~Joe's Bar & Grill~

Ohhh good chapter. Kinda angsty. :D Vaughn has some demons. I don't know, to an extent I have to agree with him. His parents abandoned him and maybe it was for his safety, but they left him with nothing. But, he did end up with Syd so it worked out. :lol: I understand him though. I like the Vack action.... very good convo there. I hope Vaughn finds his parents so he can get some closure. It eats away at him. Poor Vaughnster. Great job!!
yeah, he gotta find his parents :( Vaughn's pain and anger... add to that Jack testing/asking him these questions about his love for Sydney.

“I wouldn’t trade Sydney for anything.”

“But you just did.” Jack said, “You just said you wished you had a different life.”

“That doesn’t mean that I don’t wish Sydney was in it.”

“But you don’t always get your wishes. You can’t have it both ways.” Jack said calmly.

“Then I’d suffer.” Vaughn said as he clenched his jaw again, “Because Sydney is the only person that hasn’t abandoned me, who hasn’t judged me. She’s the only person that’s truly ever loved me for me.” He said. He threw the damp towel over his shoulder and walked inside, leaving Jack Bristow alone on the patio.

com'on Jack... Vaughn loves your daughter :blush: she's everything to him! And he would do anything for her.

(y) chapter! waiting for the next one. :smiley:
“F*** you, dad.” He said as he looked into the mirror, “F*** you.”


“How long have you been standing there?” Vaughn asked.

“Long enough to know something’s wrong.  It’s three-thirty in the morning, people usually sleep at this time.”

Vaughn was silent.

“Is there something you’d like to talk about?” Jack asked.

“No, not really.” Vaughn said.

*Giggles* VACK!!!

Jack nodded, “Actually, that wasn’t a question.  If something is bothering you I’d like to know, especially if it will effect my daughter.”

Vaughn got out of the pool and grabbed a towel.  “I don’t think my hatred for my father will effect Sydney, it’s my problem.”

“Then it will affect her, because she will worry about you.”

Vaughn sighed, contemplating on whether to tell Jack Bristow the truth about his broken family. What the hell?  “My parents didn’t die when I was seventeen, it was just a hoax.” He said.  Jack watched him, confused.  “They’re still alive somewhere, I just don’t know where.”

“Why did they leave?”

“Because someone was after my father.  They needed information he had.”

“That’s why you hold hatred for him? Because he left you?”

“Because he abandoned me. Because he left me to live in a world that I didn’t understand then, and a world I still don’t understand.”

“Then he did it to protect you.” Jack said.

“No, if I he did it to protect me they would have taken me with.  But instead they left me behind.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” Jack asked.

Jack's gonna knock some sense into him.

Vaughn looked at him, “Um…what have I been talking about for the last few minutes?” Vaughn asked.

Haha.. Smartass!Vaughn!!! :lol:

“I wouldn’t trade Sydney for anything.”

“But you just did.” Jack said, “You just said you wished you had a different life.”

“That doesn’t mean that I don’t wish Sydney was in it.”

“But you don’t always get your wishes.  You can’t have it both ways.” Jack said calmly.

“Then I’d suffer.” Vaughn said as he clenched his jaw again, “Because Sydney is the only person that hasn’t abandoned me, who hasn’t judged me.  She’s the only person that’s truly ever loved me for me.”  He said.  He threw the damp towel over his shoulder and walked inside, leaving Jack Bristow alone on the patio.


Vaughn quietly dried off completely and changed into dry clothes.  He walked over to his side of the bed and slipped in behind her, immediately wrapping his arm around her and bringing her back into his chest.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked him softly.

He kissed her shoulder softly and sighed.

“I have to find my parents.”

*Insert DunDunDun* :P

Great Chapter
Cant wait form ore
Swimming. I guess it's like Sydney's cleaning when she's worried, or mad. It was a nice touch. (y)
And poor Sydney...worrying about him...it seems so in character.
And Jack coming out by the pool. I just find it odd he'd talk to Vaughn. but one thing that would have been so catching is when Jack said:
“Long enough to know something’s wrong. It’s three-thirty in the morning, people usually sleep at this time.”
Vaughn should have said, "Well, you're not sleeping either."
I would have been cracking up. 😆
And Jack challenging everything Vaughn said...very Jack-ish.
And the ending...Vaughn's going to go find his parents...I have a bad feeling about this...
thanks for the PM, and please update soon. I :love: this fic to bits.

Your 🐒,
riley xoxo
Jack is right, but I can't help but hate Vaughn parents too. It's almost a physicolgical irreparable damage the lack of love when one's so young!

How can Vaughn find where are is parents? I'm very curious now

Ciao Ari
Great chapter. I really liekd the little talk between Vaughn and Jack. It was good to see Vaughn admit that Sydney is more important than anything else in his life he could wish for. I dont think it's a good idea for Vaughn to find his parents....
Thanks for the PM! ^_^ I cant wait for more! :D
Vaughn wanting to look for his father is going to be really interesting :Ponder:

The vack scene was awesome! I loved how Jack made him realize that if his parents had taken him with them he would have never met Sydney!

The flash backs almost made me cry :blush: , poor Vaughn. In a minute his life changed, and for the worst!! If he ever finds his parents I know for sure they won't have a cup of tea to talk about their past.
It will be more :argue: then :hug:

Thx for the PM
I *heart* Vack! Great conversation between Jack and Vaughn. I kinda see both sides of the argument. No matter how anyone tries to spin it, Vaughn's parents abandoned him and left him to face the world alone. So I can't blame Vaughn for being mad. But on the other hand, Jack is right. If Vaughn's parents had not abandoned him Jack never would have met Syd. And she has made his life better.

Oh boy, he wants to find his dad. This should be interesting!