
Poor Syd being thrust into this 3 weeks early... That was awesome that Jack and Irina were so supportive... Not even asking for an explanation once they heard Nadia's name!!! Great update
That's great that Jack and Irina are being so supportive. Wonder what Michael is gonna say once he learns the truth.
Great update
I can so see Sydney confused

I mean, a normal mother-to-be is already anxious to finally have her baby in her arms. That mother though has 9 months to prepare herself for it... Sydney had 3 weeks! :blink:

The more am I relieved to read that the parents aren't going nuts on her... that wouldn't be good for either Syd or Kate

Now I want Syd to tell Vaughn... NOW???? :angelic:
What fantastic parents!
I mean they really did not get mad at her at all.
Which I would have thought would have beeen stupid because she was trying to do the right thing.
Poor syd!
That is a lot to take in at once.
Seriously I love her parents.
Still hate Nadia though.
Well I'm glad Jack and Irina took the news well!!!!
-I was actually suprised that Jack didn't blow up!!! But he was very good with Kate!!! (what a great name by the way) :lol:
-Loved it!! Great update!!
Sydney's had her nervous breakdown now she has to pick up the pieces, accept her parents' help and do the best she can. She can be a great mother.
I predict there's going to be a big crib and changing table party going on later that night. I can see it now, Syd order's Chinese, Irina unpacks and folds baby clothes and Jack will have a screwdriver in one hand and crib rails in the other. Meanwhile Kate will be sleeping in her carrier.

I predict there's going to be a big crib and changing table party going on later that night. I can see it now, Syd order's Chinese, Irina unpacks and folds baby clothes and Jack will have a screwdriver in one hand and crib rails in the other. Meanwhile Kate will be sleeping in her carrier.

that is... disturbingly accurate :lol:
I'm late. As usual. But.... you're just going to have to deal! :smiley: Good chapters. I only missed like... four. Her parents are gonna freak!

Lol. "I JUST WANT A BYCICLE!" "Why, are you yelling at me?" "SHUT UP AND MAKE IT!"

Lol. Its on right now.

-Should I show you me? :beret: 🤠 :Pirate2:
Sydney breaking down wasn't really a surprise, since the beginning she kept everything inside, never saying a thing, it was normal, she needed to let everything out someday, and she did it in front of her parents. I should add, that I love her parents reaction when they saw her walk in with a baby in her arms :lol: