Jigsaw Puzzle

Previously on Alias – Jigsaw Puzzle

“Vaughn is a criminal?” asked Nadia.

“His profile isn’t on file but analysis of Mitochondrial DNA shows that he is closely related to Tony Vanchetti, the nephew of Don Carlo Vanchetti, the Mafia boss. Vanchetti and the man we know as Vaughn share a grandmother.”
“This plan to kidnap Nadia and myself,” Sydney said, “It’s an opportunity. If our fathers have taken Bell, and Purcell’s caller wants leverage against them, then the Trust is involved in Vaughn’s disappearance. If I allow myself to be captured, you can track me to their base. With any luck Vaughn will be held there. At worse, we’ll have prisoners to question.”
Vaughn saw Montague’s arm come round the door and, with a graceful sweep toss something onto the floor. He looked down and recognised the object at once. It was the engagement ring he’d given Sydney.

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>
Chapter 9</span>

Vaughn’s heart lurched as he looked down at the small, jewel encrusted object.

“I’ve just taken that off the finger of the young woman to whom you gave it.” Montague’s voice came through the door, “Ms Bristow, say hello to your fiancé.”

There was silence and, for a moment, Vaughn hoped, irrationally, that it had been a gigantic bluff. Then there was the sound of a fist hitting flesh and bone and Sydney’s familiar and unmistakeable voice.

“Burn in hell,” she snarled.

Montague spoke again. “Dismantle the barricade Ulysses, leave the gun inside and come out with your hands up. I’m sure I don’t have to make the usual melodramatic threats about what will happen to your beloved if you don’t comply.”

Vaughn felt as if he wanted to be sick. It was over. All the planning and effort had been in vain. Once he left the room, he and Sydney would be whisked off to a new location. Unless the cavalry arrived soon they would find the place empty. Montague would use Sydney and himself as collateral for the good behaviour of the other. The best hope of escape was gone.

“Alright, I’m coming out!” he yelled.

He placed Lee’s gun on the sink unit and began removing the barricade on the door. Once it could be opened wide enough for him to exit, he slowly extended his arms into the corridor, palms up to show that he was unarmed, and stepped out. He was grabbed from behind and roughly searched. He ignored them, looking instead at Sydney. He noted her injuries, the plastered leg, the partially healed cuts and bruises and the evidence of more recent violence marring her face and he had to fight to keep his anger in check. He remembered the last time he had seen her and told her he had something to confess …

“Are you a bad guy?” Syd had asked.

”Well that depends on who you ask.” he’d responded. “It's from a long time ago. From before we met. Actually, it's the reason we met. It's no accident that I was the one you came to when you walked into the CIA with your story about SD-6 …and my name isn’t Michael Vaughn…” …

The timing couldn’t have been worse if the Trust had planned it that way, he thought, God knows what she’s been imagining about me since then. He smiled at her, trying to convey the truthfulness of his love. Sydney’s face was impassive, reminding him, at that moment, very much of Jack, but their close bond and long working partnership allowed him to read the message in her eyes and his heart leapt. Syd’s up to something. She’s got a plan!

Just then Montague’s radio bleeped. As Montague listened his face became thunderous, he pulled his gun.

“The perimeter guards have been taken down.” he announced. “Hunter, search the woman, Orecho, check inside the room. Either Bristow’s been tracked or our friend here has been able to send out a message.”

Before they could carry out his order, there was the sound of gunfire nearby. Both Vaughn and Sydney reacted immediately, Sydney gave Hunter a two fisted punch in the stomach, then, as he bent double, karate chopped him in the neck. At the same time Vaughn grabbed Orecho by the arm and swung him into Montague. They staggered back under the impact. Orecho recovered and came at Vaughn. He side stepped and caught Orecho in a strangle hold, feeling the man’s consciousness slipping away. As Vaughn released the body there was a shot, Vaughn looked round, Montague stood there, his gun pointed at him. Then he fell to the floor, revealing Sydney sitting in her wheelchair, a semi-automatic in her hand.

Before he could speak there was the sound of running footsteps and armed people appeared from around the corners at both ends of the corridor. Vaughn saw the familiar figures of Weiss, Dixon, Nadia and Marshall. He recognised only one member of the other party, but that was enough.

“Don’t shoot!” he shouted, stepping out into the middle of the corridor to emphasise his warning.

There was a tense silence as the two groups stared at each other over gun barrels.

“They’re on our side.” Vaughn added, indicating both groups, hoping that he retained enough credibility to be listened to.

The man Vaughn recognised slowly lowered his weapon. At this sign, his companions and APO followed his lead.

The man strolled towards Vaughn. He glanced down at the dead and unconscious men in the corridor and saw Dr. Lee’s body through the open door of the room.

“Well, Mikey,” he said, “there were some who thought those pretty boy looks and the old man’s investment in an Ivy League education meant you were goanna turn out a punk, but I always knew from the way you used to beat the felgercarb out of me when we were kids, that you had what it takes.”

“Vaughn took a deep breath, he’s hoped to break the news gently to Sydney but now there was no choice.

“Syd, Nadia, gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to my cousin, Tony Vanchetti.” Best to bite the bullet and get it all out in the open he thought, “My real name is Michael Vanchetti. Tony and these others work for my father, my real father … Carlo Vanchetti.”

“Yeah, nice to meet you, whoever the hell you are.”

“Please tell my father I’m grateful for his help, Tony. We’ll be going now.”

“You disappear off the face of the earth, then call the old man out of the blue after over 15 years and think it it’ll just end there Mikey? No way! He wants to see you …in fact, he insists on it.”


Sydney looked out of the window of the car, barely registering the scenery. Vaughn …Vanchetti she reminded herself, had argued, but his cousin had been firm. As they had the advantage of numbers, he had eventually given in. They had all been taken to a small airfield where a plane had been waiting for them. Although the mood during the flight had been tense, she and the others had been treated courteously and, even more positively, no effort had been made to take their weapons off them. Now they were in a convoy of cars rolling through the Illinois countryside.

Of all the explanations I came up with for what he said , she thought, the idea that he is the son of one of the mid-west’s most notorious mobsters isn’t one I’d considered. Thank goodness Marshall decided to check his DNA. At least it hasn’t come as a complete shock!

Although he was seated next to her, she and he had barely spoken since being reunited. She had seen him looking at her during the flight but he had made no effort to approach. Sydney assumed he was waiting for her to make the first move and she was glad. What she wanted to discuss with him required both time and privacy and there had been no opportunity for either as yet.

The convoy turned off the roadway and approached a set of gates set in a high wall. These opened in response to a signal from the driver and the cars passed through, under the watchful eyes of a number of armed sentries. They continued up the driveway until a house came into sight. It was a large, well maintained, red-brick building with a green roof surrounded by well tended flower gardens.

Better taste than I’d have expected of a gangster. Sydney thought, On the other hand, my normal interactions with criminals like Vanchetti doesn’t often allow me the luxury of appreciating their preferences in homes and gardens.

The cars pulled to a halt and they got out, “Vaughn” and his cousin assisting Sydney into her wheelchair. Sydney checked and was relieved to see that everyone was there. Nadia, Dixon and Weiss were alert, ready for trouble. Marshall was talking, quickly and nervously to two of Vanchetti’s men. It was clear from their reaction that they couldn’t make him out.

Come on Marshall, she thought with wry amusement, you’ve withstood torture, killed a man, taken his eye out with a spork and worked for a criminal organisation that makes these people look like a mom and pop operation!

The group slowly entered the house and walked down the hallway into what looked like a study. A man was standing in front of the fireplace, talking to two others sitting comfortably and at ease in armchairs. Although his greying hair had originally been black, his resemblance to “Vaughn”, not just in looks but in facial expressions and body language was obvious. He broke off when he saw them and moved forward, holding out his hand to Sydney.

“Ms. Bristow, I’ve just been hearing rather a lot about you. I’m Carlo Vanchetti. Welcome to my home. I understand that you are about to marry into my family and I want to say how pleased I am with this news.”

Sydney took the proffered hand and shook it, somewhat distractedly. Her attention was on the other two men who now stood up and faced her. Well, she reflected, like I was thinking earlier, SD6 was a criminal organisation so I shouldn’t be shocked to find that they know Vanchetti. I shouldn’t even be surprised to find them here, now. After all, they have been looking for Vaughn.

“Hey, Dad,” she said, conversationally, “Hey, Sloane.”

Next Chapter

Explanations and exposition all round, (it has to be done). Plus, if there’s space - some SV private moments (otherwise deferred to the chapter after.)
Hi. This chapter is somewhat exposition heavy. I’ve tried to break it up a little by having reactions from the other characters. I’m afraid the next chapter will also have some exposition in it, but, hopefully, there will be space for other things.

The next chapter should be posted within the next few days.

I hope you enjoy, and, as always, please keep your feedback coming! Thanks.

Previously on Alias – Jigsaw Puzzle

“You sought me out when I was young,” said Vaughn, “offered me a future and an opportunity to serve my country that I would not otherwise have had. It was only later that I realised you really wanted me for my family’s connection to Rambaldi. You lied to me.”
“The Trust’s idea of using Elena’s plan to their advantage was certainly …radical.” noted Sloane, “I take we’re going to Sovogda?”

“We go to Sovogda.” Jack agreed, “But first we check the other part of Bell’s story, just to confirm he was telling us the truth.”
“Ms. Bristow, I’ve just been hearing rather a lot about you. I’m Carlo Vanchetti. Welcome to my home. I understand that you are about to marry into my family and I want to say how pleased I am with this news.”

Sydney took the proffered hand and shook it, somewhat distractedly. Her attention was on the other two men who now stood up and faced her. Well, she reflected, like I was thinking earlier, SD6 was a criminal organisation so I shouldn’t be shocked to find that they know Vanchetti. I shouldn’t even be surprised to find them here, now. After all, they have been looking for Vaughn.

“Hey, Dad,” she said, conversationally, “Hey, Sloane.”

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 10 </span>

As Vanchetti turned away to welcome the others, Sydney’s attention remained on her father and Sloane. Judging from her father’s expression, he did not share Vanchetti’s enthusiasm for a Bristow/Vanchetti match. She knew that she wasn’t sure about one either at this point, so there was nothing she could say to him until after she had spoken to Michael alone. As for Sloane, over the past few months, since she had been able to evaluate him more objectively, she had come to realise that there was a streak of mischievousness in his character, he could sometimes behave like a child releasing a cageful of mice at a public meeting and then sit back to watch the fun. She saw he had noticed Jack’s reaction to Vanchetti’s speech and was deriving a great deal of amusement from it.

She focused once more on what Vanchetti was saying, “I’m sure you could all do with a chance to freshen up and something to eat. I’ll have someone take you to your rooms and have a change of clothes sent up. When you’re ready we can eat and talk further.”

Sydney saw her father open his mouth to protest, obviously eager to hear “Vaughn’s” explanation, but he closed it again after a warning touch on his arm from Sloane.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to share rooms, we’re not accustomed to entertaining such a large number of guests. That includes you Michael,” he said turning to his son, who winced; clearly the use of his full name was a familial sign of displeasure. “Ms Bristow and Ms Santos select themselves, Jack, Arvin, I’m sure you won’t object, as for the rest of you …?”

“Eric was my roomy at college, he can share with me.” Michael offered.

“Leaving Mr Flinkman and Mr Dixon to share. Ms Bristow, Sydney … I’ll send one of the maids up to assist you.”


The promised meal was light but well cooked and Weiss in particular clearly enjoyed it immensely, both from the amount he ate and his fulsome compliments. Finally, even he announced that he had had enough and they adjourned back to the study where they were served with drinks.

Once everyone was settled and the maid had left, Jack spoke, “Carl, there are a number of factors at work here, some of which you won’t be aware of. I have shown you the respect that is your right in your own home, but, this is not a social occasion. We need your son to explain his activities and why he has been lying to everyone all this time.”

“It never is a social occasion with you Jack.” Vanchetti observed, “But I’m also anxious to hear why Michael caused such pain to his late mother and me by disappearing like that. For a long time I believed he’d been killed or kidnapped by my business rivals, but I couldn’t understand why there was no body or list of demands.”

Everyone turned and looked at Michael, who appeared guilt-stricken at the mention of his mother.

“I didn’t plan on hurting Mom or even you.” he said, “But, at the time, I felt I was being given a great opportunity to escape the baggage of the Vanchetti family name and serve my country at the same time.”

“Dad,” he went on, “you paid for me to get the best education money could buy, but every school I attended I’d start to make friends, then, when their parents found out who you were, they’d tell their kids to keep away from me. When I graduated school and began thinking about college I realised it would be the same there and beyond, that your name and reputation would follow me for the rest of my life. Even when I got a job or entered a profession, the police, the FBI, the newspapers would assume that I was acting as a mob front man”

Michael turned to look at the others; he saw that Sydney and Nadia appeared unimpressed by his statement. Of course, he realised, they have never tried to escape the pressures of having notorious parents.

“Syd, Nadia,” he said desperately, “it’s different from what you experienced. You only found out about your parents when you were already adults. You had established careers, reputations, friendships. …Eric, would you have roomed with me, become my friend if I’d been Michael Vanchetti rather than Michael Vaughn?”

Weiss shrugged, “It’s difficult to say Mike, since I never got the chance.”

“Just stick to the facts.” Jack interrupted shortly, “You can attempt to justify yourself later.”

“OK,” responded “Vaughn”, “During the summer before I was due to go to college I was approached by a man, Edward Montague. He said he worked for a top secret federal government committee codenamed “The Trust”. He said the “Trust” had been set up under the Eisenhower administration to protect the US against unconventional threats to its safety and security, both internal and external. He said they were so secret that other government agencies didn’t even know they existed. That they had people infiltrated into the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the whole alphabet soup of government agencies. For instance, he worked for the CIA but was really loyal to the “Trust”. The job of these agents was to serve the agency in which they had been placed but pass on any relevant intel to the “Trust”. He called it facilitating inter-agency co-operation.

He told me that they were recruiting a new generation of agents and they were calling it “Operation Trojan Horse”. He wanted me to become one of them. He said I fit the profile.”

Sloane nodded, “The classic recruitment technique, identifying idealistic young people who are alienated from their families and peers and giving them focus, direction, a sense of belonging and self-worth.” He ignored the disgusted looks shot in his direction from Sydney and Dixon.

“Anyway,” Michael continued, “I agreed. I was given the cover identity of Michael Vaughn because no federal agency would hire Carlo Vanchetti’s son and the code name “Ulysses”. Montague arranged for me to go to college under that name …I’m sorry for lying to you Eric, but at the time it didn’t seem a big deal. I didn’t feel any different from before. …and be recruited to the CIA. I passed my training and was given a number of routine assignments, with Montague acting as my handler.

After a while he told me he’d arranged for me to transfer to the SD6 taskforce. I was still a pretty low level agent and it just seemed like another job, but he began pressing me hard to obtain more and more intel about SD6’s activities, particularly thefts of artefacts and technology. After a while I began to see a pattern, Montague and the “Trust” weren’t interested in the re-sale of conventional weapons and technology to rogue states or terrorists. They were only interested in thefts of unusual items, where the items concerned didn’t show up in the marketplace.”

He looked round the group, “Then Montague started to ask me questions about a Vanchetti ancestor, Guido Vanchetti and the Palimpsest. That was when I began to suspect.” he said. “I was certain I was right when Mom was killed in a car bomb that was meant for Dad.”

Michael looked directly at his father for the first time “I mourned her.” he said, “When I found out I locked myself in my apartment and cried for days. I couldn’t come to the funeral but I sent flowers anonymously and I went to church and prayed for her.”

“So, who is this Guido Vanchetti?” asked Marshall “and why are the “Trust” so interested in this Palimpsest?”

Carlo answered, “Guido lived during the Renaissance. The Palimpsest is a family heirloom, handed down from him through all the generations of the Vanchetti family, eldest son to eldest son, to the present day.”

Michael nodded agreement, “Guido worked as a servant for Milo Rambaldi,” he added “and, according to family history, Rambaldi either gave Guido the parchment or he stole it. I came to understood then that the primary reason the “Trust” had recruited me was the Rambaldi connection.”

He indicated Sloane, “They had realised before anyone else that you were acquiring Rambaldi artefacts and they were scared you’d get to them before they did. They were prepared to kill Dad; they succeeded in killing Mom, hoping to gain access to the Rambaldi Palimpsest through me.”

Next Chapter

What Bell told Jack and Sloane. Sydney and Michael talk.
Previously on Alias – Jigsaw Puzzle

“The Trust’s idea of using Elena’s plan to their advantage was certainly …radical.” noted Sloane.
As Vanchetti turned away to welcome the others, Sydney’s attention remained on her father and Sloane. Judging from her father’s expression, he did not share Vanchetti’s enthusiasm for a Bristow/Vanchetti match. She knew that she wasn’t sure about one either at this point, so there was nothing she could say to him until after she had spoken to Michael alone.
Michael indicated Sloane, “The Trust realised before anyone else that you were acquiring Rambaldi artefacts and they were scared you’d get to them before they did. They were prepared to kill Dad; they succeeded in killing Mom, hoping to gain access to the Rambaldi Palimpsest through me.”

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 11</span>

Sloane leaned back, rubbing his chin with the back of his hand, his expression unreadable. Nadia rose and placed a hand on his shoulder. He took it with his own; Jack looked uncomfortable at these affectionate displays.

Sydney spoke, “But what did you mean when you told me it wasn’t an accident that we met and why did you go looking for your fath …William Vaughn and make such a big thing about my mother killing him?”

Michael smiled resignedly, “After I’d put the pieces together I was angry. I told Montague that I wasn’t going to work for the “Trust” any more. After that, I was on edge for months, waiting for the axe to fall. But nothing happened. I guess they felt I could still be useful somehow. Anyway, I wanted to bring them down for what they had done to Mom. I realised that I’d made a mistake in severing my ties to them. It would have been easier to destroy them from the inside.

At that time, I knew nothing about Rambaldi, except the family story. I started researching him, since that seemed, no pun intended, their Achilles’ heel. I was reaching a dead end and I was beginning to think I’d have to contact Dad. Then you walked in and offered to be a double agent within SD6. I knew about Jack, of course, but he was well above my pay grade. I’d barely seen him before becoming your handler. You could provide a direct link to the only other person in the world I knew of who had an interest in Rambaldi ...Arvin Sloane. I moved heaven and earth, called in favours, offered to cover other peoples’ shifts to become your handler. At first it was a business arrangement, it became much more than that as I got to know you.”

He looked at Sydney for a long time, when she averted her eyes, he continued, “As for Bill Vaughn, I had to maintain my cover. That’s why I made such a big deal about your mother killing him. Later on, when it looked like he might still be alive I had to find him and understand his endgame. If he came back he’d soon find out I was an impostor.”

The room was silent, while everyone digested Michael’s story. Then Jack spoke.
“Why did the “Trust” extract you when they did?” he asked.

“They said that Rambaldi artefacts were unaccounted for during the clean up at Sovogda. They wanted to know if I knew anything about them.”

Jack nodded, “That accords with the information Sloane and I gained from our interrogation of Marlon Bell.”

Sydney wondered how they had obtained such vital intelligence in such a short time, then decided that she didn’t really want to know.

“You should know the rest of what Bell told us.” said Sloane, “As you will be aware, McKennas Cole was acting as a cut out for the head of the “Covenant” who we now know to have been Elena Derevko. Cole was also acting as a double agent for the “Trust” who had arranged his release from prison.

Jack took up the story, “Cole informed them of Elena’s plans. They determined to use Elena for their own ends. Thanks to Cole, the US cell of Elena’s organisation was heavily penetrated and the orchid extract was not placed in our water supply. When the signal was transmitted, the rest of the world would have become like Sovogda, leaving the US as the only uninfected nation on the globe. Once it was clear that the plan had been successfully implemented, Cole was to blow up Elena’s headquarters.”

“That’s obscene!” said Nadia, voicing everyone’s thoughts.

“The “Trust’s” Charter requires them to protect the US against external threats. They know their history.” replied Sloane, “Today’s allies are tomorrow’s enemies and vice versa. They came to believe that the only certain way to defend against external threats was to ensure that there was nobody and nothing outside our borders capable of providing them.”

“The President and Congress agreed this plan?” asked an outraged Dixon.

“They didn’t know about it.” Jack replied dryly, “The President and Congress would have emerged from their bunkers, services would have been held thanking God for delivering our nation from this catastrophe, then life would have continued more or less as normal.”

There was another long silence. Even for people accustomed to dealing with major threats to world peace and stability, the fact that a part of the US government could even consider such an option, much less carry it out, was hard to accept.

Then Marshall spoke, “Hum, excuse me, please …but if the “Trust” is looking for Rambaldi artefacts shouldn’t we …you know …try to stop them? If they could sit back and let the end of the world happen, is it safe for them to have Rambaldi technology?”

Jack nodded, “We have two objectives, one, to find what happened to the Rambaldi artefacts before the “Trust” does and either destroy them or hand them over to a more responsible organisation for safe keeping and, two, to ensure our lives and freedom over the long term. We need to strategise how we achieve these.”

“Three objectives,” the elder Vanchetti corrected him, “we need to destroy this “Trust”. They killed my wife and have to pay for that. The fact that it was apparently a mistake is no excuse.”

Dixon and Sloane looked uncomfortable but neither they, nor any of the others contradicted him.


It was the evening of the day after the conversation in the study and Sydney was walking on crutches through the Rose Garden behind the Vanchetti mansion. Vanchetti had sent for a doctor, who had examined her and put on a walking cast. She was relishing her new found freedom. She heard a noise behind and turned to see Michael.

“Hi,” he said diffidently, “I saw you through the window.”

They looked at each other for a long moment.

“We need to talk.” they both said simultaneously.

Michael guided her towards a nearby bench; once they were seated he looked at her and spoke.

“I meant what I said Syd. At first you were just a means to an end, then I came to care for you and, finally, I realised that I loved you. Every time you’d go on a mission and I couldn’t, I wouldn’t be able to sleep or concentrate until I knew you were safe. Everything I told you about how I felt in those first few months after we thought you were dead was true, a part of me died with you. For a long time I was emotionally numb. I only really started living again when you came back. I have lied to you about a lot of things but please believe this fundamental truth, I love you.

I don’t want any further lies between us so I’m going to tell you that your mother knew. She wanted me to tell you the truth but left the final decision up to me. I was about to tell you everything before I was kidnapped.”

“Mom knew and she didn’t warn me?” Sydney asked.

Michael nodded.

Sydney looked down at the engagement ring still on her hand. Michael hoped that the fact she was still wearing it was a good sign.

“All the years we’ve known each other,” she said, “all the “personal stories you’ve shared with me about Thanksgiving at your mother’s and your crazy Aunt Trish. They were all untrue. The stuff about your family and the “Trust”, it’s a lot to take in, but I can handle it. What I’m not sure I can handle is the fact that we’ve been friends and lovers for over four years, six if you count the years I was missing and, in all that time you never trusted me enough to tell me. That you proposed to me and let me accept without telling me. I have to ask myself if you would have told me if my mother hadn’t forced your hand. How can I trust you after that? What else might you be hiding?”

“There is nothing else. I’ve told you everything.” Michael replied, “Please believe me. You are everything to me. After the “Trust” kidnapped me, all I could think of was you. Had they taken you as well? Were you hurt? How badly? I want to spend the rest of my life with you and have children with you. I know I’ve made mistakes. I didn’t need Irina Derevko to tell me I should tell you. I’ve known that for a long time, but I kept putting it off. It never seemed the right time. I could never find the right words. Please forgive me. Please marry me.”

Sydney looked at him, absentmindedly twisting the engagement ring on her finger. She opened her mouth to reply.

“Yes.” she finally said.

Michael’s face came alight, he drew her gently into his arms and they embraced. After a while Sydney spoke.

“Vaughn ..I mean Michael …I mean Mike. What do I call you?”

“Vaughn’s fine. I’d feel wrong to be called anything else by you after all this time.”

She laughed, the first genuine, relaxed laugh since the crash.

“I’m going to miss your Aunt Trish at the wedding. I was really looking forward to meeting her.”

Vaughn grinned, “You still might. I based her on a genuine aunt, my mother’s sister. Aunt Julia. She’s a total flake!”

After that they snuggled closer together and remained silent as twilight slowly turned into night.

Next Chapter

The game’s afoot!
Just to say that since there doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in this story here I am going to save myself a bit of time and stop posting chapters.

If anyone is interested in following it through to the end I am continuing to post it in the Fan Fiction (Post Before the Flood) section over at SD6.
Great story I like Jack and Sloane in the field they've been in the office too long. I would like to know how Dr. Liddell cured Nadia, they were very quick to say there was no cure on the show and I wondered what your thoughts were.

Ever the Questioner,
AntiAliased said:
Great story I like Jack and Sloane in the field they've been in the office too long. I would like to know how Dr. Liddell cured Nadia, they were very quick to say there was no cure on the show and I wondered what your thoughts were. 

Ever the Questioner,

Thanks I'm glad you liked my fic. Jack and Sloane are my favourite characters I would really like to see them go on missions more and now I'm indulging myself!

To be honest, I never thought about how Dr. Liddell could cure Nadia. I wanted her in my fic and as he seemed to be able to successfully treat an apparently lethally irradiated Jack in a matter of days (which was never really explained on screen either) I just took the view he must be able to cure a rainy day!

I've been thinking about this at work today though, ever since I read your post, and what I've come up with is something like this:-

The coil that Syd, "Vaughn" and Jack recovered from that facility in Siberia was used to power the Mueller device. On it's own it created a fatal genetic mutation, when used with the Orchid infected water it created a different mutation, zombiification.

Liddell was able, after some experimentation, to use the stuff he used to cure Jack as the basis of a cure for Nadia. Perhaps some gene therapy was also involved.

It's a bit rough at the moment but what do you think?