An Old Friend
It's taken me awhile to get the intro ready for my newest Speculative Fiction endeavor.
As many of you already know I have an Invision Free Forum already set up.
Recently I joined the Lefora network and decided to expand the dream to all the Lefora fans out there.
Kevin, Moderators & CoolSciFi Members, If you believe this self-promotion
is tacky, against CoolSciFi policy or in bad taste please by all means remove it.
I will understand. If however, you like what I have done,
Come join me and help me fulfill my dreams.
Joining My Community in no way dimishes participation in CoolSciFi.
As you may have noticed, I still am very active here.
OK, On to the Expedition:
As many of you already know I have an Invision Free Forum already set up.
Recently I joined the Lefora network and decided to expand the dream to all the Lefora fans out there.
Kevin, Moderators & CoolSciFi Members, If you believe this self-promotion
is tacky, against CoolSciFi policy or in bad taste please by all means remove it.
I will understand. If however, you like what I have done,
Come join me and help me fulfill my dreams.
Joining My Community in no way dimishes participation in CoolSciFi.
As you may have noticed, I still am very active here.
OK, On to the Expedition:
Ok, the first thing you will notice is that some of the community is viewable without joining.
Joining is free and simple.
Once you have a Lefora screenname account you are able to create your own sites.
I did this one after joining another site.
It is totally up to you. Let me warn you tho...
Lefora interfaces are wonky if you are not used to them.
Lots of CSS. Well, Onto the preview...
Joining is free and simple.
Once you have a Lefora screenname account you are able to create your own sites.
I did this one after joining another site.
It is totally up to you. Let me warn you tho...
Lefora interfaces are wonky if you are not used to them.
Lots of CSS. Well, Onto the preview...
The Visitor Center
Learn about S F Explorers
Yeah, I wrote all of this...LOL
Learn about S F Explorers
Yeah, I wrote all of this...LOL
Types Of Topics You Will Find
[FONT="tahoma"]In the S F Explorers Community you will see a wide range of topic types. [/FONT]
[FONT="tahoma"] Here is a heads up of what to expect. [/FONT]
[FONT="tahoma"] Here is a heads up of what to expect. [/FONT]
[FONT="tahoma"]Community Discussions[/FONT]
Being a community based forum we always promote member discussions. Some topics are generated with the sole purpose of discussing something. These topics will usually pose some type of question to provoke a response or opinion in the replies. Debating the merits of StarWars VS StarTrek is a great example. Other discussions are created to gain insight or additional information in replies. An example of this type would be a request for more information on a building a light sabre. Still others might be a list generator for Horror movie cliches. Variations and motives are numerous. What makes these topics interesting is often the replies that follow. Look for discussions with many replies. Participation is the key to Community Discussions.
Community Service Announcements
A Community Service Announcement (CSA) is a topic that informs you of an event or change that is occurring or about to occur in the community. Some CSAs may be open for discussion and replies and some may be locked. These should be read whenever you see one posted because it will tell you important information about the community. As a member of this community you should always be aware of changes and community events. It's your participation that makes our community great.
Content Topics
The Explorer part of the community's title indicates we explore. What do we explore? We explore the contents of the internet and world wide web looking for new and interesting websites and webpages that focus on the genres of Speculative Fiction. Content Topics provide links and descriptions to these pages. Think; "Here, Look at this, what do you think of this site?" You are meant to reply and comment your opinion or review. It is appropriate to generate discussions on those topics. All content topics must have a link to the site and a description of its content. Each new site will have a new content topic but site webpages may be focused in a reply. Example would be Syfy's website and Blastr website. Two different sites would require two separate topics. However, an article page of interest on Blastr would be a reply to the Blastr topic. I09 website has multiple sub-sites. Sub-sites would have individual topic pages.
File Topics
A File topic is one that has an attachment available for download. The construction of a file topic will have a download link, a description of the item available for download and sometimes a sample. Always scan downloads for viruses. Comments on these topics consist mainly of reviews of the item offered and member thank yous. We thank our members for their community efforts here. Always say Thank You.
Movie, Music & eBook Topics
These types of topics are link aggregators. They will consist of a poster or picture, a source for more information, a short synopsis and links to the source host for the files. These topics are the hardest to moderate because they require a constant watch for dead links. Member feedback is needed to keep these topics relative and active. Thank Yous are very much appreciated due to the increased work that is required to post them. Sometimes a youtube video or trailer will be included.
Once you are a member other things open up to you...
<<< Our Mission Statement >>>
S F Explorers purpose is to provide a community where lovers of all kinds of Speculative Fiction can come together and talk about the genres. A place for all to share interesting aspects of this broad field.
We will explore websites, resources and do reviews. We will provide tips and tricks to help us make our own brands of Speculative Fiction. Our topics will take us to the unexplored and the familiar.
We will not disrespect each other as we have common ground. We will keep our intelligence and be friendly. We will share. Sorry and Thank You will be in our vocabulary. We are a community.
We will give credit where it is due. You will have sources and links to click. Artists and Writers will be featured. Movies and media will be found and discussed. Ideas will be generated and assistance will be rendered.
We will take excursions to in-depth genre isolation and return with deeper appreciation and wonderful fulfillment. We will map the planetary internet of Speculative Fiction. We will share this resource with others.
We will have standards to our topics. We will have rules of engagement. Our Quests will be organized and results will be published. Our Members will be respected and our Visitors welcomed. Our Staff will be friendly and helpful. We will thrive on feedback.
Welcome to S F Explorers!
May your Quests be Exciting, Enlightening and Fulfilling!
We will explore websites, resources and do reviews. We will provide tips and tricks to help us make our own brands of Speculative Fiction. Our topics will take us to the unexplored and the familiar.
We will not disrespect each other as we have common ground. We will keep our intelligence and be friendly. We will share. Sorry and Thank You will be in our vocabulary. We are a community.
We will give credit where it is due. You will have sources and links to click. Artists and Writers will be featured. Movies and media will be found and discussed. Ideas will be generated and assistance will be rendered.
We will take excursions to in-depth genre isolation and return with deeper appreciation and wonderful fulfillment. We will map the planetary internet of Speculative Fiction. We will share this resource with others.
We will have standards to our topics. We will have rules of engagement. Our Quests will be organized and results will be published. Our Members will be respected and our Visitors welcomed. Our Staff will be friendly and helpful. We will thrive on feedback.
Welcome to S F Explorers!
May your Quests be Exciting, Enlightening and Fulfilling!
Base Camp
What it is and wants to be
This is where we communicate the purpose of our community. A place to declare trends and explore new avenues of exploration. Its where you can find out about things and learn about the community standards.
Introduce Yourself and Say Hello
This is where you meet other members of our community. Its also where you tell us about yourself. It is desired that all our members title their screenname to an introduction. We can formally say hi and you establish at least one topic post. You dont need to go into depth about yourself. Some content could include the meaning behind your screenname - how you found us - some of your favorite things and more.
Please - take time to do a good introduction.
Index to Expeditions
This is where we tell you a bit about the community and all the different sections. Some are viewable as a guest, others only for members and others just for our staff. This is where you can see what our community is about. Every expedition company has maps. This is ours.
Open Discussions and Gossip
This is the open discussion area of our community. We strive to allocate our topics to the correct forum but sometimes we just want to chat or participate in a general way. This is where you post when you're not sure where it goes. Our staff will watch these topics and move them if needed. Don't be alarmed if your topic is gone. It was probably just moved to an appropriate section. We won't delete your topic even if its dead. We have an archive so you will keep all your post counts. Feel free to participate in the games and stories. This is a great community building enterprise and we can have fun.
Realm Explorer
Banner Exchange & Site Referrals
This section is for banner exchanges and a place where you can promote your own forums and sites. Unlike some forums that restrict you from promoting your own stuff, We encourage it. Go ahead and post your site news, do a fund drive or a membership drive. A suggestion is to title your topic with your site's name and include a link to it. The search system will find it easier and you will get more participation at your site and on your topic. This is for YOUR sites only tho. Don't post other peoples sites here. We have a section in each expedition for promoting your favorite genre sites.
This section is for banner exchanges and a place where you can promote your own forums and sites. Unlike some forums that restrict you from promoting your own stuff, We encourage it. Go ahead and post your site news, do a fund drive or a membership drive. A suggestion is to title your topic with your site's name and include a link to it. The search system will find it easier and you will get more participation at your site and on your topic. This is for YOUR sites only tho. Don't post other peoples sites here. We have a section in each expedition for promoting your favorite genre sites.
Science Fiction Expedition
Discuss Science Fiction
This is open discussion for Science Fiction Genres. Tell a story or post a picture. It's the catch-all of the expedition. If it doesn't fit in the specific sections it goes in here. Don't sweat the occasional mistake cause we will put it away. You will find member to member discussions in here. Come join in. Start a SciFi community story or a RPG. If it doesn't quite fit in any of the other SciFi categories put it in here. This is the SciFi catch-all. Try your hand at SciFi trivia. Find something new to share. Remember, This is your community.
This is open discussion for Science Fiction Genres. Tell a story or post a picture. It's the catch-all of the expedition. If it doesn't fit in the specific sections it goes in here. Don't sweat the occasional mistake cause we will put it away. You will find member to member discussions in here. Come join in. Start a SciFi community story or a RPG. If it doesn't quite fit in any of the other SciFi categories put it in here. This is the SciFi catch-all. Try your hand at SciFi trivia. Find something new to share. Remember, This is your community.
Discuss & Review Science Fiction Websites
Find new SciFi webpages and full-blown sites. Dedications to elements that make the genre. Twitter feeds, blogs and podcasts. Shopping sites and exotic destinations. Know of a SciFi everything site - post it here. Resource and reference sites are abundant here. Researching a book or project? Looking for an Encyclopedia entry on Starships? Starship Blueprints? Want to learn the Klingon Language? Come explore the World Wide Science Fiction Web.
Discuss & Review Science Fiction Literary Works
Find author biographies and online ebooks. Poems both insanely popular or famous and obscure and unforgettable. Looking for a resource for books? Reviews of stories? This section is for exploring the literary world of SciFi. Find Science Fiction masters along with new works of astounding new authors. Read bibliographies and visit your favorite authors. Join us in the Library for some reading fun!
Discuss & Review Science Fiction Works of Art
Art is more than just a picture. Come see the world of expression in the genre of SciFi. Not only pictures, sculptures, photography and computer modeling. We have links to graphic libraries and wallpapers, fonts and wingdings, artist websites and galleries. Compare a BattleStar to a Vorlon Cruiser. Find a rendering of a First One. Set your eyes upon a new planet or an exploding star. Download the StarWars or StarTrek fonts. Build a graphics library.
Explore Science Fiction in Sound
Feel like a good story but no time to read? Is that long commute making you sick of the same old radio? Come here to find links to mp3 and wav files of your favorite stories being read to you. Audio book resources, sound files and audio podcasts will fill the air with Science Fiction. Remap your computer sounds, grab yourself an audio quote or play yourself a count down.
Explore Science Fiction Visual Media
Watch a movie or read about it. Review it or read someone else's review. Find videos, flash presentations and movie links. Catch a new trailer. Start a new webseries or watch a webisode. Come explore the visual media side of Science Fiction.
Resources to create science fiction works
Writing a book, making a movie or composing a poem? Trying to paint a Star Destoyer or draw a turbo lift? Here is where you find resources and tips on creating SciFi elements. The Construction Yards gives you links to programs, supplies and tips from the pros. Need a character profile generator? How do you get rid of writers block? Need a high quality paint set? Looking for a special program? Look here for all your creativity needs.
Horror Expedition
Discuss Horror
Open horror discussion area. Ask a horror related question. Find horror general websites. Start a horror community story or a RPG. If it doesn't quite fit in any of the other horror categories put it in here. This is the Horror catch-all. Join a member to member discussion. Try your hand at horror trivia. Find something new to share. Remember, This is your community.
Labrynth of Web Caves
Discuss & Review Horror Websites
The grand repository of Horror websites. Find new Horror webpages and full-blown sites. Dedications to elements that make the genre. Twitter feeds, blogs and podcasts. Shopping sites and exotic destinations. Know of a horror everything site - post it here. Resource and reference sites are abundant here. Researching a book or project? Looking for an Encyclopedia entry on demons? Need a list of actors that have played Dracula? This is the place.
Horror Scratchings
Discuss & Review Horror Literature
Oh the written word! You mind conjures up the images in such detail. Delve into the tombs to find written works suitable for anyone's darkside. Find author biographies and online ebooks. Poems both insanely popular or famous and obscure and unforgettable. Looking for a resource for books? Reviews of stories? This section is for exploring the literary world of Horror.
Horror in the Eye
Discuss & Review Horror Works of Art
Art is more than just a picture. Come see the world of expression in the genre of Horror. Not only pictures, sculptures, photography and computer modeling. We have links to graphic libraries and wallpapers, fonts and wingdings, artist websites and galleries. Put some horror in your eye.
Caution: Dark Souls Unbound!
Explore the Sounds of Horror
Feel like a good story but no time to read? Is that long commute making you sick of the same old radio? Come here to find links to mp3 and wav files of your favorite stories being read to you. Audio book resources, sound files and audio podcasts will fill the air with Horror and Gore.
Explore Horror Visual Media
Watch a movie or read about it. Review it or read someone else's review. Find videos, flash presentations and movie links. Catch a new trailer. Start a new webseries or watch a webisode. Come explore the visual media side of Horror.
Resources To Create Horror Works
Writing a book, making a movie or composing a poem? Trying to paint a demon or draw a werewolf? Here is where you find resources and tips on creating Horror elements. The Summoning Alter gives you links to programs, supplies and tips from the pros. Need a character profile generator? How do you get rid of writers block? Need a high quality paint set? Looking for a special camera? Look here for all your creativity needs.
Fantasy & Adventure Expedition
Discuss Fantasy/Adventure
This is open discussion for Fantasy & Adventure Genres. Tell a story or post a picture. It's the catch-all of the expedition. If it doesn't fit in the specific sections it goes in here. Don't sweat the occasional mistake cause we will put it away. You will find member to member F & A discussions in here. Come join in.
Fantasy & Adventure Webs
Discuss & Review Fantasy/Adventure Websites
Here you will find Fantasy & Adventure websites. Dedications to elements that make the genre. Twitter feeds, blogs and podcasts. Shopping sites and exotic destinations. Know of a fantasy everything site - post it here. Resource and reference sites are abundant here. Researching a book or project? Looking for an Encyclopedia entry on Trolls? Need to devise a trap for a pyramid? Have a look here.
Fantasy & Adventure Literary Excursion
Discuss & Review Fantasy/Adventure Literary Works
Reading...Ack! I know but some of us really enjoy the written word. In here you will find author biographies and online ebooks. Poems both insanely popular or famous and obscure and unforgettable. Looking for a resource for books? Reviews of stories? This section is for exploring the literary world. Pull up a comfy chair and settle in for a good read.
Art House of Fantasy & Adventure
Discuss & Review Fantasy/Adventure Works of Art
Art is more than just a picture. Come see the world of expression in the genre of Fantasy & Adventure. Not only pictures, sculptures, photography and computer modeling. We have links to graphic libraries and wallpapers, fonts and wingdings, artist websites and galleries. Put some art in your eye and visit the Art House.
Fantasy & Adventure Speaker Explosion
Explore Fantasy & Adventure in Sound
Feel like a good story but no time to read? Is that long commute making you sick of the same old radio? Come here to find links to mp3 and wav files of your favorite stories being read to you. Audio book resources, sound files and audio podcasts will fill the air with wondrous Fantasy & Adventure.
Come post your favorites or find something new. Its for you.
Fantasy & Adventure Drive-In Theater
Explore Fantasy/Adventure Visual Media
Video is really popular. Watch a movie or read about it. Review it or read someone else's review. Find videos, flash presentations and movie links. Catch a new trailer. Start a new webseries or watch a webisode. Come explore the visual media side of Fantasy & Adventure.
Fantasy & Adventure World Builder
Resources To Create Fantasy/Adventure Works
Writing a book, making a movie or composing a poem? Trying to paint a dragon or draw a ogre? Here is where you find resources and tips on creating the F & A elements. World Builder gives you links to programs, supplies and tips from the pros. Need a character profile generator? How do you get rid of writers block? Need a high grade pastel set? Looking for a special camera? Look here for all your creativity needs.
Other Expeditions
Discuss Other Speculative Fiction
This is where you can go to talk about Speculative Fiction Genres and Sub-Genres that are not listed.
If it is Speculative Fiction but it wont fit anywhere else you can put it in here. Its a catch-all.
Lover's Lane
Discuss Romance Fiction
Romance is often labeled as its own genre but more often than not a romance concept is a Sub-Genre of other Speculative Fiction genres. Example: Romantic Adventure, Romantic Fantasy and so on. No matter your sexual preference you will find that romantic fix in here. Feel free to post romance topics here. Most comedies have that romance element. Don't forget about artworks, poems and letters too.
Reality Sidewalk
Discuss Science Theory and Speculation
Often some of the most far-out ideas come from real-life science. Theorists and theoretical science often takes us down untraveled paths opening our minds to wondrous discoveries. Share the places you find that take us one step beyond reality. Show us the wonders that drive the scientists. This is speculation in its purest form.
Ghost Float
Discuss The Paranormal
There are times when the Horror Genre just cant suffice to explain the disturbing things we encounter. Ghosts, apparitions and unexplained phenomenon. Whether it be Paranormal, Religious or a Scientific Mystery this is where you will find it. Catch a show, watch an interview, study some pictures or read an article. Have a grand old time exploring the unexplained.
Blind Faith
Discuss Oddities & Superstition
Black Cats, Broken Mirrors, Elephant Man or UFO. This is where you will explore the reaches of societies delusions. What is taboo? Do you Believe? Is that Busted? This is a place to find both pros and cons on any subject. If you find a debunking site - add it. Got an opinion - post it. Share a fact file or a description. Most of all have a blast discussing these subjects.
The Visitor Center
Explorer Testimonials
As a visitor trying to decide if our community is right for you sometimes it helps to get a bit of persuasion in your decision making process. Our members are the lifeblood of this community and who better to tell you why you should join us than them. Once you are a member you can tell your story here too.
Other things you can find here are the features and events we host. You wont have access to them till you are a member but you can find out about them.
Events & Activities
Learn What's Going On
As stated above we have activities for our members. Here is where our visitors can get the rundown on individual events in our community. This also lists upcoming events and ongoing activities you can participate in when you become a member. In addition you can find member written reviews of past events and activities. Find out about Excursions, Safaris and Hunts.
Navigating Base Camp
Tips for Finding What You Want
Where can I find this? How do I do that? What is this for?
As our community grows there will be times when some inside info on where to go or how to get around will come in handy. Members helping Members. Our members offer up the best of and navigation tips to help you find what you are looking for. Whats the fastest way to get to the cinema, how do I find a screaming .wav file? Is there a wallpaper of Iron Man available? How do I sign into chatango? If you ask - someone has an answer.
Off-Site Day Camps
Sister Sites and Friends of S F Explorers
In my years of surfing the internet I have created a number of sites and pages related to speculative fiction and its sub-genres. My friends have also created genre sites. This is a place where you will find those links. As a member you are encouraged to add your own. You are always free to promote your site here.
The Guide Shack
The Guide Shack Is our Administration Department and is only accessible to Moderators and above. This is for information only.
Rules & Regs Room
This is where the community guidelines are kept. Our Moderating team and all staff sign off on these documents when they come to office. It keeps us on the same page when policing our community. Its a nice list of Dos and Donts to keep our members safe and treated fairly. When a staff member has a question about a moderation they can come here for the answer.
Staff Lounge
Open Staff Chat & Discussion
This is where staff discusses things about the community. It is where ideas and proposals get hashed out. When member punishment is needed we all discuss our plan and sort thru the possible outcomes to assure we treat every member fairly. If someone is recommended to come to staff - this is where we will decide yay or nay. It is also a place where staff can vent and share with other staff on all subjects.
Cavern Dump
Dead Topic Archive
The only persons allowed to delete a topic is the creator and the founder. I will not delete a topic unless it it offensive or a violation of community regulations or Lefora standards. When a link you posted goes dead or a topic is no longer relative for some reason staff will move it to the Dump. This will keep your post counts and also allow us to resurrect it in the future. Seasonal topics may be moved here for holding. Then brought back out for the next season. It is meant to keep our community clear of clutter.
Prep & Staging
Works in Progress Area
This is the place behind the scenes where we set up contests, community events and large complicated topics. We have discussions dealing with anything from the right topic title to the graphics placements. From here we bring you such wonders as:
Reviewing Contests
Membership Drives
Movie Theaters
Profile Spotlights
Special Tours
...and more
Its like a behind the scenes Public Works Department. Extremely busy and productive. Staff puts a great deal of energy and creative thought into this area and thats why a thank you is greatly appreciated. Your comment with a quick thanks helps drive us on to new and better adventures. Always say thanx!
That is from entries in the Map Room. It might help identify what this is all about.
Well, Thats about it. If you saw something that interests you come check it out. Oh, by the way, If you liked how I put this post together let me know. It took me about an hour to get it right.