JG on the Simpsons

TVGuide reports that Jennifer Garner will voice herself in the next Simpsons Halloween Treehouse of Horror episode. The family supposedly runs into her at a Noble Prize ceremony. Too bad we have to wait until October!
1. Why would Jennifer Garner be at a Nobel Prize ceremony?

2. How awesome is she going to look as one of the "yellow people"? :lol:
Azalea said:
1. Why would Jennifer Garner be at a Nobel Prize ceremony?

2. How awesome is she going to look as one of the "yellow people"? :lol:
i'm asking the same questions !! :lol:
this shall be interretsing. i use to watch the simpsons alot. a reason to watch again!
hahaha this should really good!
. "Why would Jennifer Garner be at a Nobel Prize ceremony? "
yeah you got me but im sure the story line will be too funny!!! :D
OMG!!! LMAO!! JG YOU ROCK!! haha...omg! i cannot wait...the simpsons rock! I wonder if her simposons character will have abs like her...lol...