You were already planning on taking two semesters worth of credits during the summer, which you would still be able to do, so that would enable you to take the fall semester off and start in the spring again without falling behind. You can work in the restaurant until your fifth month or so, I’m guessing, without a problem. We’ll save all of our money…your tips and salary and my summer wages. I’ll get a part time job for the fall semester while you are off from school and work. Then, starting in January, we’ll put the baby in day care and you can go back to work and school. We’ll find a two bedroom apartment while I’m out there this summer and we’ll manage to make it work.” I stared at him, incredulously.

“You came up with all of that right now?”

“Yep.” He grinned. “We’ll be okay, Syd. Yes, this is completely unplanned, but so was our marriage. We can do this.”
“Okay,” I whispered. “But there’s just one thing. We HAVE to tell my dad before we leave LA.” He stared at me in fear. “I can’t hide this from him. We’re doing a whole new honesty thing.”

“All right…” he said slowly. “Then, after we take your little test, I think we should also talk with my parents so they know I am contemplating a transfer.” I nodded and the two of us hugged each other, both praying our lives weren’t about to come crashing down completely.

An hour later we headed to Long’s Drugs and picked up two different pregnancy tests. Michael’s parents had gone out by the time we got back, which was good for us. I went into the bathroom and took one of each test. Burying my head in my hands, I perched on the edge of the tub as Michael came in and sat next to me, rubbing my back for moral support.

“I want you to know whatever happens, I’m with you 100%.”
“I know you will be.” The minutes passed and we looked at the tests. Both were positive.
“frack.” The obscenity slipped out of my mouth. Vaughn looked nervous at my reaction.
“Syd…he said timidly. “If you really don’t want this…we can always consider an abor…”

“NO!” he looked startled. “Vaughn, as much as I wasn’t ready for this…this is OUR baby. Something we created with love. I’d never consider getting rid of it. No. We’re married, and our parents are going to have to deal with our choices. I already left my dad and found a way to live on my own…I can do it again. And if I have to stop school for a few years until I can pay for it, I will.”
“Okay, Sweetie. Then when do you want to tell my parents?” I heard the car drive up as he was saying that.

“There’s no time like right now. We might as well do it and face the music. And if they get super pissed, well, we’ll just go to LA earlier than we planned.” Vaughn looked pale but nodded, taking my hand and leading me downstairs.
“Hey, you two,” Amelia cried as they walked inside. “Do anything fun today?”
We looked at each other and smiled, fun would not be our word of choice. “Um, Mom…Dad…Syd and I need to talk to you. Can we all sit in the living room?”

The parents exchanged glances but complied. We sat on chairs opposite them, close, but not touching.
“Okay, this is a pretty long and um, interesting story we have to tell you guys, and I would appreciate it if you would not say a word until we were finished completely.” Bill and Amelia glanced at each other again and nodded. They were reasonable people.

“Okay,” Michael started, taking a deep breath. “It all started last summer on our Vegas trip…” He went through our story of how we spent time together and quickly fell for each other. He told about our phone calls that made us each fall in love with the other person. Then he got to his New Years trip. He mentioned how he surprised me with a visit and how we grew closer and intimate quickly. Then he described the day he cooked me dinner and my unconventional, accidental proposal. I saw his mother grip Bill’s hand tighter but she kept her word and didn’t say a thing. Finally Michael got to our small bomb dropping, how we decided to get married. He pulled his chain out from under his shirt to show his parents the ring. I pulled mine out as well. Bill and Amelia turned pale, but kept silent still. Next he continued with my Valentine’s Day weekend surprise and ended with us being here, now. “So, after Sydney got sick a few more times, we had a suspicion, and well…it looks like she is pregnant. And it’s not like we don’t use protection either! BUT, before you freak out…we have a plan…” He quickly described his plan he came up with this morning, transfer of schools and all. “Okay, I’m done now,’ he said, nervously taking my hand.

We watched his parents’ reactions closely. First Amelia looked like she was going to cry, then faint, and then explode. Bill sat like a stone wall. Finally, he spoke. “Well, obviously we aren’t the most pleased people at your spontaneity, Michael, and lack of judgment. That being said, I have to admit the way you are being mature about the situation and it seems like you came up with a solid plan. I’m fine with you transferring, and I will even keep paying for school, as long as you continue to prove that you will still graduate with a degree and have a good job to support your child.” He looked at Amelia, who finally nodded in agreement.

We let out small breaths of air. “Thank you,” Michael said. I looked down, afraid that his parents thought I was a horrible influence on their son. If he’d never met me, he never would have done this. Plus, they hadn’t really addressed me at all after Michael’s admission. Tears sprung to my eyes and I quietly excused myself, walking onto the back patio.

A few minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw it was Amelia. “Honey, are you okay?” I looked down.
“I’m sorry. You must think I’m terrible. If it wasn’t for Michael meeting me, he wouldn’t have this situation and he wouldn’t have let you down.”

“Oh, Sydney,” she began. “Yes, I’m not so pleased with him, both of you, actually, but it happened. I’m happier that you two thought it through at least, and have already come up with a way to try and work it out. Accidents happen, and I am assuming you weren’t really planning to have a baby yet, am I right?” I shook my head in agreement. “But I don’t think badly of you,” she continued. “You are a sweet girl and you make my son truly happy. And his happiness is all I ever wanted for him. So, welcome to the family, Sweetheart.” She hugged me. “We’ll do what we can to help. If it is a boy, I still have all of Michael’s old baby things and I’ll be more than happy to ship them out.”

“That’s very nice of you.”
“Nonsense. This is my grandchild! Get ready for some spoiling.” I laughed and she asked me if I was going to tell my dad as well. I said yes, but I was afraid he’d take it a lot worse than her and Bill.

“Well, Sydney, if the worst case scenario happens, you are always welcome here, Honey. Remember that.” I thanked her and we hugged again. Then she took me inside to help her cook dinner.
Seeing that we were married, the Vaughn’s let us stay in the same room for the remainder of our trip. “So, it didn’t go so badly with my parents,” Vaughn said later that night as we got ready for bed.

“Yeah, well, don’t expect that with my dad.” I shuddered when I thought of the screaming that would take place. It would take a small miracle for him to be as calm as the Vaughn’s were and to not kill Michael. He pulled me close and kissed me.
“It’ll be okay.”


Two days later we bid goodbye to Bill and Amelia, who sent us off with a gift certificate to Babies R Us and a scrapbook to record the pregnancy. We promised to keep in touch and boarded the train to LA. Six hours later, we were prepared to meet our doom.

TBC... either Monday evening MY time (Eastern Standard) or... Tuesday evening. Sorry guys, work calls. Either way, it will be updated shortly!! PROMISE!

PM List:

Prediction 47
LMAO. Mean Girls, right?? I LOVE that movie. Otherwise this was from Saved! one of the two...
hee hee, yea, that part from Mean Girls was one of the first things I thought of when I read that chapter :P
Ok, wow. I'm 18 now, and I can't imagine having a baby. Strangely, it seems to be "the thing to do" amoung girls in my town...
and waitressing while pregnant would majorly suck... I mean, I'm working as a waitress right now, and you're tired enough at the end of the day, but a baby would make it that much worse... :blink:
Oh, are we going to be reading any more of Chris? He kinda disappeared after the New Year's thing...I was hoping he wouldn't be abandoned, pining over Sydney forever... :thinking: unrequited love's a bitch.

PS--could I be taken off the pm list? It's nothing personal, I'm just not a fan of pm's, and I think I'll be able to find the updates myself if you update regularily anyway. Thanks! ;)
hee hee, yea, that part from Mean Girls was one of the first things I thought of when I read that chapter :P
Ok, wow. I'm 18 now, and I can't imagine having a baby. Strangely, it seems to be "the thing to do" amoung girls in my town...
and waitressing while pregnant would majorly suck... I mean, I'm working as a waitress right now, and you're tired enough at the end of the day, but a baby would make it that much worse... :blink:
Oh, are we going to be reading any more of Chris? He kinda disappeared after the New Year's thing...I was hoping he wouldn't be abandoned, pining over Sydney forever... :thinking: unrequited love's a bitch.

PS--could I be taken off the pm list? It's nothing personal, I'm just not a fan of pm's, and I think I'll be able to find the updates myself if you update regularily anyway. Thanks! ;)

Sure, no problem! Sorry about that.

there will be more of Chris. not for a while...b/c it is S/V fluff and planning, but when he comes back, it'll be GOOD. Trust me.
And I know this is totally unrealistic, finding the energy to work and do school and have a baby, but hey, it's fiction. I make it work. :D Seriously, this cheesy little story just flowed from my brain through my computer...I just let it. And figured since I wrote it, hey, might as well post. Glad you are enjoying.
I had a feeling that she was pregnant!
I can't wait to see what's going to happen when they tell jack!!
Thanks for the pm...Can't wait for more!!
that was great
i love it how michael's parents were so supportive
im looking forward to jack's reaction
im guessing hes not going to be to haapy, but he might lose syd again
thanks for the pm