
A lot of people have speculated that maybe Lauren's a spy that was on a mission when she married Vaughn the same way Irina was with Jack. She can't really be a Russian spy though, when she's the daughter of a senator can she??? Well I guess there are possibilites, maybe she hated her Dad and she wanted to get back at him by joining a secret organization or something, but anyway, my thought is, why would J.J call the character of Vaughn's wife "Lauren" when Irina's alias when she was married to Jack was "Laura". Usually in t.v shows and movies, having characters with similar sounding names is avoided because it causes confusion. Why would J.J do this? Is is a-not-so-subtle hint that Lauren is a spy just like Irina is, is it a coincidence, or is he trying to make the fans that read too much into things think that she is a spy when she isn't (GRR ARG)? Maybe that whole storyline is becoming a little overused on the show though, since Caplan's wife was in the same situation as Irina as well. Anyway, my senseless rant is now over.
There must be something to it, because the similarity couldn't just be coincidence - not in a scripted show where everything is thought out and chosen for specific reasons.

I don't think Lauren is a double agent who married Vaughn for intel. They've done that storyline twice now; doing it again would be redundant. And we've now seen Lauren show compassion for Sydney, which makes it seem a little unlikely that she's evil. I guess that could all be just an act, but it doesn't seem like that's what they're going for. I do think that there's more to Lauren than we know about, however.

JJ Abrams said in an interview that once fans see where the love triangle is headed, it'll be one of their favorite parts of the show. (I hope that's not a spoiler? It was in TV Guide...I'm never sure what's considered a spoiler.) So I definitely think that Lauren is a much more complex character than we've currently seen. After all, it's Alias. If she didn't have secrets, she wouldn't be worthy of the show. ^_^
I thought the same (Lauren==Laura) a while back too. The storyline might be redundant, but if done well, would be worth it.
She obviously doesn't have the competency that Irina has. She isn't nearly as "charming, disarming" as Irina (gee, if she was, wouldn't the fans be eating out of her hand by now?), and she can't handle herself 1/10 as well (and that's generous :lol: ). Not all of that can be pretending--especially the lack of charm part, if her job is supposed to be the charming her way into affections as Irina did. And we've seen her alone enough to see that her behavior isn't exactly consistent--Irina's could be seen as consistently equivocal (as in possibly serving a definite ulterior goal). This is not the case with Lauren.