It had to be you

Hi guys! this is my 3rd attempt at fan fiction and my very first alias story... hope you guys like it... i'm a huge S/V shipper and i wrote this story based on a bunch of my favorite romantic comedies. the title and much of the fic was based on michael vartan's movie of the same name... so go on, read and please.... be kind! later! :D


Her eyes were blurring with tears as she jumped up and down waving her arms trying to get her cat to listen to her.

“Ginger! Ginger please come down!” she pleaded to her orange tabby cat who had climbed way up high an oak tree. The little girl looked around desperately for her daddy, he had to be here somewhere, he’d get Ginger down.

“Is that your cat?” an unfamiliar voice asked her. She sniffled and looked up at the sound of the voice. It belonged to a little boy who looked older then her, and certainly a lot taller.

“Ye…Yes,” she answered her voice wavering.

“Don’t cry, here, I’ll get him for you,” the older boy offered with a reassuring smile as he began his ascent up the oak tree.

“It’s a her,” the little girl corrected automatically as she sniffled again.

“Her,” the boy shot back, his tone light and teasing.


“Syd! Better get up if you want to catch your flight!” Francie Calfo’s singsong voice
roused Sydney Bristow up from her comfortable, sleep filled state.

“Be right there,” she called back, her voice sounding even raspier than it felt as she raised her head up from her pillow… only to flop it back down again.

A moment later she felt a huge weight settle against her on the bed, effectively waking her up.

“Oh no you don’t girl! It’s late, you haven’t finished packing and you have to eat a full breakfast, I know how much you hate airplane food!” Francie said firmly as she wagged a finger in front the one eye that Sydney managed to pry open for her best friend.

“Okay, okay,” Sydney groaned as she sat up and threw back the covers revealing her pajama bottoms and tank top. “I was in the middle of dream,” she explained to Francie who stood up, crossed her arms and gave Sydney an excited grin.

“Was it a sex dream?” Francie asked breathlessly. Sydney gave her a look. “No, but if you must know, I was dreaming about a little girl who nearly lost her cat, but then this saint, in the form of a little boy decided to help her.”

“Oh,” Francie’s nose wrinkled up as she processed what Sydney had just said. “You’re even more boring in your dreams.” She giggled when a pillow landed squarely in her face. “So who was it? A couple of your students?”

Sydney’s forehead furrowed slightly as she thought about her dream again. “No, I don’t think so. The little girl didn’t look old enough to be in 3rd grade and the boy, he was probably a six year old’s version of an older man… besides, their faces were kind of fuzzy. Makes me want to go back to sleep and figure it all out.”

“Forget it! You can rest on the plane and get a lot of cat naps once you’re in New York,” Francie reminded her.

Sydney smiled as a dreamy look crossed her face. “A weekend in New York with nothing to do except plan the wedding of my dreams.”

Francie grinned and threw a pillow at her. “Don’t forget all the pampering and luxury you’ll find at The Plaza hotel.”

“Nope, can’t forget that,” Sydney agreed. “I just wish Danny didn’t have to go to London this month.”

Francie felt her enthusiasm drop several degrees as she took in the glum expression that replaced Sydney’s smile.

“Time is money for businessmen and he couldn’t afford to reschedule this trip. I wish I could go with you but the restaurant’s got me real tied up. But don’t worry Syd, you’ll do great on your own, you always do. In fact, maybe going solo on this trip is a good thing, you know? Think of it as your last hurrah as a single woman.”

Sydney smiled slowly and nodded. “You’re right Francie, it’s going to be great. Besides, it’s not like Danny’s really into planning these kind of things anyway,” she replied.

Francie nodded. “Good girl. Now get into that shower, get dressed, make yourself beautiful while I fix us some breakfast. Go! Scat!” she said loudly as she pulled Sydney to her feet and whacked her lightly on the backside to the direction of the bathroom.

“Will, I’ve been in New York for less than an hour!” Sydney said sounding exasperated but managing a kind smile as she handed a generous tip to the elderly cab driver who handed her luggage over to the doorman of the Plaza hotel.

“Thank you miss,” the driver answered giving his fisherman’s hat a slight tip in her direction before heading off.

“Sydney, do not let your guard down, muggers could be anywhere in that city,” Will warned her for what seemed like the millionth time already.

“Look sweetie, I’m standing in front of my hotel right now and in a few seconds I’ll be perfectly safe once I actually step it. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, I’ll call you later,” she assured him.

Another quick grumble from Will and then she was a free woman. “Sorry about that,” she apologized to the doorman who grinned at her and showed her into the lobby and led her towards the front desk.

“Hi, reservation for Sydney Bristow,” she told the petite woman standing behind the reception desk, Juliet her nametag read, with a smile.

“Of course Miss Bristow, you already have several messages, they’ve been coming in for the past 2 hours,” Juliet told her with a wink.
Sydney laughed as she took the small stack of white slips from Juliet’s outstretched hand.

“You weren’t kidding when you said there were several. Oops!”

Two of the message slips fell from the stack and she bent down to pick them up. She found one near the sole of her shoe and the other one…

“Hey you go,” a friendly voice said from her right side. She glanced over at the hand holding the slip and took it.

“Thanks,” she answered with a smile as she straightened up. “No problem,” the voice told her.

Only this time, it wasn’t just a voice. It was a guy, a very handsome one. For a second they held their gazes and she took him in.

He was tall, about 6 feet she guessed. He had a slim, lean build but she could sense that he was a strong guy with a solid frame. His dark blond hair, which was cut short, suited him perfectly, but what really caught got her attention were his eyes.

They were a brilliant shade of green, and to her, they looked as kind and warm as he seemed to be.

“Looks like you’re pretty popular,” he told her with a half grin. Sydney gave him an unsure smile and he gestured to the message slips in her hand.

“That’s… one way of looking at it,” she said sheepishly as she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

“Are you ready to go up to your room sir?” the bellhop asked. “Sure,” he nodded at the bellhop who began carrying his bags toward the elevators. Turning back to Sydney he gave her a warm smile. “Enjoy your stay,” he told her. “Thanks, you too,” she answered.

His eyes crinkle up when he smiles, she thought to herself as she watched him walk away. “Miss Bristow, your room is all set,” Juliet informed her with a smile.


“Thanks Mario, here you go” Vaughn said as he handed a tip to the young Hispanic bellhop who placed his bags neatly by the door of his spacious hotel room.

“Thank you sir, do you need anything else?” Vaughn shook his head. “Have a good day Mr. Vaughn.”

As Mario left the room, he felt his jacket pocket start to vibrate and he pulled out his cellular phone. “Vaughn,” he answered.

“Hey man, where are you?” Eric Weiss panted. “In my hotel room, I just got here, what did you do? Sprint around the office or something?” Vaughn replied, highly amused.

“That’s very funny Mike. Seriously, you should be a stand up comedian or something, I could get you a number. If you must know I went out to my favorite hot dog near the park and ended up meeting this totally hot girl and she invited me to jog with her.”

Vaughn couldn’t help but snort in disbelief. “You’re kidding right? The guy who thinks escalators and elevators were the greatest technological inventions of all time went jogging, on an empty stomach no less!”

“Laugh all you want,” Eric grumbled. “But I’m telling you this woman was hot. And she wanted me daddy-o I could feel it down to my toes… although right now I’m not sure if I have any toes, my whole body’s kind of taken on this whole numb feeling… or should I say lack of feeling?”

“Sounds great,” Vaughn replied sarcastically. “So did you ask her to marry you already?” Eric sighed.

“I was going for the phone number first, but I didn’t get that far.” Vaughn raised an eyebrow as he opened the door to the mini-fridge and pulled out a soda.

“Why not?” he asked as he took a sip of his drink.


“Say what?” Vaughn asked, confused.

“Because her boyfriend showed up! Damn it man, how many more times do I have to say it?” Eric yelled.

Vaughn almost choked on his drink. “Ouch… before or after you nearly had a heart attack jogging?”

“After,” Eric answered sounding defeated. “Hey man, look on the bright side at least you got some exercise,” Vaughn said with a laugh.

“Thanks man, really, I thought sharing my pain with your might make it easier on me, glad to know that you take great amusement in my moment of need.”

“Eric, this whole melodramatic thing, it doesn’t go well with your body type… or your gender for that matter.”

Eric snorted. “Less than a day away from the office and already you’re being a smart aleck. Just in case you’ve forgotten, that’s my job,” he informed Vaughn.

“Don’t worry, in a couple of days you can be a wise ass all you want because Aunt Trish’s birthday will be over and I’ll be back home.” He paused.

“But if I’m not, it’s because I shot myself from severe boredom or annoyance from being around my other relatives, whichever comes first.”

Stepping out of the bathroom in her robe, Sydney hummed to herself as flopped down on her bed and rifled through one of the several dozen paper bags scattered there.

They were the results of a serious shopping spree she had earlier that afternoon.

An afternoon well spent, she thought with a smile as she finally located a beige spaghetti strap dress that fit her figure perfectly and went great with her eyes and her hair.

This was by far, her most favorite purchase of the day.

It felt almost silly to get all made up for dinner in the hotel restaurant since she would be eating solo tonight, but this was the Plaza hotel after all, and Francie had mentioned it was quite classy and sophisticated; the last thing she wanted was to look and feel out of place.

As she finished applying her lipstick and reached for the heart shaped necklace she was going to wear, her thoughts wandered to Danny and the telephone call they had shared only a few hours ago.
“Hello darling, having a good time?” he asked.

“Absolutely, I can’t remember the last time I had all this time to myself,” Sydney answered with a happy smile.

“What are you doing now?” Danny asked.

“Sitting in this little café called Serendipity, you’d love it,” she answered. “ What about you? How was your day?”

Danny proceeded to tell her about the meetings and appointments he had had earlier in the day. “Darling, I’m sorry if I won’t be able to call you until after you’re back in L.A.,” he told her apologetically.

Sydney’s forehead furrowed slightly as she put down her coffee mug. “Is everything okay?” she asked concerned.

“Oh yes, of course Sydney, it’s just that Mr. Windsor is having his annual hunting weekend at his winter home in Scotland, the one where looking for a cell phone signal is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.. Anyway, he’s invited me to go, you remember him don’t you darling?”

Sydney frowned slightly as she answered. “Sure, but I thought you said his house was in Canterbury.”

Danny paused for a nanosecond before correcting himself. “Well yes, that’s the one he uses during the summer, but since the weather has been quite nippy over since September he changed his plans.”

Sydney couldn’t help but sigh, Danny’s work took up so much of his time. “Sydney, are you angry?” he asked.

Sydney immediately felt guilty and forced herself to smile even if she knew he couldn’t see her. “Don’t be silly, I know you didn’t want this to happen, I just wish that you were here with me so we could be making the wedding arrangements together,” she told him honestly.

“I’d probably be in your way,” he teased her lightly, successfully making her giggle. “Listen, I promise I’ll make it up to you, when I get back from London, you’ll forget I ever left!” he promised.


A/N: okay, plenty more where that came from, but i'll leave you guys to decide whether you want more or not. thanks for reading! :P
this is a cool story I WANT MORE I WANT MORE Please I can't wait to see what happens next this is gonna be good.can i get a PM when you update
hey thanks for reading! next up....


Vaughn stepped out of the elevator and headed over to the hotel restaurant. He could hear the steady strains of piano music as he made his way up to the seating host.

But someone else caught his attention.

A few feet in front of him, was a young woman was bending down, obviously looking for something on the carpeted floor.

As he walked closer the chandelier lights took on a different angle and something glinted, catching his eye. He bent down to retrieve it, and upon realizing it was a diamond earring, he put two and two together.

“Excuse me,” he said coming up from behind the woman. “Did you lose this?” he asked with a smile as she stood up.

“Oh yes! Thank you I-“

She stopped short when their eyes met, and a sheepish smile crossed her face. Vaughn couldn’t help but grin back when realization dawned on him.

Here she was again. The gorgeous brunette that he ran into at the lobby earlier today. The one who didn’t notice how many heads turned as she passed by, his included.

“That’s twice in one day,” she began. “I should probably be polishing off a boy scout medal or putting together a gift basket,” she quipped.

Vaughn let out a laugh. “Thanks, but it wouldn’t be necessary,” he assured her. “But I have to say, you do seem to have a knack for dropping things on the floor,” he teased.

She laughed and he found himself warming up to the sound of her laughter. “And you have a knack for coming along at the right moment and picking them up,” she finished for him.

He took a long look at her as she spoke. She was tall, slim and looked very fit. And don’t forget beautiful.

No, scratch that, make it very beautiful, he thought to himself.

Her long dark hair fell past her shoulders part of it swept up in a way that framed her face perfectly. Her eyes were kind and they lit up when she did.

And her smile, it was perfect, it made her even more beautiful, it that was possible.

She’s perfect, he thought. Whoa, get a grip Mike.

She smiled up at him again and moved to tuck a lock her hair behind on ear. And that’s when he saw the ring. And felt a rather unexpected wave of disappointment wash over him.

His train of thought was interrupted when the middle aged seating host, Henry, appeared at in front of them. “Sorry for the delay, but your table is ready now Miss Bristow,” he said to the woman.

Noticing the ring his eyes glinted mischievously, “Or is it Mrs. Bristow?” The beautiful brunette smiled at Henry.

“Only if you’re referring to my mother, it’s still miss,” she answered.

“Mr. Vaughn! Nice to see you sir, how can I help you?” Henry asked as he noticed Vaughn who he had met earlier that afternoon during lunchtime.

“Hey Henry, table for one, please,” he answered with a smile of his own, sneaking a glance his damsel in distress who was watching their exchange with a slight smile as she refastened her earring.

Albert looked apologetic. “I’m so sorry sir, but we have a new chef tonight and the restaurant is booked solid. The last table was just taken,” he said smiling over at the woman in question.

Vaughn smiled and nodded. “No problem Henry, I’ll try somewhere else.” He glanced over at beauty on his right and smiled.

“It was nice to help you again, enjoy your dinner,” he said his gaze lingering on hers for a moment too long. He forced himself to turn around and leave.

“Mr. Vaughn!” He stopped short at two steps away when he heard his name being called out.

The beautiful brunette looked a little shy, but still gorgeous as she smiled at him uncertainly. He took the two steps back.

“I’m Sydney… Sydney Bristow,” she said, extending her hand. Vaughn smiled back and wrapped his hand around hers, marveling at how soft her skin was and how… nice it felt to hold her hand in his.

“Nice to meet you Sydney, I’m Michael.”

“Vaughn,” she finished for him with a grin, her dimples deepening. He chuckled. “I go by that name too.” She hesitated for a second before she spoke.

“I… I don’t usually do this, but… would you like to have dinner with me? Share my table I mean,” she added hastily. “It’s the least I can do, these earrings were a gift from my parents when I graduated from university,” she said motioning to them.

“Are you sure, I mean, I wouldn’t want to impose,” he answered, thinking about her ring. This time Sydney grinned and shook her head.

“Actually you’d be rescuing me again, I’m eating alone tonight and I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it,” she told him with a grin. Vaughn grinned back. “I guess we have a lot in common then.”

Henry watched them, looking quite pleased. “Right this way.”

He led them to a cozy table near the back of the restaurant away from the patrons that came in groups, giving them a little more privacy and quiet.

It was hard not to notice how romantic the set up around them was. Henry moved to pull out Sydney’s chair but wisely stayed put when he noticed Vaughn go on automatic pilot and pull out her chair himself.

“I’ll send the waiter over,” Henry informed them. Vaughn nodded. “Thanks.”

Biting back a smile Henry bowed slightly and left them alone. Vaughn turned back to Sydney and smiled, noticing how sweet she looked as she moved a hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear.
This is really, really good!! :woot: Your a 'romantic comedy' person? I love romantic comedies!! (my guess is that you liked Serinedipity :P , haven;t seen thatone yet though :confused: ) I'm more' of a romantic-happily ever after' person! I seem to to take a liking to Cinderella stories like Ever After but one of my fave romantic comdedies is Never Been Kissed, MV was the perfect teacher in it and he can be my substitute teacher any day!! :woot: PLeas update soona dn when you do can I get a PM please???

nattie :flowers:
oh man, this fic is making me smile so much! :D *grins like an idiot* I'm really loving it! please more very very soon! though i wonder what will happen with danny......
--Mandy :angelic:
dude..i can't stop smiling...i think my mouth is stuck in this position. I like..i love it..i want some more of it. i can't wait to see what happnes.that was a great chapter,keep up the great work. (y)

-please PM me when the next chapter is up :smiley: